43- Annabeth

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Annabeth sat at her desk, her pencil tapping rapidly at the edge of the wood.

A million thoughts swam through her head. The fight, why did I fight him? He did nothing wrong, those telekhines are cruel! But he killed your brother, no, he didn't kill him, the telekhines did. And...and he claims that he saw Beckendorf, but that's completely ridiculous, his body should have disintegrated from the blast.

The fight between her and Percy happened three long weeks ago, but it felt like just yesterday, the pain felt like just yesterday.

The sunken feeling in her heart sucked all the life out of her, leaving just a pale hollow shell of a demigod. She desperately wanted to get back together with Percy, but she didn't know if the happiness would ever be the same. Would everything work out? Or would it be nothing but stale love?

Annabeth couldn't concentrate on anything. Her mind was at a constant war. Too much stress, not good for the body, not good for the mind.

No solutions ran through her head, it could almost be possible there wasn't one. How could she possibly find that love she once had again?

Annabeth also couldn't stop thinking about Percy, Leo and Nyssa. How could she just stand by while Percy and Nyssa try and solve everything?

Percy could be killed, Nyssa could be killed, Leo could already be dead.

Annabeth racked her brain for a solution, but it was almost as if her brain has been fried.

What was going on with her? Children of Athena always had a plan? Why now? Why was she stumped now?

Annabeth glanced out the window, up at the sky, still sitting down at her desk.

Please Athena, She thought. I need wisdom to help find my friend, even if it means death.

Annabeth wanted to ask Athena for guidance on Percy, but she was scared Athena would ignore her. Her mother never liked Percy, however lately they've been on better terms. Also, gods never liked being asked too much,

Annabeth waited patiently for a sign. Anything, just anything. But, nothing happened. The sky was just a brilliant blue, no owl fireworks, or shines from heaven, just a normal cobalt sky.

Annabeth slammed her pencil down on the desk. She grabbed a spare drachma from a draw and ran off. She was NOT going to stand around and watch her boyfriend go off and find Leo, not this time.

"Percy!" She yelled as she sprinted to the Poseidon cabin, curly blonde hair whipping her face.

She opened the wooden door of the cabin and gazed inside. Percy laid on the top bunk of his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Annabeth could tell he had a lot on his mind too.

"Annabeth?" Percy said when he looked up at her. "What are you doing here?"

Was he still mad at me? Annabeth wondered. Come on Percy! You can't stay mad at me! I want to help!

"I want to help you and Nyssa find Leo. You might need some brains on your side."

"Annabeth..." Percy seemed lost for words. "Wise girl..."

"Percy...seriously, is everything all right?"

Percy shakily stood up.

"Percy...answer me, is everything okay?"

Worry crept up Annabeth's stomach and throat. Is something wrong? Is he sick?

She's seen what stress does to demigods, it drives them mad.

Percy half-jogged to Annabeth and engulfed her in the biggest, warmest hug of her life.

"I'm so sorry for yelling at you Annabeth," Percy said still holding her tight. "I would love for you to help me find Leo. I can't believe I didn't think of recruiting you or Nico or Jason or Piper or anyone at all."

"Thanks Percy," Annabeth said hugging him back.

Percy released her, warmth slowly fading from her body. Percy held both of Annabeth's hands in his.

"Come on, let's go find Nyssa. I think it's time we got our old team together, don't ya think?"

Annabeth nodded and together they took off down the hill to the forges.

Annabeth was happy Percy and Nyssa's punishments were over, camp life was boring without them.

"Nyssa! Nyssa!" Percy and Annabeth called out together.

Nyssa and a couple of Hephaestus campers bolted out of the marble building.

"Percy, Annabeth! What is going on?" Nyssa yelled as the couple reached the forge.

"Nyssa," Percy said. "Annabeth wants to join the search for Leo."

Nyssa looked at Annabeth with excitement. "That's awesome. We're all stumped. We have no idea how to get to bunker 9 and we're going to need as many minds as we can get. Any ideas?"

"How about Nico, Piper and Jason?" Annabeth suggested.

"That's awesome. Go get them and meet back here in a hour."

Suddenly, a loud boom sounded behind Nyssa.

Nyssa cringed and slowly turned around. Standing before her, was five of her siblings, all with ash-covered faces, singed hair and confused expressions.

"Go find the others," Nyssa ordered, letting out a loud sigh. "These campers are going to be the death of me."

Annabeth firmly grabbed Percy's hand as Nyssa trudged to the forge.

"C'mon Percy," she said with a grin. "We're gonna to get Leo back!"

Percy smiled back at her as they took off to the Zeus cabin.

A wide grin spread across Annabeth's pale face. Finally, she told herself. Just one more adventure.

The beautiful twin cabins of Hera and Zeus shone delicately in the mid-afternoon sun. Vines suffocated the Hera cabin's marble columns, giving Annabeth a slight sinking feeling.

Percy and Annabeth were greeted with hippie Zeus as they entered the quiet, noble Zeus cabin.

"PIPER!" A voice screamed from deeper inside the cabin. "Give it back!"

Annabeth looked at Percy and smiled.

"What's going on here?" Annabeth yelled as she glanced at Piper and Jason's surprised looks.

Piper was on one side of a white couch, glasses on her head. Jason was on the other side, who looked completely fed up with Piper. Piper and Jason both unfroze and quickly sat down on the couch next to each other. Jason took his glasses off Piper's head and gently put the on his own face.

"Been a long time since I've seen you two," Jason finally said fixing his glasses. "What do you need us for?"

"We need the team back together, to find Leo," Annabeth replied.

"Anything for Leo," Piper responded with a smile. "But, where do we start?"

"Nyssa and I already planned it out," Percy answered. "We need to find bunker 9, it might hold answers for us. The only problem is, we have no idea how to get to it."

"We'll help you," Jason said. "So its Piper, me, you, Annabeth and Nyssa?"

Percy nodded. "We also need Nico. He could help us determine if this is...just a waste of time."

Jason's face became grave. "Oh," he finally said. His eyes told Annabeth that the potential scenario was the worst possible thing in the world.

Piper clasped her hands together, breaking the depressing mood. "Well, lets go to Nico's shall we? The sooner we find Leo, the better!"

The shadow of the Hades cabin came into view and Percy, Piper, Jason and Annabeth slipped inside. The cabin was just as creepy as it always is. The underworld brick interior sent shivers down her spine, however, the room was quite warm due to the lava pool right in the middle of the floor. Annabeth eyed Nico on the bottom bunk of the bed twiddling his thumbs nervously.

"I knew you would come soon," Nico said, avoiding eye contact.

"Nico," Percy began. "We need to you to help us find Leo."

Nico shook his head.

"Nico," Piper said reassuringly. "We need you. Don't you want to help a friend?"

Nico nodded. "Yes, but nothing can help him now."

No, Annabeth thought, horrible thoughts flooding through her head. It couldn't of happened. Not yet, not now, not like this.

"What do you mean?" Percy and Jason asked in perfect synch.

Nico looked up at the demigods, his hazel, bloodshot eyes were heavy with purple bags, like he hasn't slept in a decade. His face was as pale as a ghost. Chills went up Annabeth's spine once again. The whole room got quiet, everyone looked at Nico, who seemed as sick as a dog.

"Leo is dead."

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