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Grace whipped around to see none other than the white dragon slayer, Sting Eucliffe. She glared harshly and said, "Sting give that back."

The blonde simply kept reading the job. She tried to reach for it, only for him to yank it up in the air, still reading it. She growled before the dragon slayer spoke, "Why are you taking on a job when you just went on one? Not to mention this one's taking on a dark guild. Alone."

Grace said with a scowl, "Because I don't want to stay here doing nothing all day. Now give it the fuck back."

The male smirked and said, "It would be uncouth of me to let a newbie take on a job alone, so I'll come with you."

The red head gave a disgusted expression, "Hell no! There ain't no way I'm teamin up with you again!"

Now all the guild members were watching the interaction either with smirks or bored looks. Sting simply said, "No choice I'm going with you."

Grace scoffed, "Do you want me to put your ass to sleep again?"

The blonde smirked, "My ass is fully awake at the moment."

The red head stated, "It damn well will be when I shove my foot up it!"

Sting smirked even more, "Ohhhh, kinky. I like it."

Grace face palmed and drug her hand down her face before pinching her nose and sighing. She reached out her hand with her eyes closed, still pinching her nose, "Just! Give me the god damn paper, Lightbulb!"

The dragon slayer rolled his eyes and gave in, finally done pestering the girl. Although he was surprised she wasn't effected by his dirty insult. The red head snatched the paper and said, "Now go do whatever it is you do and leave me the hell alone. I'd rather not see your face all the time."

The white dragon smirked, "Ah, so I'm so sexy that you can't look at me or you'd swoon. No I get it. I don't want you to faint from overheating."

The girl tsked, "Sure that's why I don't want to look at your face. It's totally not because I want to slam it into every sharp object in existence."

With that she turned around and walked out of the guild. Olga burst out laughing, "Nice one Sting! You totally got that chick's panties wet! Haha!"

The dragon slayer grew a tick mark, "SHUT THE FUCK UP OLGA!"

Rufus stated with a smug smirk, "I shall remember the day that Sting Eucliffe got rejected for the first time."

The White dragon groaned, "Come on Rogue. Let's get to our apartment. I'm done with today."

The black haired male rolled his eyes and stood up, following the blonde out of the guild.

With Grace

Grace climbed aboard the train to a small town called Newchester. She had never heard of it, then again she never got around much. But apparently there was a dark guild that was reeking havoc on the villagers.

Time Skip

She finally arrived and got off the train. She walked up to the ticket counter and asked the woman behind it, "Do you know where the Mayor's house is?"

The woman nodded and pointed to her right, "Just that way and make a right, you'll see a huge mansion behind all the buildings. Can't miss it."

The red head gave a nod of thanks and went on her way.

She finally arrived at the Mayor's and knocked on the front doors. The door opened and there stood a handsome man in about his mid-twenties in a butler uniform. He spoke in a smooth and deep voice, "May I help you?"

Grace shook her head after she finally got out of fantasy land and said, "Um yes I am here for the request the Mayor made about the dark guild. I'm from Sabertooth."

She never thought she'd say those words.

The tall male asked, "May I see your guildmark?"

She nodded and turned slightly, lifting up her shirt in the back just enough so he could see the stamp. She put her shirt down and faced him again, seeing a light blush on his face. He cleared his throat and said, "Right this way Miss-?"


"Miss Grace. That's a pretty name."

The red head smiled, "Thank you. What's your name?"


"You look like a Jackson. It suits you."

The male blushed a bit before stopping at a set of double doors. He stated as he opened the door, "The Mayor should be waiting in here."

The red head nodded and walked inside the room. She heard the doors shut behind her and looked around. She saw a fireplace lit with a couch and a couple chairs around it. She saw what looked like a man with brown hair sitting in the center of the couch. She walked and greeted, "Um, excuse me? Are you the Mayor?"

There was no response, not even movement from the man. She walked up behind him and said as she placed her hand on his shoulder, "Sir-"

Suddenly the man's head popped off and fell onto the couch and rolled to the floor. The girl was surprised and quickly ran to the other side of the couch. When she did she saw that it wasn't a man, it was just a dummy. She suddenly got a horrible feeling and her guard sky rocketed.

Suddenly the room went dark. She quickly chanted, "Shapeshift! White Leopardess! Light Mode!"

She glowed gold and shifted into a white leopard. She immediately lit her whole body up with light, illuminating most of the room. She looked around, squinting her eyes in concentration. She suddenly heard her ears start ringing and jerked her head up towards the ceiling.

It began crumbling and caving in. She jumped out of the way of the falling debris, keeping close to the walls. Suddenly people started jumping down from the caved in ceiling and onto the rubble. She growled and chanted in her head, "Black Leopardess. Shadow Mode."

She was now practically invisible without a light, but she could see everything around her by sensing their presence through their shadows. The female sensed the three people to the right approaching her and sent out three tendrils of shadows towards them, the trio not knowing what was heading right for them. She wrapped the tendrils around their necks and choked them until they were unconscious. She sensed about thirty other humans around. I gotta take them all out at once or else they could get the drop on me.

She chanted in her head, Amur Leopardess. Lightning Mode. She shifted and suddenly chanted, "AMUR LEOPARD'S RAGING LIGHTNING BOLT!"

She sparked with huge bolts of lightning and sent them out all around her. They all hit their targets dead on, knocking them out instantly. She went back to her white Leopardess light mode and lit her body up again, making sure she got everyone. Once she figured she had she said to herself, "Now to find the Mayor."

"Not while I'm still around."

Grace whipped around and saw none other than Jackson, the handsome butler from earlier. She realized what he said and asked, "What?! You were behind this?!"

The tall male smirked and walked to the female, taking her chin in his pointer and middle finger, "That's right sweetheart. And unfortunately, as beautiful as you are, I can't let you out of here alive. My master wouldn't be too happy about that."

The red head smirked, "You're not gonna kill me."

"Oh is that so? And why not?"

Her smirk just widened and she yelled, "Because you'll be too busy napping! Shapeshift! Black Leopardess! Poison Mode!"

She shifted and chanted, "Black Leopard's Sleep Poison Claw!"

She pounced at the male, him dodging the swipe just in time. He suddenly chanted, "Water Bullets!"

Grace was surprised at first but quickly began dodging the attack. Jumping all around the room to avoid the bullets of water. She chanted, "Black Leopard's Sleep Poison...ROAR!"

A misty vortex of blue poison shot from her mouth, catching Jackson off guard and hitting him head on. He instantly collapsed, asleep. The girl shifted back to normal and sighed, that was a roller coaster ride.

She found the Mayor tied up in dungeon of the dark guild, after searching the forest for it and taking out the rest of its members and Master. She asked the Mayor what happened and the middle aged man simply said that they attacked right after he sent out that request.

After receiving her reward, plus a bonus, she went back to the fresh Hell known as the Sabertooth guild.

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