Chapter 2: A New Journey

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Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit fan based fanfiction. Rockman, Mega Man, Mega Man X, Mega Man Zero, and all of its other franchises are property of Capcom Inti Creates, and Kenji Inafune, and is licensed by Nintendo.

Rising of the Shield Hero is owned by Aneko Yusagi.

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Chapter 2: A New Journey

After being summoned to another world by the Queen of Melromarc, Zero was told about the world he was now in, as well as the recent actions surrounding the Four Cardinal Heroes, the Shield Hero in particular.

Zero: So basically, out of all the Four Cardinal Heroes, the one that the King hates with a passion is the Shield Hero?

Queen Mirelia: That's correct...

Zero: And because he went ahead and summoned all Four Heroes while you were away, you've been trying to do all the dirty work of trying to clean things up, isn't that right?

Queen Mirelia: Unfortunately, yes. And I am truly ashamed, because the Shield Hero is a very valuable Cardinal Hero, however, I genuinely believe that the King's actions are going to make him turn against our people.

She then let out a small sigh, before continuing with her lecture.

Queen Mirelia: As I'm sure you know Zero, there are only Four Cardinal Heroes in this world. However, there is one thing that we recently heard about. There is a fifth hero, one hails from a place far ahead of our time, and he will appear one day and help us put a stop to the upcoming Waves of Catastrophe, as well as try to keep the other Heroes in check.

Zero: ... So basically, you're asking me to try and clean up the mess of someone else's mistakes?

Queen Mirelia: When you put it that way, yes. With me summoning you here, we just may have a chance for survival. Before the King summoned the other Heroes, the previous wave nearly destroyed us. To make matters worse, with the King despising the Shield Hero and with all these horrid rumors spreading, I am almost certain who's behind all of it.

Zero then looked at the Queen with a raised eyebrow.

Zero: Rumors? What kind of rumors?

Queen Mirelia: I have already heard many different rumors, including him raping my eldest daughter, mistreating his slaves, taking people's money, and so on. Though to be perfectly honest, I do not believe it. My eldest daughter, Malty, is quite manipulative, as well as a pathological liar.

Zero: Wait a second, if you're the one in charge of the kingdom, then doesn't that mean she's the heir to the throne?

Queen Mirelia: Technically speaking by age, yes. However, because of the way that she acts, I'm afraid I cannot let her run this country. We would all be devastated, and everyone else would turn their backs on us.

Zero merely stared in silence, but not before asking the Queen a very serious question.

Zero: Then, tell me... Who's the next heir to the throne?

As on que, the door opened from the door Zero and the Queen were currently in. In came a young girl with the appearance of a child. She has an overall blue color design. She has blue eyes and hair. Her hair is tied in two curly pigtails by two blue ribbons. She wears fancy frilly clothes that merit her royal status which are also blue with various areas in white.

???: Mother.

The girl walked in, but not before she stopped when she noticed Zero.

???: Who might this be?

As she examined the man with the red color scheme, she noticed that his armor wasn't from any of the places around here. She also looked at Zero's weapons he had in his holsters, then something must've snapped in her mind because she went wide-eyed.

???: M-Mother, don't tell me...

Queen Mirelia: It is indeed who you think it is. Daughter, you must know that I'm only doing what I want is best for our country. With the other Cardinal Heroes acting the way they are, it left me with no other choice.

Zero looked at the two in confusion, as he could only surmise that she was indeed the next in line for the throne, but his thoughts were cut short when the young girl started to walk towards him.

???: May I ask your name, good sir?

Zero simply sighed and stated his name.

Zero: My name is Zero. As it turns out, your mother was actually the one who summoned me to this world.

???: So, the legends really are true. A hero who hails from a world ahead of our time.

As she muttered about the "Legend" revolving around Zero, she then realized she didn't reply with her name.

Melty: Greetings, I am Princess Melty Q Melromarc, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Zero.

