An Innocent Death

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AN: Or The death of an Innocent soul.

'Harrrrrry, Harrry.' A dark whisper echoed through the mind of a young Harry Potter. The five year old blinked blurrily at the voice that had been on the edge of his consciousness for as long as he could remember but today it seemed stronger.

It was a dark Halloween night and his relatives had left to go trick or treating with Dudley leaving him locked in his cupboard. A strange feeling overcame him and the door to his cupboard suddenly opened on its own.

'Worry not Harry go forth.' The voice whispered again. Harry almost mechanically walked out of his cupboard not feeling in control as his body moved to follow the instructions the voice was giving him. The front door opened on its own and Harry walked out into the supposedly festive night.

'Find someone alone.' Harry looked around seeing families walk the streets together happily. The voice seemed to hiss in irritation as a pang of sadness reverberated through him. Harry moved to another street and found a young girl wandering as lonely as himself.

'Follow her' Harry moved to follow her confused as to why no one had noticed him. As he neared the girl she seemed to suddenly change her gait and veer off to an alleyway. The girl stopped at the end and turned towards him. The girl looked completely out of mind as she stared blankly at him as if waiting for orders.

'Now...' Harry found a knife in his hands suddenly and he stared at it in absolute panic. 'Kill her' The voice demanded and Harry's heart seemed to stop and his body shook as he rebelled against the order as hard as he could.

"N-no p-p-please don't make me do this." Harry cried but to no avail as his arm raised the knife towards the young girl's chest. Tears streamed down his face, the only thing he seemed able to control. The knife plunged through the young girl's chest and the girl screamed as whatever was controlling the girl earlier left her as she fell to the floor bleeding to death.

'Cut out her eyes' The voice demanded with a tone of glee. And Harry felt like screaming at the voice but his lips refused to move from the demented grin now on his lips. Tears streamed down his face endlessly as his knifeless hand gripped the young girl's face to face towards him. The girl screamed at him as he started to carve out the girl's beautiful blue eyes. Once he was done he let his knife fall to the floor and held both eyes in his hands.

'Now EAT THEM Muhahahaha.' The voice laughed uproariously as Harry was forced to swallow the eyes whole. The moment he swallowed he felt the voice's control over him leave and then nothing but burning pain. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his shadow laughing at him before losing consciousness.

~In Harry's mind~

A figure almost identical to Harry grinned as his eyeless sockets looked up at the cracking magical core before him. The bright light dimmed and the darkness following the figure rose to stream in between the cracks that started appearing across the core. A shard of the core broke off and the figure quickly caught it before running away as Harry appeared screaming within his own mind with no awareness.

The figure had ran to the dark corner he called his home and slipped through a great cage of light magic to another figure lying on the metaphorical ground of the mindscape. The figure ran his hand over the scaly head of his companion in fascination before tearing off a small piece of the core in his hands. A loud screech from Harry showed that the owner could still feel the piece despite being disconnected. The figure grinned as darkness covered the tiny piece before he forced the piece into his companion's mouth.

The snake like figure shuddered but did not wake. The original figure frowned, breaking off another piece and again feeding it to its companion. Red eyes opened wide with a startled gasp and the figure smiled before darkening and devouring the rest of the core. The resulting scream had a grin appearing on both of the figure's faces and they both studied each other curiously.

"Who are you?" The figure with red eyes asked the other as the screaming quieted to a low groan.

"I am the shadow of Harry Potter, welcome to my abode."

AN: I had this idea of Harry being a shadow demon that was super overpowered but then I read All Your Stars and more ideas came before I dreamed of Voldemort's horcrux falling in love with something with no eyes inside of Harry Potter and it became this.

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