Chapter 37: Paradise Land.

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Blue curtain opening. Black is hiding behind it. Black shining marbles with golden words scribbled on it.

'Grace Paradise Land - A happy project honoring Abid Levington.' It read.

Dreams comes true even when the dreamer is no more. The happy project Abid dreamed is coming true. The first stole is planted to make multi-million project for unprevielaged kids is coming true.

When I left NYC, I had only one target. That was comeback- A comeback with payback. A revenge to make everyone realise who they messed up. I wanted them to know that even a mere girl out of their circke can become their boss. That money can over rule each and everyone of them. I want to make them realise that they had pushed me into darkness. Darkness that I couldn't find my way back.

Its been half a month since I got the invitation. Its been a week since I took my flight from NYC to Grace town. But it feels yesterday when I left Grace town. Its feels yesterday since my mother was taken by lukemia. It feels a lot. But all my initial plans seeking for revenge became much more than what I expected. I somehow realised that I never wanted a revenge. I never wanted to prove anything to anyone. I just wanted a way back from my darkness. I wanted to find my way to make the family I always dreamed of. A way to belong with Will and finally finding a happy ending of my own.

Grace town was always mysterious. There were secrets within this town. It might surprise you when Grace town decides to reveal these secrets. Learning about Abid's secret crush on me was a total surprise, it made me feel so naive. Naive enough to realise that I failed to see things clearly. Maybe that's why I am still stuck in that darkness. Learning many truth about my past gave me a way from this darkness. I found out tha the way was always in front of me but I again failed to see it clearly.

"Hazel, Are you alright dear?" Mia asked shaking me up. He baby's wails broke me from my deep thoughts.

"What?" I asked.

"I said doesn't they look so cute togather?" She asked pointing Sid and Hayden. They were wrapped in embrace soothing each other. They came out in front of the world onstage after their play. We were all watching them come backstage finally feeling relieved. After their play and public comming out, the fountation stone was innaugrated. The curtain was pulled my the first scholarship kid under the project that we chose.

"Yes, they are." I said.

"Who knew those two were actually so-in-love with each other? I mean it feels wierd since I have read articles of these two being a rival actors. Come on, Can you imagine this? These guys are not just friends they are lovers. They are infact engaged. Stupid Paparassis I say." She said. He baby then started to wail even more louder.

"Ahh... Baby stop crying will ya? Didn't mommy just feed you few minutes back?" She said shaking her baby.

"Don't shake him like that and it isn't being hungry that makes baby's cry. Let's take him somewhere quiet. Give him to me." I said. Mia rolled her eyes and passed her baby to me. I started walking out of the backstage to a queit room. She followed me.

I hold the baby very carefully tucking him comfortably in my arms. I slowly started to move my hands slowly like a craddle, rocking him. I started humming a lullaby in his ears as I rocked him. The baby slowly started to fall asleep smiling at me.

"He was crying because of the nuisance on backstage. He wanted to sleep peacefully and his surroundings was not giving him that." I said.

"Wow... How did you know that? I mean, I don't even understand what he wants sometimes. I am a bad mom, I guess." She said.

"Don't worry as time goes on you will understand everything about your baby. You will even know his pattern of breathing and even the tiniest of details about him. More you learn about him, you will eventually become a perfect mother." I said.

"How did you know all this? You are talking as if you have experience in this-" She slapped her mouth realising what she was going to say. " I am sorry... I am so so sorry... I didn't mean it like that. Forgive me."

"No... It's okay."

"No... No... Listen to me. I am sorry for whatever happened to you in the past, Hazel. I don't know what it is to loose a baby. I mean, If I had lost my baby boy then I wouldn't even be able to live. But you survived Hazel. You survived the past and you found your future. I know this Hazel... Will, he is good for you. He will give you what you have lost. He will give you the family. If you lost a baby then you will make some great white green eyed, blond and beautiful babies with him." She said as she hold my shoulder smiling at me. I smiled back at her.

She was right. Will can give me the family I wanted. Will know me - My past and my present. He know what I have been through. He had went through the darkness with me just because he loved me. All I could give back to him is happiness. A family with hope. The hope which all I have.

"Your lil one has fallen asleep." I said as I tugged the baby more in his towel.

"He looks comfortable in your hands. You will be a great mother one day." She said sighing. "Hazel, You can tell me anything you want, okay? No matter what, I will be with you. I won't repeat the mistakes of my past Hazel. I don't want to loose you anymore."

"Mia... There is something I want to tell you but you can't tell this to anyone, okay. It's about how Will found me." I said. Mia nodded. I laid the baby in his carrying craddle and took Mia's hand. I felt so many power coming into me. I think its because finally I found what I was missing. Mia was one among the missing piece in my life. I told her everything from the day I left Grace town to US for college. How I met Will. How he helped me find a place to stay. How he cared about me and loved me in my hard time. How he always waited for me to love him back. I told her about all the hard times. I told her about how I started Amstrong. There were many secrets and truth about me that I had never told anyone. The truth which only Will knew and experienced with me. I told her about the most cofidential things.

"Wow... Just wow. That American is a keeper. Damn girl I never realised how lucky you are to have him." She said. "I am so proud of you Haze... Building such a big coperation from a scratch takes lot of effort and it sounds near to i possible. You just made the impossible to possible. You know what, you are the boss. You can inspire millions of women out there through your story. Why do you need to hide behind a mask hiding your true identity? The world deserve to know the founder of amstrong. Thry deserve to know your story Hazel."

"No, Mia... I can't take the risk. I like it to stay behind the curtain. If I am public then it would cause me... My hope... I mean everything would destroy. They would destroy me. I can't show my weakness to anyone. No one will ever find about it."