Zero: Just call me Zero, there's no need for the "sir."

Queen Mirelia: Well, there's your answer Zero. My daughter Melty is the next in line for the throne. As you can see, she's very mature for her age and she also has the same views and intentions for this country as I do. Melty dear, would you kindly step outside for a little bit? I'm about to finish speaking with Zero. Once I get done explaining everything to him, I will speak to you.

Melty: Yes, mother.

She then politely bowed towards Zero.

Melty: I sincerely hope you will help us out, Zero. We desperately need it with the Waves of Catastrophe.

After she walked out of the room, Zero turned to look at the Queen.

Zero: I can tell that she'll be a good queen.

The Queen smiled in gratitude at Zero's comment.

Zero: So, when exactly is the next wave supposed to arrive? With me being only at level 1, I need to prepare for this thing if it's as dangerous as you all say it is.

After saying this, Zero was looking at the different icons in his vision. Though, a lot of them dimmed out, meaning that they were not unlocked yet.

Queen Mirelia: The last wave was about two weeks ago. Melromarc summoned the Cardinal Heroes right after it had already passed. So, my assumption will be in the next three weeks or so. You can go to another country and look at their Dragon Hourglass, that will help tell you when the next wave will occur. And if they have one, it will also allow you to receive a Class Upgrade, depending on the country of course.

Zero: ... I see...

Queen Mirelia: I'm terribly sorry, Zero. I have taken up too much of your time, please accept this as a token of my gratitude. Four hundred Silver coins and seventy-five Gold coins. This should help you start out quite well, since I'm afraid we don't have a lot of time before the next wave.

The kind-hearted Queen then gave Zero a small brown bag full of money, along with a black cloak.

Zero: I-I... I don't know what to say...

Queen Mirelia: I beg of you Zero, please save our country and restore the peace between the Four Cardinal Heroes. It may take some time before I am able to return to the palace. I pray that you will help us, though it was entirely foolish of me to pull someone like you from your homeworld here.

Zero sighed, as he could tell that her intentions weren't bad at all. For him, it was like a brand-new start, after hearing everything, it just sounded like a journey waiting to happen. As a matter of fact, this whole situation reminded him of when Ciel and the Resistance reawakened him from his slumber and requested that he help them against the forces of Neo Arcadia.

Unfortunately for him, there was one thing in his mind that he could not shake off...

Zero: (How is it that they seem to know about me? Also, will I be able to return back to my world?)

After a bit of contemplation inside his head, Zero looked at the Queen with a determined look on his face.

Zero: Very well, your majesty. I will do my best in order to help you, your daughter, and your country.

Hearing that from the Red Reploid made the Queen light up like a Christmas tree.

Queen Mirelia: Thank you very much, Zero. I must also ask you one more thing.

Zero: What is it?

Queen Mirelia: When the time comes for you to meet the other Four Cardinal Heroes, please do everything you can to help make them see the bigger picture. And if you have to use my name, then so be it.

Zero silently nodded and bowed to the Queen.

Queen Mirelia: The nearest country here is called Siltvelt, which is a country ruled by Demi-Humans and where they also worship the Shield Hero with the utmost respect. You can look at the Dragon Hourglass there.

Zero: I see...

First, Zero put on the black cloak that the Queen gave him and then walked his way out of the room, but not before he turned around and looked at the Queen one last time.

Zero: To be honest with you, I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it! I promise you, I will do my best for you all!

After that, he walked out of the room, leaving the Queen alone.

Queen Mirelia: You have my sincerest gratitude. No matter what happens, we will not lose faith in you... Zero... the Legendary Reploid...

Time Skip - Two Weeks Until the Wave

Zero was currently walking through the woods in the middle of the day. As he was walking, he quickly got a chance to look at his experience points he suddenly gained after killing off a horde of monsters.


