Chapter 7

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I woke up and found myself in Hanako's bed (NO nothing sexual happened) and I remembered the events from last night. I blushed and got out of the bed. I quickly packed everything up and someone knocked on the door. I opened it to see Daisuke sensei and Hikari standing in the doorway. "Didnt do anything wrong did you?" Daisuke sensei asked jokingly. "I think im the one whos supposed to ask you that question, sensei." I woke Hanako up and she got ready. I payed a short visit to Gaara and said a short goodbye to him and we quickly headed towards the direction of Konoha. (a few hours later) We arrived to the village and gathered our pay. "Hey Hanako, wanna go on a date?" "Like right now?" 

"Yea sure."

 "Fine your paying though."


We walked to Ichiraku's ramen where I ate like 49 bowls while she ate 1. I teleported home where I found out that Naruto wasnt here yet so I teleported to the Hokage's office. I found myself standing there with a bunch of kunai at my throat. They dissapeared once they found out that it was me. "Hey, old man? I need to talk to you in private, so if you can make all these ANBU go away, that would be very nice." He nodded and waved the ABNU away. "What do you need Izaya?"

"Along the mission I encountered an A rank ninja. I fought him and defeated him." The hokage's eyebrows rose.

"I made him follow me and I created a village on my own. When I become a Jonin I intend to leave the village to become its fulltime leader. Right now I will just visit once a week."

"Ok, you wont become a missing nin when you do leave." he said "Is that all you came for?" I nodded and he dissmissed me. I teleported to a training ground where I continued to work on my Firestyle: Rasenspiral. I made the spinning circle shape and added Fire chakra. It turned into a spinning circle of fire. I threw it, but it fizzled into nothiness. I kept training until it was late into the night so I teleported myself home and slept. The next day, Daisuke sensei had to go on a mission so we had the day off. I quickly teleported myself to the village and found myself at inside of the castle. (Its basically half way between Konoha and Sunagakure) I found Takashi (Scarman) at the table eating with my clone. "Hey guys!" I said.



I released the clone and faced Takashi.

"How many people are here"

"About 57"

"Good. You have a farm set up and a ranch right?"


I sighed in relief. The village was doing good. I walked down the aisle with Takashi and walked outside. Apparently my clone and Takashi has been treating them good, because they were smiling at me and saying thank you. Most of them were missing nin and refugee's. The others were just ordinary citizen that were from the new village, the sound village. Apparently their leader was a horrible leader and they were treated unfairly. They sought refuge here. "You did a good job in getting people." He nodded his thanks. I quickly made a clone and said "I need to go now, so bye" He waved his hand in a lazy manner before I teleported myself to Suna. I found Gaara concentrating, trying to take down Shukaku. His brother and sister put their finger on their lips indicating that I should be quiet. I nodded and teleported back home.

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