Chapter 11

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Leaves bristled as rabbits, birds and other wildlife fled from the noise of Destan's footsteps. Anger burning in his heart, he stomped through the forest.

He was used to being treated like he was worthless. He was even used to being lied to, being laughed at. One time, when he was younger, a kid with the power to control plants had made the tallest tree pick him up and dangle him twenty feet in the air for the other kids to laugh at. These things happened. He was an outcast after all.

But this? His own team members lying to their Chief, blaming him for something he hadn't done? Almost getting him banished for something that wasn't his fault? That went too far, even by his standards.

His nails dug into his hands and he heaved with the effort of containing his anger. His atraments tingled, as if the power was pushing to come out. He couldn't lose control. Not again.

Keep it together, just keep it together, he kept telling himself. You know what happens when you lose control. That cannot happen ever again!

He leaned against a nearby tree and closed his eyes. Stop. Focus. He forced his breathing to slow down.

In, and out.

In, and out.

It took a few minutes, but eventually Destan calmed down enough to regain control. Although his anger stayed, he managed to push his brimming powers down, as if draining water from an almost-overflowing bucket.

With a frustrated sigh, he started walking again. I just need to be alone for a while, he thought to himself. That'll make me feel better.

He knew exactly where to go to be undisturbed. The same place he always went: his spot in the shadow of the old tree next to the stream. His place to see Julia. With a little luck, she'd even be there, in her own spot on the other side of the stream. Even just thinking about her made him feel a tiny bit better.

The last time he'd seen his little sister, weeks earlier, she'd left him a beautiful drawing. The thought of it made the corners of his lips twitch. Somehow, Julia had the power to make Destan forget about his life, about all the problems he had in the tribe. Unknowingly, she had the power to soothe him and clear his head.

When Destan reached the stream, he was delighted to find Julia already there. She was sitting in her spot, on the grass just behind the old wooden bench, drawing in her sketchbook. Of course. It was a Saturday; she had the day off. Without a sound, Destan found his spot underneath the big tree and watched her with sadness in his heart.

He really, really hated his life.

A long time ago, when he was just a kid, he remembered life had been good. Back then, his little family was happy. Destan's dad still lived. His mum wasn't lying in her chair all day. Destan had friends, actual friends who played with him and were nice to him.

All of that changed in one day. When Julia, the newest addition to their family, only a few minutes old, was taken from them.

Her father had been forced to carry her to the neighbouring town and abandon her there, on the church's steps. There she was meant to start a new life, with a new family.

Without atraments she'd never be able to pull her weight in the tribe. She'd never be fully accepted. She'd never be happy. At least, that's what people had kept telling him when they took her away.

But she'd survived. A family had taken her in and raised her as their own. And Destan had found her. He wasn't meant to find her. His dad was never meant to show him; in fact, he wasn't supposed to know where she was either. But he did. And Destan had never forgotten.

If the tribe ever found out about this, he'd be kicked out.

Then again, he was pretty much kicked out anyway... They'd failed the task, and Remus had told him he'd be banned if they didn't fix it. But how was he supposed to fix it when his teammates wouldn't listen to him? Wouldn't even let him help? This team was doomed to fail.

With both his hands running through his hair, he stared across the stream. His atraments itched, begging for him to let go. To let the power run its course.

What would he do if he was banished from the tribe? Where would he go? I guess I'd follow uncle Lys' advice and search for the tribes to the north. I'd have to leave mum behind. And Julia...

Destan groaned, putting his head in his hands. This was a nightmare. If only he could wake up.

"I knew I'd find you here!"

Destan nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the angry voice. He looked around disoriented, trying to find where the shouting was coming from. It wasn't until the voice spoke again that Destan realised it wasn't aimed at him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" the voice shouted on the other side of the stream.

Destan looked up to find Julia jumped up, her sketchbook on the grass and her brother Nero stomping her way. Destan recognised him, because he'd come here to pick her up every once in a while. He was always sneering and barking at her. He was a few years older than Destan and had raven-black hair combed back over his head with a lot of hair gel.

"I... I was just drawing..." Poor Julia already held her arms out protectively in front of her.

"You and your stupid scribbling!" Nero raged on. "Mum and dad were worried. Do you know who gets shit when they're worried? Me!"

Julia quickly picked up the sketchbook and pencil she'd dropped and shoved them into her backpack. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know..."

"Of course you knew, you lying little brat! It's always the same. I get the blame for every single bloody thing you do. I'm sick of it!"