Zero: Reploid Lvl. 15

Hp: 525

Sp: 500

Atk+: 640

Def+: 520

Mana: 308

Exp until next Lvl: 297

Zero: (It's a good thing I figured out how to use that "Status" works, and I'm also thankful that I turned all that unnecessary stuff off. Especially considering that some of my abilities carried over from my world, regeneration should be easy.)

Then, Zero looked over to see all his other weapons from his world.

Ten Shining Weapons:


Buster Shot

Shield Boomerang

Triple Rod

Chain Rod

Zero Knuckle


Rising: Zero performs a rising slash that gives variable height.

Fish Fang: Fires two fish shaped missiles when he does an air-slash.

Tri-Thunder: Punches the ground to release electric shockwaves from it.

Fire Wave: Shoots a fireball onto the ground that moves along as a flaming wave.

Lightning: Shoots bolts of lightning around Zero.

Earth Gazer: Zero punches the ground hard enough to create explosions around him.

Dash: Zero simply dashes forward at the enemy with his Z-Saber.

Drill Crush: The Z-Saber takes the form of a drill as Zero performs a downwards thrust.

Zero Final: Zero performs Dash and Rising back to back.

Raijingeki: A lightning-infused thrust with the Z-Saber.

Kuuenbu: Allows Zero to double jump.

Kuuenzan: A spinning mid-air slash attack.

Tenkuuha: An upgrade allowing the Z-Saber to destroy energy projectiles.

Ryuenjin: A Shoryuken-styled rising slash, with the Z-Saber covered in fire.

Hyouretsuzan: A downward-thrust with the Z-Saber taking the form of a giant icicle.

Hienkyaku: A dash that grants Zero more mobility options.

Shippuuga: A dashing attack where Zero twirls around with the Z-Saber.

Mikazukizan: An earth-element crescent slash similar to the Kuuenzan.

Suishou: A variant of Hienkyaku where Zero dashes while covered in ice.

Denjin: An electric version of the Ryuenjin that shoots out lightning projectiles downwards.

Shippu: Similar to Shippuuga, Zero dashes forward but has an afterimage deal damage.

Danchien: A downward thrust attack infused with fire that creates an explosion upon making contact.

Yammar Option: Allows Zero to summon three robot dragonflies to fight alongside him.

Sentsuizan: A mid-air dashing attack where Zero dives with his Z-Saber.

Shoenzan: Similar to Ryuenjin, Zero performs a ground-based upper slash that creates a wall of fire.

Hyorogan: Allows Zero to climb on walls and drop icicles.

Ensuizan: A water-infused version of Kuuenzan.

Rakukojin: Has Zero perform a falling attack which creates anchors as projectiles, although they consume weapon energy.

Guard Shell: A barrier that reflects energy projectiles.

Raijinshuu: A rising attack where Zero surrounds himself with electricity in a tornado-style attack.

Suitsusaun: Dashes forward with water energy.

Zankourin: A light-infused wheel that slices enemies independently.

Hieienjin: An energy-based homing missile Zero fires mid-air.

Kuuenbu: Zero tosses a V Hangar like a boomerang.

Hadangeki: A wave of energy fired from the Z-Saber.

Gokumonken: A defensive stance which blocks projectiles and gives Zero a counter to enemies who touch him.

Youdantotsu: A wood-element dash attack which breaks enemy shields.

Rasetsusen: A darkness-infused rolling slash.

Juuhazan: With the power of gravity, Zero performs a charged overhead slash that can shatter guards.

Rekkyoudan: With the element of earth, Zero can deflect enemy projectiles.

Raikousen: A dashing attack where Zero leaves a trail of electricity behind him.

Hyouryuushou: A spinning attack which can freeze enemies.

Enkoujin: A move quite similar to the Danchien.

Renyoudan: Zero performs six quick thrusts with the D Glaive.

Zekkyoudan: Zero uses the B Fan to deflect enemy fire.

Dairettsui: Zero slams the T Breaker on the ground, creating an earthquake that can break defenses.

