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Rogue and Grace were now headed to a place that the red head hadn't been to in years.

Fairy Tail.

Rogue was worried for the female. She hadn't said a word since she casted the motion sickness spell on him. She was just staring out the window with her chin in her palm with a stoic look on her face.

The dragon slayer was about to speak when the girl wondered out loud, "Do you think they'll forgive me?"

Rogue blinked, "Huh?"

The red head looked down and clenched her fists in her lap, "Fairy Tail. Do you think they'll forgive me? For not coming back to them? For joining another guild? Not even going to tell them I'm back?"

The shadow dragon slayer looked at the girl for a moment before speaking, "If they're as nice and caring as you say then I feel like they'll welcome you with ope-" He stopped when he smelled salt.

He looked closer at her downturned head and past her hair and saw a teardrop roll down her nose. He panicked but tried to hide it, "Hey, they'll understand once you tell them about everything that's happened and your reasons."

His eyes widened when her head shot up, showing her tear-filled eyes and quivering mouth, "But still Rogue! You and Sting told me basically what kind of shape they were in and I didn't do anything about it!!"

She looked back down at her lap and choked back tears as she whispered, "I didn't do anything. I just started making a new life for myself."

Rogue wrapped his arm around her shoulder and brought her into his side. She immediately lifted her legs onto the bench seat and curled into him, clenching his cloak in her hands with her body shaking as she tried to stop crying, "I know they'll be happy to see me but I just can't stop thinking about how I kind of left them behind."

Rogue kissed the top of her hair, "It'll turn out alright, babe."

Time Skip

The couple got off the train after arriving in Magnolia. Grace was still wiping her eyes from crying, while holding onto Rogue's arm with her head down.

The shadow dragon had never seen the girl this upset about anything for so long. He wasn't sure if it was the pregnant mood swings or if she was genuinely feeling guilty. He went with the latter, mostly because he wasn't about to ask her about mood swings.

She let go of his arm after feeling like she could hold herself up. He immediately wrapped his arm around her shoulders and shook her a bit, "You alright?"

She just nodded while looking at her feet as he kissed her forehead.

Neither of them knew, but they had gained an audience of one when said audience recognized the shadow dragon slayer, "Coooool! I didn't know Rogue had a girlfriend. I wonder what they're doing here in Magnolia?"

He saw Grace's shirt lift up slightly on her right side and caught a glimpse of the guild mark, recognizing it immediately, "AND she's in Sabertooth!? Coooooooool! I've gotta get this to Sorcerer Weekly pronto. But first..." he continued with a devilish smirk, "Let's see what these two love birds are up to."

Grace finally calmed down as she saw a few familiar places and faces within the town square. Some people gave her ghostly stares before she greeted them, having known their names. Afterwards she was usually given the same happy smile and the usual, "Haven't seen you in years I thought I was seeing a ghost."

Grace asked the bakery woman, where she used to get her favorite homemade chocolate chip cookies, "Where's Fairy Tail at?"

The middle aged woman gave her a sorrowful look before answering her, "They had to move to an old wind mill up on a big hill behind the town. So sad that they lost a lot of their members and respect ever since the main ones went missing."

Grace frowned and stated, "That's why I'm here. I wanna try to help them, at least a little."

The woman smiled fondly at the red head, "It's nice to see you're still the same young sweet girl you were all those years ago."

Grace smiled goofily at that before she and Rogue left the bakery and headed towards the wind mill they could see on a high hill behind the town.

Approaching it, Grace was horrified that it was basically in tatters. She figured if you just breathed on it that it would collapse. Her anxiety was setting in again as they got closer to the doors. She tightened her grip on Rogue's cloak before steeling herself with a deep breath and a hard look of confidence. She was about to open the door when she heard a loud voice inside, "You better get us our money old man. The boss don't take kindly to people who make him wait."

That's when she heard Master Macau's voice, "Look T-Boe we'll get your money. Just give us a few more days will ya?"

There was grumbling before a huff, "Fine. We'll give ya a few more days. BUT THAT'S IT! No more freebies after that."

