- The Facility -

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This was killing me. Mentally, I understood perfectly well that the build-up of lactic acid in my lower body was merely causing a slow deterioration and softening of my muscles. I knew that the extensive amount of exercise was all that cause sweat to bead up and drip down from my brows, sometimes hindering my eyes from staying focused on the wall in front of me.

It was just another daily exercise, just another test that the Doctors assured us were critical to our development.

17 more seconds wouldn't kill me.

I wouldn't let it.

Turning to my side would mean seeing Minho who, for all unknown reasons, was taking every step as easily he breathed. But I had never once beaten his record or been able to stay within the same timed parameters as him. It was a fair enough assumption that maybe it was the age difference. Perhaps the fat content in our bodies or the fact that my frizzy hair was causing a build-up of heat on my head that genuinely made me want to pass out.

But that wasn't an excuse I could even give myself. I wasn't doing well enough, even he knew.

"9 more seconds, the treadmills will slow to a halt, then your assessments will come in."

It wouldn't kill me. It hadn't yet, at least.

Reaching out, I placed my damp finger on the up bottom in front of me and raised the speed by 8, quickly exhaling and prepping myself for the sudden stabbing pain in my left thigh as the machine rumbled lightly and picked up the pace.

"Victoria, stop it."

Ignoring his words, I kept my focus on the sounds next to me. Minho's panting rapidly slowing into controlled breaths, his machine lowering parallel to the floor- Even his scoff that I recognised from every single time I'd done this.

Because he always laughed at me.

Every. Single. Time.

"Victoria, I mean it."

There was no chance I wasn't going to be nagged to death at the end of this. The daily training was to test us, ensure we were staying as physically fit as needed, not to hurt us. But the Nurses? The Doctors? They were reaching the end of their patience with me continuing my runs and ruining their control tests on a... Let's say bi-weekly basis.

Before I could make it to the end of a full run, I felt my shoes cling to the floor under me and send me flying forward. The sudden halt caused my head to collide with the handle screen at the front, just hard enough to leave a piercing pain at the top of my nose.



And so I shut up? I didn't have time to feel sorry for myself or even to cover my nose I could feel beginning to well up in almost record time. Dr Paige wouldn't care if it resulted in a small bleed, she and I both knew I had done this time and time again.

The woman had an aura about her, always had. Standing at a good few inches shorter than Minho didn't mean he wasn't just as scared of angering her as I was and she knew it.  Her nails clicked lightly on the wall after I watched her move her hand from the "Kill Switch" she had installed after my third attempt at this- She was mad for sure.

I tried my best to hold her line of sight, blue eyes burning a hole through mine as if she knew I was bound to lose this match. And I did.

"Minho, good work again." Her soft tone addressed, "Take some samples and head back to the Main Rooms."

As soon as I heard Minho's feet shuffling towards the door, I quickly shot up and headed off straight behind him, head down hoping I looked as small as I felt in the moment.

"Not you, Victoria."

Damn it.

"You know how this goes."

Without a hitch, her head tilted to the side as she stepped out, indicating towards the hall. So maybe it had been my fault. But this wasn't fair! I could easily keep up with the rest of them, maybe even beat them one day if I was allowed to increase my speed limit and was given as much private testing as Minho, Ben, Dan, Eddie, Hank, and the others!

But instead, every time I tried, I was forced to walk down this same corridor into her office. Sit in the same white leather chair and be lectured like I was still the same scared little girl who was coddled by Dr Cooper all those years ago.

A lot of time had passed since those darker days. And I could say for sure that most of us had wised up, maybe not as much as Teresa or Thomas. They always had different specialized classes and meetings with scientists none of us ever got to meet. Thomas had spoken before about the tests and quizzes they took, mental capacity training and other nonsense that put a hilarious look of confusion on Gally's face.

'Acellular Biology isn't that complicated', He had told us, which earned him a swift punch in the arm from a certain hot-headed boy.

Even knowing all that, Dr Paige seemed to make it her mission to set me in line. Like a few anomalies in the testing would cause the end of the word. As if we weren't doing everything we were told.