Ganzanha: With the K Knuckle, Zero performs ground-based energy projectiles that break through guards.

Senpukyaku: A darkness-infused spinning kick which Zero can redirect.

Raijinken: A rushing electric uppercut with the K Knuckle.

Enkouryaku: A dive kick infused with fire.

Shoryuken: Zero performs a spiraling uppercut that can freeze targets.

Giga Attacks:

Rakuhouha: Zero pounds the ground, sending out energy projectiles around him in a fan-style wave.

Messenkou: A Giga Attack similar to Rakuhouha.

Dark Hold: Zero stops time around him, freezing all movement and allowing him to attack helpless foes.

Sougenmu: Creates an after-image which mimics Zero's movements and damages enemies for a short period.

Rekkoha: Has Zero summon eleven light projectiles to fire down on enemies.

Bakuenjin: Zero creates a large explosion around him.

Tenshouha: Zero summons a pillar of light to strike enemies above him.

EX Skills:

Blast Shot: If equipped with the Flame Chip, Zero can charge a flaming ball of energy that explodes on impact.

Laser Shot: If no Element Chips are equipped, fires a laser beam that pierces enemies and shields.

Spark Shot: If equipped with the Thunder Chip, shoots a ball of electricity that splits into two upon impact, one flying up while the other falls down.

Triple Shot: If equipped with the Ice Chip, shoots three bullets which fly across the screen and can blast through enemies.

Sengatotsu: Zero dashes forward with the Z-Saber, which can be enhanced with electricity if used with the Thunder Chip.

Rakuretsuzan: Zero does a downwards thrust towards the ground, which can be enhanced with ice if used with the Ice Chip.

Tenshouzan: Does a rising slash into the air, which can be enhanced with flames if used with the Flame Chip.

Kougenjin: Zero sends a beam of energy from his Z-Saber with this slash.

Filter Shield: Using the Boomerang Shield right before an enemy attacks converts the attack into an E-Crystal.

Energy Chain: When grabbing hold of an enemy, drains them of their health while giving it to Zero.

Blizzard Arrow: If equipped with the Ice Chip, generates a sphere of energy in front of Zero which fires three freezing ice shards.

Burst Shot: If equipped with the Flame Chip, shoots an explosive flaming bullet of energy.

Reflect Laser: If no Element Chips are equipped, shoots a laser that pierces enemies and bounces off walls.

V-Shot: If equipped with the Thunder Chip, fires two electric bullets from the Buster Shot.

Reppuugeki: Does a dashing strike that hits repeatedly, tearing through an enemy's defense.

Rakusaiga: Does a downwards thrust that, if used with the Thunder Chip, can also send balls of electricity along the ground.

Tenretsujin: Like the Tenshouzan, is a rising slash that can be enhanced with fire using the Flame Chip.

Zan'eidan: Fires a Z-Saber shaped slash of energy that, if equipped with the Ice Chip, grows larger and travels further.

Orbit Shield: Zero's Boomerang Shield spins around him four times, or six if he used the Ice Chip with it.

Shield Sweep: Throws the Boomerang Shield so it rolls along the ground, which leaves sparks of electricity in its wake if the Thunder Chip is equipped.

1000 Slash: Does repeated strikes using the Recoil Rod.

Soul Launcher: Fires four shots into the air with the Recoil Rod, which burn along the ground if used with the Flame Chip.

Burning Shot: Shoots a large ball of fire that explodes into six smaller projectiles on contact.

Ice Javelin: A freezing beam of energy that hits multiple times before dissipating.

Time Stopper: Traps the opponent in an area that freezes time around them, leaving them defenseless against further attacks.

Tractor Shot: Charges up a ball of energy that absorbs projectiles as it goes forward, becoming stronger with every projectile it comes in contact with.

Hyougetsujin: Sends a beam of ice along the ground which either destroys or freezes enemies.

Shouenga: Yet another rising slash enhanced by flames.

