Chapter 2-4: Cal Mira Island

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"As expected of that kind of event, even small fry we can one-shot gives us this much experience."

Naofumi: This is true, but...

Raphtalia: They just keeps coming, one after another...

"Well, you know what they say. 'The mobs start coming, and they don't stop coming, fed them to your party and it's free leveling'."

Naofumi: So this is the effect of an active period... It really is amazing for grinding levels.

Filo: Yeah... But...


Filo: Filo is so bored !!

Raphtalia: It's true that these don't provide much challenge.

"But it's about all the monsters we can find in this area... maybe we should move on already ?"

Naofumi: It's a bit ahead of schedule. But then again, the others adventurers seem to be taking it lightly as well.

Raphtalia: ... ...

"Something's the matter ?"

Raphtalia: Aren't you worried ? About that rumor ?

Naofumi: Oh, the Itsuki thing ?

"i wouldn't say 'worried'. But I am 'concerned'. I mean, we know the guy, his stuck-up behavior isn't really new."

Naofumi: Don't worry, forget about it.

Raphtalia: is it really all right ?

Naofumi: Doesn't matter if it's all right or not. We have no duty to do anything.

"Beside, do you think he's even listen to us in the first place ?"

Raphtalia: ... That's true...

Naofumi: Well, if he were to do it right in front of us, then a complaint or two might be justified...

"i think you just jinxed it, Naofumi..."

Naofumi: Goddammit.

Naofumi: Arrows...

Itsuki: That's not right... The experience gain is way off the chart... I see.

Itsuki: Naofumi, Y/n, so it was you.

"Speak of the devil, the plot will make him come."

Adventurer: HEY, YOU !! What was that ?! Why are you coming in here and killing our mobs ?!

Itsuki: "Your" mobs... ? Not this shit again. There were monsters, and I shot them. I even got the first hit, so it's nonsensical to speak of stealing.

Adventurer: What ?! The hell are you...


"A-CHOO !!"

Itsuki: ... is there a problem ?

"Sorry... I'm just allergic to patronizing speeches."


Naofumi: Well, is it not just as they say ? All you're doing is stealing experience. In other words, you're breaking the moral code.

Itsuki: Code... ?

"Did you even listen to what the Earl told us ? Even Motoyasu and Ren would have the brains to at least account it before going all cancer on everyone else. Everyone here is an adventure looking to grind, so you can just take your protection and shove it up your-"

Naofumi: I think you made your point already.


Itsuki: Stop it, Mald. I see now. I understand your grievances. In that case, until you all are finished here, we'll have a break for lunch.

Itsuki: What's wrong ? Please go ahead and farm to your heart's content. Otherwise, I won't be able to grind afterwards !

Naofumi: 'This fool... Doesn't he understand what he's doing ?!' No, Y/n, you can't just punch him the face.


Mald: Alright ! Start preparing lunch ! Rishia ! RISHIA ! WHERE ARE YOU !!

Rishia: H- Here ! I- I'm here...

Raphtalia: Ah ! That girl...

"You know her ?"

Raphtalia: Yeah, something like this happened before...

Rishia: Um, sorry for the delay...

Mald; You're late !

Rishia: Here, Lord Itsuki.

Naofumi: He should do that much himself...

Mald: ゴゴゴゴ ...


Rishia: For you, Mald...

Mald: Yeah.

Rishia: Lojir... Verest... Uhh.

Mald: Hurry it up.

Itsuki: Well, let's eat.


Itsuki: You're still here ?

Naofumi: No matter how you look at it, this unequal treatment is absurd !

"Please don't tell me... You've established a hierarchy even among your allies... ?"

Mald: What are you talking about ? Our positions are determined by our loyalty and contribution to Lord Itsuki. Rishia is the newest member of the defense corps, so of course she's doing errands !

"Of course..."

Rishia: Ah, don't worry about me... I can't do much of anything anyways... And... Lord Itsuki saved me once. I'll do anything to repay that debt... !



Rishia: Eh !

Mald: Such is the benevolence of lord Itsuki ! Now ! I shall tell you at length just how amazing a man Lord Itsuki is !!

Naofumi: I DON'T CARE !!

Mald: That won't do ! It would go against the way of justice ! First, we encountered Lord Itsuki, and were, so to speak, awakened to the way of justice...

Literally everyone: *Nigerundayo Intensifies*

Naofumi: ha... The hell was that... ?

"They're not friends, it's more like he have his own personal cult... What exactly do they even see in him is beyond my understanding..."

Raphtalia: I don't know much about the Bow here, but... I understand Rishia's feelings. I just hope she doesn't get overworked...

Filo: Master... Filo wants to eat...

"All right, all right. let's stop to eat, and then we'll head out again. [PEARL JAM]..."

Naofumi: Amazing... As expected, the enemies are of much higher level here in the mountain recesses.

"Yes, and they're much stronger as well. That makes for a nice change for once."

Filo: Filo worked hard !

"Yes, you did well."

Raphtalia: That's true, but... This place seems like a ruin. Perhaps we just defeated the Island's boss ?

Filo: This can't possibly be the end, right ? I mean... This black ball is really creepy !

Naofumi: It resembles the cracks that appear during the waves... Maybe monsters will come out of it ?

"I can't analyze it with Hermit Purple, so let's assume for now that we found a spawning point for the monsters. If we wait, perhaps more will appear..."

Raphtalia: Yes, but... The sun is setting, night is coming.

Naofumi: It's already this late ?

