Chapter 2

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I knew that I looked like my dad, but I never knew that I looked like him like as if I was a clone of him. For example, when I walked with Naruto to Ichiraku's Ramen everyone stared at me and some people even BOWED. Anyway. It was my first day at the academy. So basically it went like this: I went to Naruto's room to wake him up. "Sakura..." He mumbled. "Naruto, its time for school." I said while shaking him. "Five...more...minutes." He mumbled. I grabbed his blanket and ripped it off of him and then quickly ran up to the window and opened the blinds. "ARGHH!" He yelled. "Its time for school." I said watching him. He stared at me with sleepy eyes before dragging himself to get some instant ramen to eat. I grabbed the milk carton and suddenly a horrible smell came right out of the box. "Ew." I said throwing the expired milk in the trash. Before I slept yesterday I made sure to put a kunai in the classroom. I planned to get to school in a SUPER flashy entrance. I put on a green shirt, light brown shorts and a cloak (something similar to Minato's cloak when he fought against Tobi when Naruto was a kid). I strapped on my kunai holster and told my brother "Okay heres what we are gonna do. When I teleport us to the classroom im gonna set a genjutsu that seems like there is a pillar of fire erupting in the class and it will dissapear to reveal us. Got it?" He nodded his head, smiling. I looked at the watch and it read 7:05 AM" I gave him a katana and he strapped it onto his back. I counted down with my fingers. 3...2....1 we teleported to the class and I did the genjutsu. I released the genjutsu to reveal us. "Hey." I said waving my hand lazily while Naruto grinned. The class just stared at us. The girls eyes turned into hearts at who knows what. I hear a few "cool" and "awesome" being said. Iruka's eyes widened. "L-Lord fourth!" he stuttered. "Oi, Iruka-sensei, hes my brother and the new student!" Naruto said. Iruka-sensei's eyes widened before saying "yes yes my apolagizes." Suddenly his eyes went wide as the class's jaw dropped to the floor. "BROTHER!" (10 minutes later) It took awhile, but eventually everyone finally understood. " guys are the 4th hokage's son?" a pink haired girl asked. I nodded just as a boy with pinapple hair said "I dont believe it." "Believe what you wanna believe" I said. His eyes widened before going back to his seat to sleep. "Ok, Izaya. You will sit right next to....Hanako. He pointed to a pretty red haired girl. I nodded and sat next to her. Then I smiled and faced foward. After the rest of the class sat down, Iruka sensei said "Ok class, today we will spar, so lets go outside to the yard." After we went outside, Iruka sensei started to call names and their sparring partners. After they went it was my turn. My sparring partner was a Uchiha, one of the last ones in Konoha. I knew that he partnered me up with him to access my skills in taijutsu. We stepped up to the platform and got into our fighting positions. The class looked on in anticipation while neither of us made the first move. I reached into my kunai pouch and took a few and threw them across the ground. "Heh, was that supposed to hit me?" The black haired boy scoffed. "No, but watch carefully." I replied. Suddenly I appeared right next to him and slammed my foot into his leg. He fell and did a faceplant. I quickly pinned his arms and legs and took out a kunai and held it to his neck. I looked expectantly at Iruka sensei who looked at me and then at Sasuke. "Minat- I mean Izaya wins!" I got up and grabbed all my kunai and put it back into my holster. I walked up to Naruto. "Ill teach it to you after school." I told him. Then I noticed all the people around me that was staring at me. "Hi" I said doing a closed eye smile, waving my hand. "W-wow" I heard someone say "He defeated Sasuke in a matter of seconds!" After the rest of the students went Iruka sensei lead us in and taught us about history and chakra. Me and Naruto went to a training field after school where we found Hanako throwing shuriken at wooden logs. I tossed him another scroll which held the contents of the flying Raijin Jutsu and gave him a few of my kunai. He took them and immediately got to work. I made the Wind style: Rasen circle thing again. I still havent come up with a proper name yet. Instead of throwing it I took a kunai and threw it next to a tree. I teleported to it and slammed the fast spinning circle of immense chakra into a tree. It exploded and I teleported to a nearby spot in the training grounds. I looked at the damage, which was immense, and said "I finally mastered it." Then I noticed Hanako staring at the huge crater which was formed from the explosion. "Holy shit" I heard her whisper. She quickly glanced at me before returning to throwing her shuriken. I walked toward her. "Hey" I said. "Hi" she grunted back. She finally stopped to grab her shuriken that was stuck onto the wooden logs. "Why are you here" she asked me "So I can master my new jutsu." I replied. She started throwing her shuriken again. Suddenly an irk mark appeared on her head. "STOP STARING AT ME!" "Sorry sorry." I smiled with my eyes and raised my hands. I opened my eyes to see the red haired girl slightly blushing. When she saw me open my eyes she suddenly whipped her head away from me and started throwing her Shuriken again. I walked toward Naruto and I started to practice again.

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