Suddenly the doors swung open, crashing into the outside of the building. They revealed five strange looking men whom Grace didn't recognize. The pair stepped to the side as the group of men walked down the path towards town. She had to fight back the urge to growl at them for threatening her family.

They peeked inside to see everyone with downturned expressions. There were hardly any members inside. Every one of them Grace recognized, except two of them. A beautiful innocent looking girl with short purple hair, and a young black haired child with a little cowgirl hat on.

Rogue and Grace walked into the entrance, causing everyone to look up at them with wide eyes. Wakaba stood up with a cigarette in his mouth and said, "Welcome to Fairy Tail. Are you two looking to join or are you just lost?"

Grace looked at everyone. They all looked so different, so much older. After a moment of nothing but silence Master Macau voices, "Um, excuse me? Are you guys alright?"

Grace couldn't hold back a lone tear from falling down her cheek as she smiled, "Hello Master Macau."

Said middle aged man stared with wide eyes for a second before standing from his chair and slowly stepping closer. He looked the female up and down when he got five feet away before squinting his eyes at her face. He gasped, "Grace?! Is that you?!"

The female nodded quickly with a smile, to which the man immediately enveloped her in a hug and shook her around. Rogue gave a horrified look but tried to remain in control of his protective instincts. Though the girl's face of awkwardness was not helping.

She finally said, choking a bit, "Master you can put me down now...I still don't like hugs."

He instantly put her down, "Sorry. You look different in person than on the Lacrima. It's just been a while since I've really seen you."

The girl looked down guiltily, "5 years to be exact."

He smiled sadly at the girl, "Don't feel guilty. Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus told us why you decided to stay on that island. It's completely understandable and there are no hard feelings."

The red head just looked down at the ground, guilt setting in even more, "Yes but...I've been back for about three and a half weeks now."

Everyone looked at the girl with wide eyes.

She continued, "And I joined another guild."

A few gasped this time.

Suddenly the shadow dragon slayer spoke, "Grace, maybe you should start with something that doesn't sound like you betrayed them."

The shapeshifter nodded, "Um, I came here today to say that I'm back and that I've joined another guild. Hopefully you can forgive me once I tell you why I didn't come back right away after my mission."

Everyone remained silent, waiting for her explanation before judging her. She swallowed hard, "I joined another guild once I found out about Fairy Tail being at the bottom of the barrel. BUT it's not because I didn't wanna be associated with that title!!" She quickly dismissed, "Its because I wanted to help you guys. I wanted to be able to bring something back to you because I felt like I had just abandoned you when you needed me the most."

She frowned and fought back a few tears welling up, "I hoped that, if I was able to help you...you would all still consider me family." She took a breath to calm herself, "After I had finished that mission you gave me, Master Macau, I was given a chance to join another guild. I took that chance so I could make money to help you guys stay afloat."

Grace watched Bisca pick up the young child and walk towards her, "Grace..."

The red head looked down in shame and deep regret. The woman continued, "You'll always be family. No matter where you are, who you're with, what you're doing...you'll always be a part of Fairy Tail."

The red head choked a bit, "I know but, I should've came earlier to tell you I was back! And tell you what I was planning! And I heard what those bastards said to you guys! They threatened you and the guild!!"

Wakaba took a puff of his cigarette, "Sweetheart it ain't your fault those idiots come round here. Or that we borrowed money from them that we now owe. Don't beat yourself up about it."

Grace sighed, "I know but...if I came before or even stayed and didn't go to that island, maybe I could have prevented it from happening."

Jet spoke, changing the subject, "So what guild did you join?"

Grace cleared her throat awkwardly and said, "I uh, I joined the Sabertooth...guild."

Everyone's eyes shot open wide, "SABERTOOTH!?"

Macau asked, "They let you join?!"

The girl nodded. Droy was munching on a turkey leg as he finally said, "Wait a minute...that guy behind you. He's one of the twin dragon slayers!!"

Everyone gasped again before Grace smiled shyly as Rogue wrapped his arms around her middle, "Oh yeah. This is Rogue Cheney. He's kind of my boyfriend."

The male rose an eyebrow, "Kind of?"

The red head rolled her eyes, "You know what I mean."

