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For those that are here to skip ahead scroll until you see bold letters and after that is when you start reading from.

They got back to port. The captain and other fishermen having never stopped talking about how awesome her fight was. She felt bad for killing the wolves' alpha, but she wasn't going to let anyone die on her watch. They paid the mages before collecting the baskets of fish and unloading them.

She got off the boat only to be stopped by a hand on her shoulder when she started walking away. She turned to see Sting was the owner of the hand, with Rogue standing not far behind him with an emotionless expression and crossed arms. She turned completely and asked with a raised eyebrow, "And you two want?"

Sting stated seriously, "We want you to be a member of Sabertooth."

Grace blinked with wide eyes before she laughed out loud, clutching her stomach as she threw her head back. She stopped laughing and wiped the tears from her eyes, "That's a good one. Me join Sabertooth. I didn't think you guys had a sense of humor, guess I was wrong."

Their expressions remained serious and Rogue stated, "We aren't joking. We want you to join."

Grace looked at the shadow dragon with wide eyes, then to the blonde as he spoke, "Someone with your strength deserves to be in the strongest guild. Not some weak, wor-"

Grace grabbed Sting's ear with a vise-like grip and brought it to her mouth. He grunted in pain as she spoke through clenched teeth and in a dark voice, each sentence pulling at his ear, "My guild is not weak! Or worthless! You say one more word and I will personally RIP out your eyes, and SHOVE them down your throat. So you can see my claws tear your CARCASS OPEN!! There's no way I would ditch them for strength!" She let go of his ear, throwing his head away from her.

End of recap for those who have already read my other book.

She was walking away when she stopped, coming to a realization, if Fairy Tail is at the bottom of the food chain then there probably aren't many job requests to make money from...Ugh! I'm gonna regret this!

She turned back to the dragon slayers, the blonde still rubbing his ear and wincing in pain. She smirked before turning serious, "On second thought. I'll take you up on that offer." She paused and reminded with a glare, "This doesn't mean I'm admitting my guild is weak or worthless, so don't say shit about it or I might actually kill you."

Time Skip

They finally arrived at Sabertooth. Grace was less than ecstatic, but she only planned on staying until the Fairy Tail members came back. Just to get a feel for how the present world worked now, having been on that island for five years.

Sting said seriously as they approached the door, "Don't make eye contact with anyone, but act like you aren't afraid of anything."

The red haired girl scowled and clicked her tongue, "I already am fearless, dipshit. Plus I already planned on walking in like I owned the place."

The blonde glared but said nothing. They walked into the guild after Sting shoved the doors open forcefully. Grace walked behind the twin dragons with a confident aura around her and an emotionless look on her face. She did as the white dragon slayer had said and looked at no one, only focusing on where they were going.

They began walking up the stairs to the second floor, Grace trying to hide her exhaustion and hatred for the wooden things.

When they got to the top they walked through the dimly lit hallway. There were lots of doors, all covered in extravagant designs. Grace said, mostly to herself, though her voice echoed through the empty hallway, "What the fuck is this? Some type of rich asshole's castle?"

Rogue stated in monotone, "These are the living quarters for the members that decide to stay at the guild."

Grace just said, embarrassed, "Oh..."

The dragon slayers suddenly stopped at a huge set of double doors that went almost to the ceiling. There were two Sabertooth tigers decorating the doors, one on each door standing on its hind legs facing the other with its mouth wide open baring it's large saber teeth.

Grace nodded with an impressed look on her face, that actually looks pretty cool.

Sting knocked, hearing a come in, before opening the door gently. All three of them walked into the large office. Sting and Rogue stood in front of Grace, hiding her for the time being.

The red head heard a gruff voice command, "What do you two want?"

Sting spoke, "We encountered someone on our last mission. Someone strong."

Grace heard the voice say, sounding intrigued, "I'm listening."

Rogue spoke this time, emotionlessly, "She could perhaps be one of our strongest members...if you were to accept her."

She heard a low humming, like the man was thinking. After a moment he said, "I would like the meet this girl. Where is she?"

Suddenly both mages separated and showed the red head, who put on a face of confidence and fearlessness. The large man stated commandingly, "Step forward."

The green eyed girl did as told and stepped forward until she was a few feet from the desk. She waited for the man to speak again, "What is your magic?"

She answered seriously, "I don't use magic."

The man furrowed his brows and boomed, "Why have you brought a weakling into my office claiming she is strong!?"

The girl, unfazed by his anger, stated, "You didn't let me finish. I don't use magic. I use something much stronger."

The man rose a brow in criticism, "There is nothing stronger than magic."

This made the girl smirk, "Because I'm the only one that has this power."

He narrowed his eyes but nodded for her to continue, "Its called shapeshifting. Similar to take over, only I don't 'take over' anything. I gained my powers spontaneously one day about seven years ago. What I can shift into are all the wild felines in existence."