Entering her office was like looking at the palm of my hand. The books constantly changed position in the cases, clearly being worn by the daily usage and reading. The same smell of strong, black coffee lingered in the air.

The same white walls reflecting those God awful surgical lights that hung above in fancy crystal bulbs as if to try and hide the fact that this place was anything other than a hospital-like training facility.


"I know, and I'm sorry. But you have to understand that-

A sharp dragging on the chair cut my breath off before my words even had a chance to escape. The woman's hands wandered confidently over the headrest of the chair as she sat down. Motionless and calculating as ever as she gave me a small smile.

"You're one of our higher performers." She spoke, silky words that I'd heard before. "We expect a lot from you and you always achieve. The Officials are impressed, Victoria."

It still stung, harsher than any cold surgical needle could.

"Then why do you continue to push? There is no one left to impress."

That's what she said everytime, just like clockwork. Sometimes I think she forgets. Minho, Alby, Siggy- All the others had been taken here at such a young age. Thomas had told us during one of our secret meetings that he only got here when he was turning 5.

They had something to work for, Doctors to impress and friends to rely upon-

They were too young to remember what it was really like out there.

"Why don't I go in for further training?" I muttered, trying my best to exude any form of confidence, but with a barely lifted head and my hands firmly crossing each other, it was clear to anyone just how pouty I was getting.

Not pouty- Angry!

It just never seemed to come across right.


That wasn't my name.

"We are here to make a difference. Progress is slow, but sure. And without you, there will be no future."

Her voice always had so much promise, so much self assurance underneath it all. Dr Cooper said the same, she spoke highly of everything we were doing thus far, so I always trusted it.

The brown hair, the same kind smile that drew wrinkles on her cheeks whenever a test would result in furthering her progress. She reminded me of my mum. Well, at least as much as I remember of her. But she wasn't my mother, no matter how much Dr Paige tried to make me think she was.

"We are close. So for now, we need to keep you somewhere else before the first Batch head off."

Somewhere else?

First Batch?

A chill slithered up my spine, bringing me to a tall sitting position as my muscles tensed in anticipation.

"What are you talking about...?" I asked cautiously, darting my eyes to hers as she slowly stood from her chair.

Before I could react, two security officers marched into the room, fully armed with Dr Cooper in tow.

"Mary?" I asked, "What's going-"

The reach was too sudden for me. One of the men's arms racing out from his side towards my stomach and a sudden current ran through my nervous system, tensing and relaxing every joint and bone in my body. I felt a quick push back, like I'd be tackled by the strongest force I'd ever felt but all compressed into the centre of my lower intestine.

I wanted to throw up-

I wanted to scream-

But all I did was drop to the floor as if I'd just gone through the most painstaking exercise of my life.

My voice was somehow lost to me, only sharp and faint gasps for air came out along with a few tears as I stared directly at Mary.


"Take her to Group B's facility. Keep her away from the others. I'll personally come to collect her when The Maze is done and it's time for the Real Trial."

"Was this necessary? Hurting a child?"

For the first time in a good few weeks, I heard Mary speak. Not the same bubbly voice that had raised me by her side for so many years- But the lost sobs of a broken woman.

I'd heard stories of Minho being punished for leaving The Facility. Gossip of death during early trials- But I had seldom an idea what she meant by the rest. There was other groups of kids? More trials coming? Just what in the hell did she mean by 'The Maze?'

"Variables are important, Dr Cooper."

That bitch!

"I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But I am willing to kill hundreds today, so billions can live tomorrow. You would do well to remember your part in all of this."

A hand clasped around each one of my arms as I was dragged up from the floor, my neck had no spare strength to hold up my throbbing head as I heard the last few words I would for many years to come-

"This is beyond finding a cure, Ava. This is torture!"

I never thought that running would kill me. It hurt, that's for sure, but not enough to be the end of me.

I was too stupid back then to realise that running, at the end of it all, might just be the only thing to keep me alive.

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