He clicked his tongue, "I'm technically your babydaddy. I mean, you are carrying my child."

Bisca gasped, "You're pregnant, Grace?!"

The red head nodded, "Just found out today actually. That's why I decided to come here because the hospital was close to Magnolia. Also I brought the money from the mission you had me take a month ago. I don't need any of it for personal use at the moment so I'm giving you every jewel."

She handed a large money bag over to Macau, "Woah. This should pay off most of our debt for this year. Thanks Little Red."

Bisca cheered, "I can't believe you're pregnant!" She gestured to the child hugging her leg, "This is my daughter Asuka. She's a cutie ain't she!?"

Grace smiled and bent down next to the shy girl, "Hi there, I'm Grace." She looked up at Bisca and asked, "Who's the father?"

Alzack suddenly appeared and wrapped his arm around the green haired woman's shoulder, "I am. As well as being her husband."

Grace laughed, "Oh my gods! Finally you two got together!! Took ya long enough!"

Everyone chuckled at the pair as they blushed in embarrassment. Jet asked hopefully, "So do you wanna stay for a while and catch up with all of us?"

The red head turned to Rogue and asked with her infamous chipmunk face, "Please Roguey?!"

Said dragon slayer rolled his eyes with a blush, "Yes we can stay, but only until dusk."

Grace jumped at her lover with a wide smile and showered his face with kisses...for the second time that day.

Everyone laughed at the male's misfortune before they all gathered in the center of the guild hall to talk about what life's been like.

Small Time Skip

Grace asked as she took a sip of water that the purple haired woman, whose name she found out was Kinana, had given her, "So are you guys gonna compete in the games this year?"

Everyone looked at each other with skepticism as Macau said, "Probably not, why?"

The red head smiled innocently, "Because I'm in it!"

The whole guild was suddenly filled with gasps and coughing fits before Wakaba stated, "Welp that settles it. We definitely ain't competing this year."

Droy nodded, "That's for sure. With her on their team Sabertooth is guaranteed a win."

Rogue was confused at their sudden lack of confidence until Alzack spoke, "Hell, I'm pretty sure they don't even need to put anyone else in their team. She could defeat every wizard there without even trying."

Grace waved them off, "Oh please I don't even know the competition. Also y'all don't need to speak so highly of me I wasn't even the strongest in Fairy Tail."

Master Macau stated, "Yeah but you were in the top five at least."

Rogue asked in disbelief, "Is she really that powerful?"

Jet chuckled, "Aren't you her boyfriend? You should know exactly how strong she is."

He shrugged, "I mean I know she's super strong, believe me I do, but...to the point of Sabertooth not needing to put anyone else in their team but her?"

Everyone nodded with confidence. Rogue stared at his girlfriend with wide eyes as she smirked at him.

The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out, joking around, and telling stories.

Grace suddenly yawned, causing Rogue to say, "We should get home, babe. You need sleep now that we know you're pregnant. Also the games are in two days."

The red head whined but agreed, "Okay."

The shadow dragon chuckled at her childishness but let her climb onto his back.

As they made their way to the train station, Grace asked in a tired voice, "So, what'd you think of Fairy Tail?"

The dragon slayer stated, "They were exactly as you told me they were. Kind and caring...and crazy."

The girl gave a tired chuckle, "Yep, that's my family. I just hope they can stay alive."

Rogue looked down, "Do you still believe the other members will come back?"

Grace sighed, "Yeah. They'll come back. Gajeel would never die on me." She chuckled to herself, "Especially not without saying 'See ya when you make it to hell, Red'."

Rogue furrowed his eyebrows, "How close were you and Gajeel?"

The red head stated, "In one word, inseparable. He was my best friend, and kind of like an overprotective older brother. But I was just as protective. He's the reason why I gained my powers. If it wasn't for him...you and me wouldn't be together, or have even met. I owe a lot to that studded idiot."

The dragon slayer was torn on whether he should be jealous or grateful to Gajeel. She was right about them having not met if she hadn't gained her powers.

He just sighed and decided not to dwell on it. He knew that Grace would never leave him for Gajeel if he ever came back...at least he hoped she wouldn't.

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