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It was the middle of the event for the second day of the Grand Magic Games.

Sting was using his brain...for once.

And Grace would admit...what he was doing was pretty smart.

It was a race.

Just your average race at that.

But, since it included wizards and was in the Grand Magic Games, the use of magic to "sabotage" your enemy was permitted.

The way Sting was being smart though, was he was hanging back. Jogging at a reasonable pace, not too slow to lose distance between the other competitors, but not too fast that they'd see him and start attacking. He was letting them use most of their energy and magic power against each other and to run the race, while he saved his for the final push to the finish line.

The announcer yelled over the speakers, "LAST LAP, COMPETITORS!! THIS IS YOUR LAST LAP!"

Sting smirked to himself, "This was a piece of cake from the start."

With that he suddenly unleashed a large amount of magic power and shot forward, knocking the other mages off their feet. He crossed the finish line in half a second, winning first place as if it was easy from the beginning. He smirked into the lacrima camera and shouted, "Sabertooth is #1!!"

The crowd roared with cheers for the blonde dragon slayer as the rest of the mages crossed the finish line.

Grace grumbled to herself, "Great now he's gonna come back and we're gonna have to hear him brag for the rest of our lives." She looked over the edge of the balcony at the ground and wondered to herself aloud, "I wonder if a fall from this height would kill me?"

Rogue gave her a horrified look, to which she rolled her eyes, "I'm just kidding Rogue. Don't get your panties in a twist. Sheesh, I feel like you should be used to how much I joke around by now."

He crossed his arms and gave her a disapproving look. Olga joked, "WOOP WOOP! Uh oh! The fun police is here. You better escape while you still can, Red."

Said red head laughed, "Haha! Good one, Wannabe Thor!"

Rufus gave a blank expression, "What's with these specific nicknames you give us?"

The shapeshifter winked at the blonde pretty boy, "That's my little secret way of having fun, Yankee Doodle Dandee!"

Rogue chuckled at the offended look on the masked man's face.

Suddenly the door burst open to the balcony and in walked a cocky-bastard-of-a-blonde manhoe, "Sup everybody! Did you see how I totally wiped out everyone like they were nothin?"

They all rolled their eyes as Grace said, "Here we go....yes Blondie we all saw it."

Sting glared at the female. When he was about to address her attitude the announcer stated, "Now begins today's battles! First up is Joel Somina from Unicorn Blood versus Grace Geraghty from Sabertooth!!!"

Grace blinked, "I'm fighting?!"

Rufus adjusted his hat, "It appears so. Don't lose, Lady Grace. Or master will not be pleased."

The red head pursed her lips in a sassy bored expression (that ratchet girl kinda sass), "Like I'd lose, Yankee Doodle. Y'all don't even know the extent of my power."

She jumped over the balcony railing, much to her dragon slayer's dismay, and landed on her feet. She wore a confident and serious aura as she strutted to the center of the arena floor. Her opponent walked towards her as well. He was a tall and muscular man with dark brown hair and a curled mustache. He bowed to the girl and greeted in a Hispanic accent, "Hola Señorita. My name is Joel, as you heard from our announcers. I am looking forward to our battle, but do not expect me to go easy on you just because you are a young lady."

She nodded, "Same goes for you. Although your mustache is well groomed and fabulous I will defeat you and take the win for Sabertooth."

Suddenly a way-too-happy voice screeched into the arena from the announcers' booth, "I can't wait to see this girl fight!!! It'll be so coooooool!!"

Another voice, like a raspy old man's, addressed the first one, "And why is that, Jason?"

The strange man responded while shaking his butt, "This is a bit of information that is yet to be fully confirmed, but rumor has it that she is DATING the dark dragon slayer, Rogue Cheney!!"

The normal announcer states, "Yes and another rumor I've heard from an anonymous source is that she's actually PREGNANT with his child."

The red head's eye twitched. Of course they'd choose to say this shit in front of millions of people.

The elder voice spoke, "Now that I take a closer look at her and piece my memories together I recognize this girl."

Grace turned around to look up at the booth. She squinted her eyes and saw the old man who had spoke those words. She gasped, "Mr. Yajima, is that you!? Well butter my biscuits, and call me Johnny Appleseed!! How've ya been old man!?"

The ex-council member nodded with a wrinkley smile, "In the flesh! I've been doing just fine. You've grown so much since I last saw a photo of you."

The girl shrugged and smirked, "Welp, that's what happens when you disappear off the map for five years."

The man chuckled, "Heh heh, I see. I can't wait to see what you can do. Up until this point I've only heard Maki's drunken stories of your powers, I hope you do him proud, young lady." (I'm using Yajima's nickname for Master Makarov bc I don't want the crowd to know she's from fairy tail)

The red head smirked and rolled her eyes cockily, "Now when have I ever lost a fight?"

The old man gave a belly laugh, "From what I've heard, never! Apparently Maki even dubbed you the Tigress of Torment because of how you would keep all of his children in line and stop them from being destructive."

Grace chuckled deeply, "Well I guess I gotta make sure I put on a show then, don't I?"

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