Chapter 7: The french knight of Hong-Kong/Part 3

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

[ ]: Stand's names

Your POV:

Abdul finally managed to defeat (more like destroy) Polnareff, by disintegrating his stand.

Joseph: The power of the crossfire hurricane is immense. Once hit squarely, the opponent's stand will disintegrate.

Jotaro: That was some intense flame. He's dead now, or severely injured if he's lucky.

'I need a new pair of pants, he ruined that one...'

Abdul: In any case he'll be out for months. His stand is also destroyed, so he can't fight anymore.

"But what about you Abdul, you suffered some injuries, are you alright ?"

Abdul: I'll be fine, let's go. Mr.Joestar, we must be on our way to Egypt.

I was about to leave, when I heard a strange noise coming from Polnareff's side, like some sort of sizzling. Before seeing his stand slowly moving around.

"Hum, guys... You may want to see that."

Joseph: What is it Y/n ?

"I...I don't know how, but I think his stand is still alive..."

All of a sudden, his stand exploded, sending half-melted armor parts everywhere.

Joseph: Huh ? What's this ? His stand should be in pieces by now !!

We were all confused by what happened, but it didn't goes any better when Polnareff's body suddenly shot itself upward.

Abdul: Th...This is impossible !!!

Kakyoin: He's lying down, but he still jumped in the air !!!

Polnareff: HA HA HA !!! That was pretty good!!! He said clapping, while he was still floating midair.

Joseph: He...He's still ok !

Jotaro: Look at his injuries. They're just slight burns. But how can he stay in the air like that ?

"How can he be still alive to begin with ?!"

Polnareff: Heh heh. Just look closely !

And right in cue, we all noticed some sort of distorted image of silver chariot supporting him.

Abdul: This is ?!

Polnareff finally landed on the ground (doing an unnecessary triple front flip in the process).

Polnareff: That's right ! [SILVER CHARIOT] sans armor !

Polnareff: I will explain it to you to show my good sportsmanship, or else it would be like ambushing you, which has no honor. Would you give me time to explain ?

Abdul: Thank you. Please do.

'So even in Dio's control, he kept his honor and sportsmanship, it would be a shame to kill him...'

Polnareff: My stand didn't disintegrate, it merely took off its armor. The part you burned was just the armor, so I didn't sustain any serious injury.

Polnareff: Now, after taking off the armor, his body is a lot lighter.

Polnareff: Did you see it's movements when it held me up ? that's how fast it is now !!

To say that Abdul was shocked was an understatement, but in all honestly, we all were...

Abdul: I see, so you were hit by my crossfire hurricane because of your armor.

Abdul: In other words now that you've taken it off, you'll die after being hit.

Polnareff: Exactly, but it's impossible.

Abdul: Impossible ? I would like to try.

Polnareff: Then I'll show you something that'll make you piss in your pants !

Abdul: Please do.

And I thought what I just witnessed was weird, but it was clearly nothing compared to what just happened.

Joseph: What ?! His stand increased it's number to six... no seven !

Kakyoin: That's not possible ! One people should only have one stand !

Polnareff: Looks like you are scared... These are just residual images of my stand. Your eyes can't follow it's movements clearly enough.

Polnareff: What do you say now, Abdul ?! How does my sword feel now ?!

The residuals images attacked Abdul all at once, leaving no opening or any time to react.

Abdul: Crossfire Hurricane !!

Being out of options, Abdul unleashed a powerful blast of flames, but while it seemed to hit its target, it revealed to be inefficient since it only hit one of the residuals images.

Polnareff: No no no no. I've already said they are residual images. You're not going to hit me. You are only going to make holes in the ground.

Before any of us could react, Polnareff managed to land a direct hit on Abdul, carving some ankhs in his face with it sword.

Joseph: Abdul !

"Mr.Joestar, should I intervene ?"

Joseph: Wait a little longer, knowing Abdul, he should have another trick up his sleeve.