Filo: Whaaaat ? We're going back already ?

"Once it gets dark, fighting the same kind of monsters will become much more dangerous..."

Raphtalia: So, are we going to continue training tonight ?

Naofumi: Yeah. If we're going to catch up, we have no choice.

"I'm starting to run a little low on Mana, but I can go on for a little while still. It should be fine. Just hope we don't make any unpleasant meetings...

Raphtalia: That's much more likely at night. I've been told that adventurers generally return to the mainland by nightfall due to the likelihood of monsters going Berserk...

Filo: is it dangerous ?

"We'll see. For now, let's just wait."

Naofumi: This is good. We got a lot of the items we wanted, and our levels have gone up too.

"I've always liked farming up and grinding for stuff."

Filo: ... Master... there are still a lot of monsters left...

"i know, but it would be too dangerous to try and hunt them down at night like that."

Filo: ... Filo is going out for a minute !

"Hey ! Wait !!"

Filo: If it's dangerous, Filo will come back !!

"What a troublesome child... You guys just wait here, I'll be right back..."

Naofumi: ... Damn...

Raphtalia: Naofumi... Aren't you pushing yourself a bit too hard ? I'm pretty sure they noticed it too already, but you haven't fully healed from that curse yet, have you ?

Naofumi: ... It's not like I've been hiding it. Although it's true that I'm still feeling a lot of languor. But that's the extent of it.

Raphtalia: ... Look at this, my sword... It's not that old, but it isn't holding out.

Naofumi: When did this happen... ?

Raphtalia: I leveled up quite a bit too, and perhaps it's no longer suited to my height. Than and I've been using it all day today. Even though it's only been one day...

Raphtalia: Once Y/n returns with Filo, should we head back ? I've heard there's a hot spring good for curses at the lodgings.

Naofumi: ... yeah, fair enough.

Naofumi: A monster ?

Raphtalia: No, these footsteps... A human ?!

???: You were here !

L'Arc: Sonny ! We were looking for you... !

Naofumi: You two ! Why are you here ?

L'Arc: Isn't that obvious ? Everyone on the ship was worried about you ! We were all waiting for you to come back !

Naofumi: You were... Worried... ?

L'Arc: Of course ! It's not rare for adventurers to die. And I wouldn't want that to happen to my friends !

Naofumi: All right, Raphtalia. let's find Y/n who found Filo and head back.

Raphtalia: Yes.

Naofumi: It looks like we caused you some trouble.

L'Arc: No problem, no problem ! Don't worry about it. Well then, let's g-

"Hey guys."


L'Arc: Alright ! To celebrate sonnies coming back safely, and my first heart attack ! CHEERS !

'How did it come to this exactly... ?'

Naofumi: 'I wanted to use the hot springs...'

Filo: Ew ! It tastes bad !

L'Arc: Hm ? Do you not like alcohol, miss ?

"ALCOHOL ?!! L'Arc, what the hell are you thinking, don't give alcohol to a kid like that, dammit !! Excuse me, some water here, please !"

Therese: Then what about Raphtalia ? Is she bad with alcohol ?

Raphtalia: No... I've never had alcohol...

Naofumi: ... ... Fine. Don't get too drunk, though.

Raphtalia: ... yes !

Naofumi: ... Filo's one thing, but... I haven't seen Raphtalia like this...

"Perhaps you've been babying her a tad too much, don't you think ?"

Naofumi: So, that's it ? You're done pillaging every single gamblers out there ?

"Please. Reading them and planning their next moves was way too easy to be of any challenge to me. I got bored."

L'Arc: They seem to be enjoying themselves. Sonny, you should have some fun too. Haven't had enough alcohol yet ?

Naofumi: I told you to stop calling me sonny already.

L'Arc: Well, you two haven't told me your REAL names yet !

"Should we show you proof that we're the real deal then ?"

L'Arc: Don't tell me you can change your weapon's appearance, many people can do that.

Naofumi: Gah... 'It's true, I've seen several other weapons capable of that.'

'They were only fakes, but... Hey, speaking of, that guy's scythe...'

Therese: Then, for now, we'll call you Naofumi and Y/n, but...I've heard you're quite skilled at crafting.

"Crafting ?"

Therese: Raphtalia told me you crafted accessories to sell once.

Naofumi: Yeah, but just to make money. I learned it from a friend. That's as far as my ability goes.

Therese: Oh, but you were skilled enough to craft worthy products, no ?

"And tricky enough to sell them at unbelievable prices as well."

Naofumi: Shut up...

Therese: Hey, can you craft an accessory for me too ? If you'd be willing to do so... Of course I'd provide money and materials.

Naofumi: ... Well, if you insist...

Therese: Yaay !

L'Arc: There you go, Therese !

'Every now and then... I think some heartwarming moments are welcome too.'

L'Arc: By the way, sonny, what have you been eating ?

Naofumi: Hm ? That fruit over there.

"Without even asking ?"

Naofumi: I'll just pay afterwards or something. 'With the queen's help...'

L'Arc: Ha, are you one of those guys who pretends to be sober ? Let's see how good this tastes.

Waiter: AHH !

Naofumi: Oh, sorry. I'll pay...

Waiter: No, no, that's not the problem... That's known as Lucol fruit... You take one of those and mix it into a barrel of water to create alcohol... If you just eat them like that...

Therese: Oh no...

'Hmm... Nope, I have nothing to deal with hangover yet...'


Therese: ... You're quite strong, Naofumi...

Naofumi: ...

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