4. The Letter Received

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The days were passing normally for the world but for Ayesha her world had shattered.

Two months after the tragic incident, now Ayesha had enough money - by her regular as well as part time job - so that she could resign from her job and find the culprit.

She vowed that she won't spare him for what he did to her daughter and he would see the hell in this world only.

One day she recieved a letter with no address and no name. 'What type of letter is that? It's so silly of people that they forget to write their names. I am sure Robert Pattinson isn't going to invite me for his party and that's why he hasn't wrote his name or address so that I can't trace him.' These questions striked her mind.

She opened the letter and it read,

I am in pain. Only you can save me!
           B-91 Royal Street, Kolkata

Ayesha was confused, she was thinking who that man could be? What does he want from me? How can I save him? Does he thought I am a doctor or a magician? The letter piqued her curiosity. She wanted to help that man because she had a guilt that she couldn't save her daughter but she was afraid too.

"Ma'am, what's the location?" asked the cab driver. On reaching the street, Ayesha walked towards the address mentioned in the letter. Upon reaching there, she was filled with a strange feeling. She went inside, there were few people mourning as if they were going to loose any of their dear one while some shed the crocodile tears.

Away from the crowd was a man lying on the ground in white clothes, she stepped towards him without caring what his family will think.

It was clearly seen that the man was in extreme pain, he was crying bitterly as if his soul refused to leave his body peacefully, as if his every breath was a poison for him, he was praying for his death.

Ahhhh! Ayesha exclaimed as she fell on the floor as soon she saw the face of the man. "Shehzad? What happend to you?" she asked him, who was her colleague.

Ayesha was taken aback. Shehzad was unable to speak, his face was still the  face of the most smart and dashing young man, but his body was burnt as if the fire itself had taken revenge over him.

Then came a lady with a small packet towards Ayesha. She didn't know what it was neither she was bothered at that time.

The only thing Shehzad said was, "Ayesha the revenge is yet to be taken. Have faith in yourself and Allah. Save me from the fire of hell by forgiving me. Please..."

And Ayesha replied, "This revenge was taken by Allah as a result of your bad deed. I forgive you because you are already burning in your deeds.
I wish you could have waited for some time, our lives would have been much different."

"Rest in peace". And with this his soul left his body and he was taken away for the funeral ceremony.

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