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The next few weeks were fairly calm for the couple. After making an appointment at the hospital in Vickstown for a pregnancy test, they had went on a few missions, only after Grace had put a protection spell on her womb in case she was pregnant. Rogue wouldn't let her go otherwise.

They had just finished up another mission and were headed for Vickstown. Grace had the motion sick dragon slayer laying in her lap. He groaned, "Hnng, why couldn't you put the motion sickness spell on me?"

The red head just kept running her hands through his silky black locks, "Honestly because I like this. You laying in my lap while I run my hands through your hair."

He turned his head and groaned into her stomach, making her giggle, "You're so mean."

She smirked, "That's me. You're mean and horrible girlfriend who may or may not be carrying your child."

He sighed and inhaled as best he could against her stomach, "I hope you are."

The girl mused, "And if I'm not we can try again and again until I am."

That gained a pathetic chuckle from the male, "I really think you're borderline sex addict."

Grace laughed, "Are you complaining?"

The dragon slayer male shook his head, "Nope, not in the slightest. Just pointing it out."

The girl nodded, "Good, because we'll still be having it while I'm pregnant up until I feel like we should stop."

Rogue blinked with wide eyes, "Are you serious? Won't that hurt the baby?"

She shook her head, "No. Also I don't think I'll be able to keep myself off you for nine whole months."

He chuckled, "Well at least you're honest."

She nodded stiffly.

Time Skip

They walked into the hospital and signed in for their appointment before sitting in the waiting room.

After about ten minutes a woman with brown hair in a bun and blue scrubs on walked in and asked, "Rogue and Grace?"

Both of them stood and walked over to her. She smiled and asked, "Sorry to pry, but are you here to see if you're expecting?"

Rogue nodded as Grace asked, "How'd you know?"

The nurse giggled, "The appointment says it's with Dr. Koleski. He's the doctor that handles pregnancies, and I've never seen you before."

The pair nodded as the nurse opened the door to a room with an exam table and other stuff that neither really recognized.

They didn't go to the doctor often since they didn't need to.

Soon a middle aged man with greying brown hair walked in with a clipboard in hand and a small capped plastic cup.

The man greeted with a cheerful deep voice, "Hello there! I'm Dr. Koleski, but you can just call me Tom."

The pair glanced at each other with raised eyebrows before he continued, "So, you two are here to see if you've got a little one on the way, eh?"

Grace nodded.

He smiled widely, "Great! All you have to do miss Grace is pee in this cup and I'll have the results up in about fifteen minutes! The bathroom is down the hall and two doors on your right."

As she left the room Rogue took a seat in one of the extra chairs next to door. He laid his head back and closed his eyes for a moment before he heard the doctor speak, "So...you're the father I'm assuming?"

He peaked open one eye before shutting it and nodding.

"Are you hoping for a child?"

He nodded again.

"Well that's good. I don't get many young men in here that actually WANT the baby. Either that or there's no man in here at all. Shame that some of these women must raise a child on their own."

Rogue opens his eyes and looks at the doctor as he says sternly, "Look, son. Promise me you won't abandon this young lady. Even when raising the child gets hard, don't leave her to do it on her own."

The dragon slayer nodded seriously at the command, "I never planned on leaving her anyway."

Dr. Koleski nodded in approval before the door opened back up to reveal the red haired girl, "Here ya go. One cup of urine."

He joked back, "Thank you! It's what I've always wanted!"

Grace giggled at his goofy sarcasm before he got up and exited the room.

She sat back down next to the shadow dragon and looked at her hands in her lap. Seeing her seemingly get lost in her thoughts he grabbed one of her hands and squeezed it reassuringly, "Are you okay?"

The female snapped out of her mind and smiled up at him, "Yeah. Just anxious." She paused for a moment before continuing, "I mean, if I am pregnant what's gonna happen? We kinda went in blind with this pregnancy thing. I know the basic things and then the information my powers gave me, but other than that I really don't know anything."

The black haired dragon slayer blinked. She was right, he didn't know much either. He gave her a small rare side smile, "Well we have about eight months to figure it out."

She nodded before the door opened up to the room and in came the doctor. Grace sat up straight and asked nervously, tightening her grip on Rogue's hand, "Well?"