Tsuibangeki: A downwards stab that launches rock and debris once it hits the ground.

Buraitotsu: Zero dashes forward with an electrifying saber strike that paralyzes enemies, and sends two balls of electricity along a wall if it hits one.


Energy Form (Yellow): Increases power by 50% and causes enemies to drop health more often, but lowers his speed and only lets him fire two shots from his Buster.

X Form (Blue): Increases power and speed by 50%, increases the power of the Buster Shot, and lets him fire four shots at once, but severely limits the usage of the Z-Saber to compensate.

Defense Form (Green): Doubles defense and increases the power of the Shield Boomerang, while making all other weapons weaker.

Erase Form (Violet): Negates enemy fire with the Z-Saber and Shield Boomerang, and increases defense by 50%, while limiting Zero to his second Z-Saber slash.

Active Form (Orange): Lets Zero perform rolling slashes when he jumps or dashes, and doubles his speed, at the cost of only being able to use the first attack of his Triple Slash.

Power Form (Deep Purple): Doubles the power of all of Zero's weapons, but his speed is halved and he can only use the last slash of the Triple Slash.

Rise Form (White): Increases speed by 50%, and changes the final hit of the Triple Slash to a rising slash, sacrificing a bit of horizontal reach for a vertical strike.

Proto Form (Gray): Doubles Zero's attack, but at the cost of half defense, every weapon besides Shield Boomerang being unable to charge, and the Z-Saber being limited to the first slash.

Ultimate Form (Crimson Red): Zero's power, defense, and speed are increased by 50%, and all weapons can be instantly charged.

After examining all his skills and abilities, Zero continued to walk through the woods, with a serious look on his face.

Zero: *Sigh* (It's been about a week since I've been here, but it almost feels a lot longer than that...)

As he finally managed to leave the forest and was now striding through a grassy field, lost in his own thoughts, but not before he suddenly heard sounds of screaming and wicked laughter which made him stop.

Zero: Hmm...? What's going on?

Zero then turned his attention to the source of the commotion. When he got a clearer picture, he spotted a couple of knights riding on this carriage and they all had a sadistic smile on their faces.

Zero: Knights really shouldn't have that kind of smile on their face.

As Zero was about to walk away, he then noticed the cover on the carriage flip up a little bit and spotted someone inside the carriage.

Zero: Huh? What the?

He looked again and this time, the person had a burlap sack covering their head. Zero noticed the clothing on this person and could easily tell that it was a girl.

Upon seeing this, Zero clenched his fists in anger.

Zero: Bastards...

Zero then pulled out his Buster Shot and then he aimed a good forty yards out of the right and shot. As soon as he did, Zero picked the crater setting.

The charged shot landed right in front of the carriage and caused a massive hole in the ground. The knights fell off the carriage and looked around to see what had happened.

Zero then looked at his EX Skills and found one that just might work. He quickly fired another shot from his Buster Shot and it shot out a single ice-elemental sphere, which then produced 3 shards of ice and then covered the entire crater with ice, so that they couldn't get away.

Zero: Alright... I stopped them from moving, now I just need to save that girl.

Zero then rushed towards the knights and the carriage. Unbeknownst to him, there were a few individuals hiding in the shadows, watching the scene unfold.

Shadow #1: Let us see how the Legendary Reploid handles this, I daresay.

Shadow #2: I agree. Let us see if what "he" says about Zero is true, I daresay.

A/N: And here we go! Man, do I feel good about writing this story, now it may not be as popular, but this will probably be the most fun I'll write for a story.

You might be wondering, why the massive level jump and why does Zero have all of his weapons, skills, and techniques right from the get-go?

For one thing, in the Anime and Manga, the scenes that were cut were mainly training, but when Naofumi first got Raphtalia, they did show them training a few times.

Secondly, I thought it would be really interesting to see how the rest of the characters would react to all of Zero's abilities.

Other than that, I hope you all enjoy it! Until next time!

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