The man commanded, "Show me."

The red head nodded, "Of course."

She chanted, stepping back from the desk, "Shapeshift! Bengal Tigress! Fire Mode!"

She glowed gold and changed in size and shape before the light died down and there stood a large Bengal Tiger. The man remained indifferent, though impressed.

She suddenly growled and burst into flames, her emerald green cat eyes turning to thin slits. Now the master visibly widened his eyes. He heard a voice chant, "Amur Leopardess! Lightning Mode!"

Suddenly the tiger glowed gold and shrunk a bit in size. The light died and showed an Amur leopard. She opened her eyes and suddenly sparked with lightning. The hairs on the three males' bodies stood up from the dramatic increase of electricity in the room. She suddenly turned into lightning and shot up to the ceiling, rematerializing on one of the wooden support beams. She then chanted, "White Leopardess! Ice Mode!"

As she shifted into a white Leopard she chanted from atop the beam, "Ice Slide!"

A slide of ice formed from the beam to the ground, curving so she would land right in front of the master's desk. She jumped on it and slid down, stopping at the bottom and commanding the slide to disappear. She then chanted, "Black Leopardess! Poison Mode!"

After shifting she asked through her telepathy, "May I use Sting for this?"

The large man nodded his confirmation, wondering what she was going to do. She walked over to Sting, baring her teeth in a smirk. The blonde didn't like that one bit, but stayed put. She went behind him and nudged him forward. He walked up in front of the desk and stood there. Grace said, "Sleep Poison Claw."

She simply poked Sting in the bicep, him instantly collapsing as a snore escaped him. She smirked and chuckled before saying to the large man, "And I think you'll really like this next shift."

The male raised a curious brow at the claim until she chanted, "Shapeshift! Sabertooth Tigress!"

His eyes widened as the female said the words, and watched as she glowed gold and grew bigger than his desk. The light died and there stood a huge Sabertooth tiger. She bared her two foot long sabers at the master to show them off.

She shifted back to normal and said, "I can do a lot more but that would take all day."

He nodded with a smile, which creeped the girl out, and said, "Welcome to Sabertooth. Rogue take this young lady to get her guild stamp."

The black haired male gave a stiff nod before walking over and picking up his unconscious partner. The red head followed the male out of the office.

When they exited she said with a wide smile, "Well that went well."

Rogue simply nodded as he adjusted Sting on his shoulder. As they got to the balcony before the stairs Grace said, "Oh! Here let me wake him up."

He dropped the male rather roughly, though neither cared. Grace chanted, "Shapeshift. White Tigress. Water Mode."

She shifted into a white tiger and said, "Wake up!" Before splashing a small wave of water she conjured from her paw onto the blonde's face, surprising the black haired male as the blonde one awoke.

Sting gasped and looked around, "What happened?!"

He turned to his right when he heard the sound of muffled snorting. He saw the red haired girl trying not to laugh, with her hand over her mouth and her face red from slight lack of oxygen. He glared and said, "You."

This just caused the female to lose control and throw her head back, letting loose an obnoxious laugh. The blonde glared harder and said, "Why'd you do that!? That probably made me look weak!"

Grace smirked, "It doesn't matter how strong someone is. My sleep poison claw can put anyone to sleep. Unless they're immune to poison."

She then turned and started walking down the stairs. She turned at the bottom, heading towards the bar. She stopped in front of a girl with icy blue hair who was behind the counter.

The red head spoke with an indifferent face, "Do you know where I can get someone to put the guild stamp on me?"

The girl looked up with wide eyes and said quickly, "Uh, yes! I can do it!"

The green eyed girl nodded and waited. The girl came around the counter with a stamp and asked, "Where and what color?"

The red head turned and said, "Cobalt blue, lower right of my back."

She lifted her shirt and the light haired girl pressed the stamp to her back. Grace shivered at the sensation until it was removed and she looked down at it. She stared at it, getting lost in her thoughts. I feel like I'm betraying Fairy Tail. I KNOW! I'll visit them and see how everyone's doing and if I can help them in anyway.

With that thought she walked over to the job board with a straight face. She remembered Sting and Rogue talking about how she should keep her emotions to herself and just remain indifferent or look intimidating. She laughed quietly at the "intimidating" part. There was no way in hell anyone would find her intimidating...unless they made her mad.

Grace looked through the jobs. Most of the high paying ones were taking out dark guilds. She sighed and thought, Fuck it. I'll give it a try. Just hope I don't kill anyone. I'm not used to holding back. Although I guess worst case scenario I could put them all to sleep.

She nodded at that and ripped a job down from the board, taking it over to that icy blue haired girl, whose name she still hadn't gotten. She slapped it onto the bar, startling the girl slightly, and said in an emotionless tone, "I'm taking this job."

The girl looked at it and stamped it before going back to cleaning glasses. As Grace walked over to the guild doors, the job was suddenly taken away from her.

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