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The next morning Grace and Rogue arrived at the guild later than usual. No one paid much attention as they sat down with Sting, and Yukino brought the red head her morning chocolate milk. Sting stared at the couple before smirking. Their eyebrows raised towards him in a questioning manor. He got the message and asked with a cocky twinkle in his eye, "So...what were you two doing at the hospital yesterday?"

They blinked in surprise before Rogue asked, "How'd you know about that, Sting?"

The blonde rolled his eyes and smirked, "I was in the town with Yukino when I caught a whiff of your scents. I followed them and saw you walk into a hospital."

Grace didn't know what to say and hoped he didn't know she was pregnant. He's the loudmouth of this guild, and there's no doubt he wouldn't blurt it out to everyone and everything in a hundred mile radius.

The dragon slayer asked again, "What were you guys doing in a hospital? Is there something you need to tell me? Or maybe...the whole guild? Hmmm?"

Rogue's eyes narrowed and his grip tightened around the girl's waist. He felt Sting was threatening him...and Grace. The blonde saw this and his smirk widened, he'd never seen Rogue like this before, except towards Frosch. He was having fun teasing the male.

Luckily Yukino came to the rescue, knowing even after he'd went too far, Sting wouldn't stop, "Come on just tell us why you were there. Are either of you hurt? Did something happen?"

Grace sighed, giving in, "We went to the hospital to...check something."

The icy blue haired girl asked gently, "What were you...checking?"

The white dragon slayer smirked, "You're pregnant...aren't you?"

Grace looked down with a light blush while Rogue produced a growl that said if Sting spoke anymore he'd lose control of his anger. The blonde immediately surrendered, knowing full well how genuinely terrifying the dark male was when he was angry.

Yukino clapped happily, ignoring the tension between the two males, "Oh, Grace that's so exciting! How far along are you?!"

The red head said shyly, "About a month."

Yukino gasped, "You're already a month along?!"

The girl nodded her head, "Sorry Kino. I didn't want you to get excited until I knew for sure. I also didn't want you to make me do a bunch of girly shit because of it."

The light haired girl slumped a bit and mumbled, "Aww, I still wish you would have told me you were going to check."

Grace felt her guilty conscience eating at her again and sighed, "If you want we can eat dinner at my place and come up with baby names or something later?"

Yukino perked up instantly, "Really?!"

The shapeshifter nodded, "YAAAAAY!! I can't wait!! I've already got so many ideas!"

Grace's face deadpanned as she realized what she had probably just gotten herself into, "I'm way too nice to people sometimes."

Rogue asked suddenly, "Can I come?"

Grace turned and rose a brow, "Of course. You're the father, why WOULDN'T you have a say in the names?"

A raspy voice asked from across the table, "Can I come too?!"

Grace blinked and looked at the White dragon slayer with wide eyes, "...You really wanna come to my house and help think of baby names?"

The blonde nodded, "Also Rogue said your cooking was amazing."

The red head chuckled, "I'm not good at cooking in general, just the things that I CAN cook turn out really good."

Sting gave her a flick of his hand, "Well then cook what you're able to cook."

Grace glared but said nothing, really not wanting to get into an argument with the blonde at the moment.

Time Skip

Yukino and Grace were just finishing up buying things for their little get together at the shapeshifter's house. They bought alcohol, junk food, and the ingredients they needed for what dinner was going to be. Grace suddenly broke the peaceful silence, trying to hide her smirk, "So...what's with you and the blondie boy dragon slayer?"

She watched the light haired girl's cheeks immediately redden, "W-What are you talking about? There's nothing going on be-between us."

Grace smirked, causing the girl's blush to brighten, "Mwoooh! Don't look at me like that!"

The red head couldn't help but burst out laughing, "You're so adorable Kino, I can't help it! Sometimes I wish I was that innocent, but then I wouldn't be able to have fun fucking with guys that hit on me."

The celestial mage gasped, "Does Rogue know guys hit on you? I feel like he'd be extremely upset. He seems very protective of you, Grace."

The red head sighed with a small smile, "I know. That's why I don't tell him. He never asks so I don't tell. He doesn't need to worry about me like that. That dragon slayer worries about enough already."

Yukino rose an eyebrow, "Like what?"

Grace sighed again, "Like if I'm eating enough, drinking enough water, if I'm feeling okay, all that."

The icy haired girl smiled, "That's cute that he worries about you and your baby's safety though."

The shapeshifter nodded with a fond smile, "Yeah...it's one of the reasons why he's perfect to me." She paused and giggled, "He gives me space while still managing to satisfy his clinginess."

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