Now that I think about it, Abdul does seem strangely calm for someone who just got skewered in the face.

Abdul: You were pretty accurate. You've trained your stand for quite some time.

Polnareff: Three years to be exact. It's your turn to attack now. I'll finish you off this time.

Abdul: Because of your sportsmanship, you explain your move before you attack. Then I'll explain my secret before I attack.

Polnareff: Please do.

Abdul: My crossfire has another variant. I can split the ankh into multiple ankhs ! Can you dodge it this time ?


With that new attack, Abdul fired several copy of his previous move.

Polnareff: Easily done !!

His stand formed some sort of protective field all around him, preventing him from being hurt.

Joseph: His stand has surrounded him now, there is no place to attack !

Kakyoin: The flames will be deflected ! Abdul is going to get burned !

"I can't jump in, or I'll get burned too."

Polnareff: Easy, easy, easy, easy, too easy ! I'll just send them all back to you !!!

Polnareff: Deflect it, Silver Chariot !!

But just as he was about to launch the flames back, we noticed something coming out of the ground, right under him, and revealed itself to be another ankh, launched by Abdul.

"Wait, how did he managed to make it go through the ground ?"

Joseph: Look closer, at Abdul's feet...

And right as he said, there was a small hole in the ground, right beneath Abdul, and it seemed familiar.

Joseph: It was the hole the fire made earlier. It went underground and made a tunnel, then busted under Polnareff.

Abdul: The first attack was just trying to dig a tunnel. As I've already said, my flames can split into multiple parts.

Polnareff came crashing on the ground, but totally on fire this time. And Abdul threw him a dagger.

Abdul: It's painful to die burning. Why don't you use that dagger to finish yourself off ?

Polnareff took the dagger, and almost threw it at Abdul when he had his back turned, but stopped dead on his tracks, and just let go of the dagger.

Polnareff: I was too cocky, I didn't think I would lose.

Polnareff: I'll just die burning. It's the recognition of your strength. It would be rude of me to commit suicide.

He then fell unconscious and Abdul stopped the flames that were burning him.

Abdu: You would still be a knight before you died...

Abdul: You didn't even throw the dagger at my back. You are a man who is much better than Dio.

"I see your point here, something must have make him do that..."

Abdul: Yes, it would be a waste to kill him. He said pointing to another flesh bud on his forehead.

"Jotaro, if you would..."

Jotaro: Let's do this...

Star Platinum pulled out the flesh bud, freeing Polnareff from Dio's control.

Joseph: Aw yuck ! Man those tentacles are disgusting...

"Can't argue with that."

Joseph: Just take the spore out already !

"I wanted to ask, Mr.Joestar, what was that strange lightning you used to get rid of Kakyoin's flesh bud ?"

Joseph: Oh that ? It's called Hamon, it's a power created by your breathing and blood stream and specifically designed to kill vampires, why do you ask ?

"Well I was wondering if you could teach me to use it ?"

Joseph: Why...?

"You see, if Dio and I were to face, even if his stand wouldn't affect me, from what I heard, a vampire's physicals abilities are far from above a human's ones."

Joseph: I see,  you want to be able to wield Hamon so you'll gain the upper hand against Dio.

"That's right, if I could use it, I could destroy Dio, even without an "offensive" stand"

Joseph: Well, I could teach you how to use it, but it take a lot of time and effort to correctly wield it.

"I'm willing to take the risk, thank you"

Jotaro: While you were talking, I finished taking out the flesh bud.

Joseph: Alright !!! Now we don't have to be afraid of him anymore ! He he.

Jotaro: Kakyoin, Y/n, doesn't it get annoying to travel with someone who never get serious ?

'Why do I feel like this is going to get worse in the future ?'

So it's finally the end of the "Polnareff" arc, and yes, we're going to learn how to use Hamon.

Also I plan on doing Diamond is unbreakable and Vento Aureo once I'm done with Stardust Crusader.

Until then... Stand Proud everyone !!

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