"That's not my fault! What do you want me to do about it?"

"What I want you to do is to stop getting me in trouble all the time! You better start running. If you're not home in five minutes, I will rip those stupid drawings to pieces." Nero reached out to grab her backpack, but she jumped backwards and hugged it as if it was a pet dog.

"No!" she shrieked. "Not my drawings. I'll go home, I'll tell mum and dad it was my fault, I swear!"

"It's four minutes now," Nero growled. "Hand me that bag and start running."

Julia tried to run around him, but he stopped her and made a grab for the backpack. He just missed when Julia jumped out of the way. She stood in front of him, shaking, her head pushed down between her shoulders.

"Julia! Give me that, now!"


The word rang across the open space in the few seconds of utter silence that followed. Even the birds had quieted down. It was as if the world knew Julia had made a mistake.

Then, Nero stepped forward, raised his hand and slapped her across the face. Julia screamed in pain. The sound sent shock waves through Destan's body, until something snapped in his brain.

"You ungrateful little..."

"Stop!" Destan jumped out from the bushes, rage throbbing in his veins. People could be nasty to him all they wanted, but no one, no one, was allowed to hurt his little sister. Nero would pay for that.

Destan hardly noticed how rocks and sticks floated around his head, aimed threateningly towards the older boy. "Leave her alone!" Destan shouted.

Nero eyed the floating items suspiciously, taking a cautious step back. His face showed surprise, but no fear. A pair of huge brown eyes stared at Destan from behind his back; Julia.

"What the hell? How are you doing that?" said Nero.

A single stick flew forward until it hung in the air just in front of Nero's heart, like a dagger ready to kill. He stared at it wide-eyed.

"It's real," he whispered, poking a finger at the stick as if to test it. "It's all real."

"I said, let her go." Destan's voice trembled with suppressed rage. It was as if everything, all those years of being bullied, being ignored, being treated like a stray dog, came bubbling up in this moment, like a pan of water boiling over. Destan didn't know how to stop it. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to.

"Who, her?" Nero asks, disgust dripping from his voice, as he pushed Julia aside. Julia squeaked and jumped behind her brother's back again, her eyes never leaving Destan's face.

Her eyes...

Destan's jaw dropped when he realised the emotion in them. It wasn't curiosity, no happiness to finally meet him, not even confusion about who he could be. It was fear. Pure and utter fear.

Julia was scared of him. His own little sister was frightened to death of him.

For so long, he had dreamed of this moment, when they finally met. When he finally showed himself to her. He'd hoped she'd understand. That she'd recognise him from the flowers. That she'd accept him.

A tight knot of confusion formed in Destan's throat. His head spun like a whirlpool. What now? She doesn't want me to be her brother. She thinks I'm a freak. My little sister thinks I'm a monster. What now?

Nero's eyes narrowed. "Why would you stand up for my sister, an annoying little girl who you don't even know?"

Before Destan could stop himself, the stick poked into Nero's chest, making him recoil in pain. "She's my sister, not yours!" he growled.

His heart skipped a beat.

Scrap! Had he really just said that?

Nero glared at him. "What are you tal..." Halfway through his sentence, he stopped, his jaw dropping as he slowly began to realise what Destan had said.

If anyone finds out about you still being in contact with your sister... his dad's warnings echoed in his mind. We're both done for.

We're done for.

Slowly, Nero turned to face Julia. With a nasty glare, he spat: "Well, that explains a lot."

Julia whimpered, shaking on her little legs. "It's not true!" she said, peeping like a little bird. "He's lying. I don't even know him!"

The knot pulled tighter, squashing his insides. "It is true, Julia," he said gently. "You were born in my tribe. You're my little sister. That's why..."

But Julia shook her head violently. "No!" she shrieked. "He's lying, Nero. You have to believe me!"

"Julia, please!" Destan pleaded, fighting hard to stop his eyelids from overflowing. "I'm the one who always cheers you up. You know, the flowers...?"

"No! Stop!" Julia's faced was tear-stained now and she pressed her hands on her ears as if in agony. "You're lying! You're a liar! It's not true!"

Next to her, Nero was grinning widely. "You heard her," he taunted. "She doesn't want to be your sister." He grabbed the stick in front of him and threw it towards Destan as hard as he could. "Get lost!"

Destan turned and ran off, his feet thinking for him when his brain couldn't keep up. He didn't even care when the stick hit him square on the head. It was nothing compared to the stinging pain in his chest. 

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