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A/N: Thanks for 2k reads y'all! I love you all, my precious Kittens! Means a lot!


The flames burst from Grace's mouth towards Joel. He screamed in agony as the burning hot fire raged around him, never ceasing as the tigress kept roaring them out of her mouth as she got closer to him.

When she was about 10 feet away she stopped, "White Leopardess Hybrid. Ice Mode."

She grew white leopard ears and a tail as well as her cheek bones, arms, and sides being covering in leopard spots. She kept a completely emotionless face as the man in front of her was covered in black ash and burn marks. She suddenly conjured, "Ice Gun."

A small hand gun made of ice formed in her right hand, "Bullets of Ice."

A gun clip full of 13 ice bullets formed in her left. She put the clip into the gun and slowly pointed it towards the man, aiming for his head. Everyone gasped, is she going to kill him?

She spoke with a dark and dead tone of voice, "You should know that against a tiger...you'll never win." She paused and slowly cocked the gun, "You look like you could use some ice for that burn you got there...this is for threatening the life of me and my unborn child by summoning that male."

She pulled the trigger, the bang sounding through the whole arena.

The bullet hit Joel, him immediately turning into a block of solid ice.

The crowd was silent as she turned around and emotionlessly walked over to the Sabertooth balcony. She easily jumped up to the railing before turning slightly and lifting her hand up. She looked at the frozen man and snapped her fingers. The ice block disappeared and Joel was set free.

The crowd remained silent, before the announcer spoke, "That was....THE MOST HEATED BATTLE I'VE EVER SEEN!!! GRACE FROM SABERTOOTH HAS WON, AND RECEIVES 10 POINTS FOR HER TEAM!"

The crowd erupted into powerful cheers and soon started chanting, "GRACE GRACE GRACE GRACE GRACE GRACE!!!"

She turned and gave an awkward smile and wave towards the Lacrima Camera.

After they gave the names for the next battle she sighed and slumped down on the railing, against the wall. Rogue gave a questioning look as Rufus voiced what he was thinking, "Why do you look so downturned, Lady Grace? You won, and the crowd loved you."

Sting suddenly asked, "What I wanna know is why that last fight got so heated? And what you meant by the things you told that dude?"

The green eyed girl sighed, "Do you guys really wanna know?"

They all nodded, causing her to sigh again, "Simply put: That was a male Bengal Tiger. I was a female Bengal Tiger. The male was being like all other feline males, aggressive and authoritative. Saying that he'd fought countless defiant females and had still gotten what he wanted."

Olga interrupted, "What'd he want?"

She looked at Rogue blankly, "To mate with me."

The four mages went wide-eyed as she continued, "The aggression from his end started when I told him that I was already mated with..." she gave Rogue a 'that was ur fault' look and continued, "That's when he lost his temper and charged for me, saying that I'd be punished for carrying the child of a rival male."

The males were silent and could now see why she had been so uneasy.

Grace spoke again, "You know the most dangerous thing to a tigress is a male tiger, or all female felines in general that's what the most dangerous being is...the opposite sex." (Not all species of cats though so don't quote me on that lol 😅)

Sting voiced, "Why?"

The red head sighed, "Because sometimes if a male finds out the female is pregnant with a rival's baby...he'll kill her for it." They all gave horrified expressions, "Or if the cub was born and the male finds it and figures out it's not his, he'll kill it...and then come back later when the mother is in heat again to make sure she'll have his this time."

Grace sighed, "I've never told anyone about this, but every once in a while there would be males that actually tracked me down to mate with me when I lived on that island. I've lost count of how many I had to fight off."

Rogue clenched his fists, trying not to lose control of his anger. The female sensed his tension and looked at the blackette. She blinked and said, "Anyway, it's not like that matters anymore. I'm back in Fiore so there's no need to worry about them now."

Everyone nodded and turned back to the battle that had just started between Mermaid Heel and Lamia Scale.

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