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Team Sabertooth exited the stadium and began heading to their inn. Grace walked out in front of them and stated, "So far these Games have been pretty fun!"

Rufus piped up, "I'm glad they please you, Lady Grace. As my memory serves me, it's very rare for a newcomer to be chosen to participate within a few months of entering the guild."

The red head rose a brow, "Really? Why not?"

Orga smirked, "Usually it's because Master hasn't seen enough of you to consider you trustworthy, committed, and strong enough to be chosen. Which means he must really like you."

Rogue nodded and spoke, "He's right. The year Sting and I joined, he hadn't even looked our direction until a year after when we started going on more dangerous missions and coming back successful."

Sting scowled, "Not that if we failed we'd still be in the guild."

The red head blinked at that, "What do you mean?"

Rufus took off his hat in somber, remembering all the previous members of Sabertooth that were forcefully removed from the guild, "If you fail to complete even one job or if he finds out that somewhere you'd lost a single fight...you are exiled from Sabertooth."

Grace's eyes widened, "Wow...that's kinda extreme.....and familiar."

Orga looked at the girl suspiciously, "Familiar? The hell is familiar about that?"

The red head looked down angrily, "My ex-guild..."

The four males' interests were suddenly all peaked, "One of the members, ironically our guild master's grandson, tried to take it over. By planning a guild war."

Sting wondered aloud, "A guild war?"

Grace nodded, "He forcibly pitted every guild member against each other. And if they could survive, find, and defeat him...then obviously he wouldn't take over. But he made it almost impossible, by trapping most of the guild's strongest members in stone and keeping his grandfather locked up at the guild so he couldn't end it himself."

Grace growled, "It ended with his own grandfather kicking him out of the guild. Since I was so young no one let me out there to fight him, even though I could've crushed him in half a second."

Rufus asked, "What makes this so similar to Sabertooth?"

Grace glared in their direction, making them flinch, "Because his plan was to do the exact same thing as Jiemma does. Make an unstoppable guild where only the strongest mages are allowed to stay. He planned on kicking every single member out and starting from scratch...even though some of those members were stronger than a lot of the members in Sabertooth, from what I've seen at least."

They all looked down in slight shame. Grace took in a breath to calm herself down, "Anyway, it's all in the past. No sense in getting heated about it now."

The mages nodded, still slightly cautious of the red head.

Suddenly a voice piped up from behind them, "Little Red!!"

The female blinked confused as she turned around.

Grace's face lit up in surprise before she was suddenly tackled to the ground by four human bodies crying out, "GRACIE!!!"

She looked at the dog pile above her and realized, "Lyon?! Hibiki?! Ren?! Eve?! What the hell are you doing?!"

She sweatdropped when she saw all four grown men crying on top of her, "Alright! Enough with the water works!"

All four of the boys finally got off of her to let her stand up, "Thank you."

As soon as she stood up Lyon hugged her waist and whined, "I thought I'd never see you again!"

Grace smiled awkwardly and patted his hair, "It's okay, Lyon. Calm down."

Meanwhile, off to the side, Rogue was trying not to blow up the entire city block with rage, as he watched a man hug his girlfriend like a prince who had just found his princess.

Grace finally pried the weeping ice mage off of her and smiled, "It's good to see you too."

Sting finally spoke, "Uh...what the fuck is going on right now?"

The red head glared at the blonde, "It's a reunion of sorts. Knew these guys five years ago."

The ice mage wiped his tears, "Oh I'm so happy you're alright. We went back to that island a week ago and couldn't find you anywhere and assumed the worst."

Ren clicked his tongue, "I wasn't worried for a second. She's like the strongest chick I've ever met. No way some island creature was gonna take her down."

The red head chuckled, "Anyways, what have you all been up to?"

For the next hour they all conversed about everything that went on in the past five years. Sabertooth still having no idea what was going on.

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