The man looked between the pair with a blank facial expression, then down at their interlocked hands, before smiling widely, "CONGRATULATIONS!! You're pregnant Miss Grace!!! You two are gonna make great parents I can tell!"

The shapeshifter immediately wrapped herself around Rogue and squealed happily, "Yaaaaaay!!"

She showered the emotionless male, whom was now sporting a face of utter terror, with kisses. The doctor chuckled at the younger male's misfortune before turning serious, "Now, I want you to come in every month for a check up alright? We must make sure the baby and you are staying healthy."

The pair nodded.

Doctor Koleski suddenly asked, "Would you two be interested in finding out if you could see the baby?"

Grace looked at Rogue, who nodded with a shrug of his shoulders, "Yeah, sure."

The man clapped excitedly and said, "Alrighty then! I'll go get the ultrasound equipment! Miss Grace if you would lay down on the examination table?"

As he left, the red head climbed up onto the table and laid down on her back. Rogue pulled his chair up next to it, "Do you think we'll be able to see it or do you think it's too early?"

The girl shrugged, "I don't know. Sounded like he wasn't sure either. I bet it depends on the female and it won't always show up on ultrasound this early."

He nodded before the door to the room opened again and Doctor Koleski walked in with his back to the pair. He was pulling a large cart with a Lacrima screen and some other equipment on it, "Okay, I got the stuff." He parked the cart right next to the bed and grabbed a tube of some kind of gel and gestured to Grace's stomach, "If you could lift your shirt to about two inches above your belly button, please?"

The girl did as told and lifted her shirt. He grabbed a little device with a curly cord coming out of it and a crescent moon shaped head as he squirted a bit of the gel on her stomach. He began spreading it around her stomach, just below her belly button.

He then reached towards the screen and flipped a switch. It suddenly flashed on and a black and white picture appeared on the screen.

He watched the screen as he slowly moved the device around Grace's stomach. Rogue grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She turned to him before seeing the nervousness in his visible eye as he looked at the screen. She looked back when the doctor suddenly gasped. She quickly asked, "What? Is something wrong?"

He shook his head before looking at the female with a wide smile, "Look!"

She looked at the screen as he pointed and exclaimed, "Look at that little dark dot right there!" She squinted until she finally saw what he was looking at, "That's you two's little bundle of joy...or blob of joy at this point."

Grace whipped her head around to Rogue and smiled, "That's our little baby, Roguey!" She turned back to the screen, "I can't wait to be a mom! I'm so excited!"

The shadow dragon nodded in agreement, he was going to be a father. He hadn't expected it to happen this early on in his life, but Grace felt like the one and he wasn't about to wish it away.

The middle aged doctor smiled at the adorable pair, "I'm sure you two will make great parents. I remember when my wife found out she was pregnant with our first daughter. It was the happiest day of my life." He looked at Rogue, "I can only imagine what you're going through, boy."

Dr. Koleski suddenly eyed the black haired dragon slayer up and down, "Ya know? You look awfully familiar, and your name sounds familiar too. Where have I seen you before?"

Rogue raised an eyebrow before the man snapped his fingers in success, "I KNOW! You're Rogue Cheney, the shadow dragon slayer of Sabortooth!"

Said male sighed, "Yeah. I'm that Rogue Cheney. But if you don't mind could you maybe not call every magazine around? I really don't want to be bothered when Grace and I are trying to enjoy peace and quiet."

He raised his hands in surrender, "Wouldn't dream of it. But if I may ask you Grace, are you in Sabortooth too?"

The red head nodded, "Yup. Just joined a few weeks ago. I'm actually in the games this year."

His eyes widened, "WOW. You must be strong if Master Jiemma put you in the games already."

The red haired girl smirked, "You could say that. I'm probably the strongest member of that guild now."

Rogue nodded slowly with his eyes closed in agreement. Dr. Koleski's jaw dropped, "Woah. I'm definitely watching the games this year then. Although take it easy. Ya know, with you being pregnant and all."

Grace nodded, "Yeah I already put a spell on my belly that'll protect the baby from any harm."

The man nodded before gesturing to the door, "You are free to go now. I look forward to seeing your progression throughout the next eight months."

With that the parents-to-be left the room and the hospital and headed towards the train station.

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