"Okay... Okay... I won't tell to anyone, I promise. Anyway it's your story to tell. I think that atleast that asshole should know. He don't deserve it yet I think -"

"No Mia. He can't ever know. This talk ends here. I told you because I trust you, Alright." I said. She nodded in response.

"Can I show-" She started to say when the door to the room opened.

"Mia, I was looking for you. Oh, hey Hazel... What are you guys talking about? Conspiring against the men or something?" Rizz said as he entered the room.

"Girl talks doesn't always involve on conspiring the men circle, my dear. What do you want?" Mia scowled at her husband.

"I just wanted to see my lil one. Is he asleep already?" He asked.

"Yes, Hazel kind of helped me to make him sleep." She said looking at me proudly.

"Oh yeah! Awesome. This looks like a comfortable room, isn't it? Very private..." He said looking at Mia with lust and want.

"Okay guys, I will leave you both alone now. I need to go somewhere." I said understanding their need of PRIVACY.

"Oh, Hazel... Please talk to Rayn. He really needs a chance." Mia said. I nodded at her and walked out of the room closing the door behind me.

As soon as door was closed, I could hear low moans and grunting from the room. I really thing baby no.2 will arrive even before they leave Grace town.

I wandered around the corridor to Rayn's office. Since the venue of the concert was Grace Central, It was easier to find Rayn in his office.

"Hey, Hazel." Sid and Hayden said as I met them in the hallway.

"Hey. Congratulations on your engagement." I said they nodded their head. "Have you seen Rayn? Is he in his office?"

"Haven't seen him. But I saw Shiro dragging him from the backstage." Hayden said.

"Thank you for telling me." I said leaving the couples alone.

I walked to  Rayn's office. As I got near to my destination I saw Shiro coming in my direction.

"Hey, Hazel." He greeted me.

"Hey, Shiro... Is Rayn there in his office?" I asked.

"Yah! I am coming from there. I had some paper work to get ready." He said.

"Okay! How is the work going on?" I asked.

"We still have to do more paper works. We need to make the documents much stronger for future preference. I might stay a bit longer to complete the lawsuit." He said. "Also, Anna agreed with the Collaboration. Well she has no other way than this. Anna is with Rayn now in his office."

"Is that so?" I asked.

"Yah! I think Rayn will man up and tell about his feelings today." He whispered. I smiled and shaked my head.

"You can do the same, you know. Talk to Zara before its too late." I said patting his arm and continue my way to Rayn's Office.

As I reached closer to his office the door opened in startle. Anna came out from it. He face was flushed with red. I wonder if it was from blushing or anger.

"Are you alright Anna?" I asked her.

"Not now!!!" She snapped and walked away hurriely. As I watched her storm off I entered the door and walked in.

"What prank did you pull on Anna now?" I asked.

"I told her that I liked her from a long time. I said that I really wanted her to see me more than a friendenemy."

"Really? Just like that."

"No... I said the truth. I said don't wait for Hayden because he is engaged to a man and Asher, well he despise her. I told her to finally open her eyes to find the right person for her." Rayn snorted.

"You didn't tell her that you liked her?"

"What? Never... Well, I gave her lots of hints. Now, she need to find it out herself." He waved his answer in frustration. "By the way, Why the hell are you suddenly interested in my love-life?"

"Friends come handy sometimes, don't they?" I pointed out.

"Friends?! I am your friend all of a sudden. Now you finally remember whoI am to you?" He said mockingly. "Why, Hazel? Why now?"

"Because, I finally see things much more clearly now. I mean, we have wasted enough time already Rayn. I have wasted a lot of time thinking about past, being frozen in time. I finally found the reason to come out of it. All this Revenge and showing off my wealth and power is nothing but waste of time. What you did in the past, what all of you did in past has leaved me a huge scare. It hurts a lot, It keeps consuming me and tends me to seek revenge but That wound is healing me. This reunion helped me to find the formula to heal it." I said as I took his hands in mine.

"Can you forgive me? Can I have my best friend back?" He asked as tears started rolling in his eyes.

"Yes, Raynnne boy... I forgive you. But let all that disapear alright. Let's just move forward." I said smiling as real tears rolled from his eyes. " Oho!!! Is The Great badass prankster Rayn Anderson crying?"

"No, I am not. I am definitely not. You hair stucked in my eyes." He said foolishly.

"Is that so?" I said ticking his neck like I used to do in the past.

"Don't. Just don't. MAHHAHHAHHAHNAAAAHAHAHHAHA!!! PLEASE STOP THAT.HAHAH!!" He laughed uproarousily. I stopped tickling him and pulled him in a hug.

"I missed you Raynee boy." I said.

"I missed you more than ever, Haze-n-shine."

"We will never change. Haha." I laughed.

"Never." He agreed. "Hey, Since we are friends again, I need you to tell me everything. I demand to know the entire details."

"Not now, One step at a time Raynee boy. Remember One step at a time." I said.

"I waited 8 years for this moment, I think I can wait more. But I am so happy my haze-in-shine is back." He said and pulled me in a long hug.

"I want to catch up with you but gornow Ineed to find Liam. Will see you later?" I asked.

"Let's do a sleep over at my place. I will call the others too." I said.

"Well, Will might reach here tomorrow early in the morning at 2. Is that okay?"

"Send him my adress." I nodded and kissed on his cheek. "Until later Mr.Anderson."


"No... No... It's always Mrs.Amstrong now." I said.

"I thought It will be Mrs.Phellingan?"

"Oh he will just change his name to Mr.Amstrong then. My place is Matriachy. There is no space patriarchy there." I said waving and left the room.

I went back in search of Liam.

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