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Grace walked over to the iron dragon slayer, who was munching iron, and stated, "Ay! I'm gonna have a sleep over with the girls of Fairy Tail. Just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't freak out when I don't come home tonight."

Gajeel just kept munching his iron and said grumpily, "Fine by me. Meet at the guild in the morning?"

The red head nodded and went back to Mira to tell her the sleep over was on.

Time Skip

Grace woke up to a heavy pressure all around her, like something was trying to suck out her life force, but couldn't. She opened her eyes and saw nothing but light blue. She tried to move but couldn't. She looked off into the distance and saw dark blobs. They looked like people, but she couldn't quite tell. She heard lots of muffled cheering, she wondered what was going on.

She suddenly heard a familiar voice scream, "IRON DRAGON CLUB!"

She tried to say "Gajeel" but couldn't. She needed to get to him. If he was fighting she had to be by his side to have his back, no matter what. She chanted in her head, "Shapeshift! Sabertooth Tigress!"

She shined gold and as she felt herself shifting, she felt whatever she was trapped in start to crack around her. She finished shifting as it completely shattered around her. She hit the ground on all fours and shook her head to clear it. She looked over and saw Gajeel fighting what looked to be a bunch of soldiers. She growled lowly and let loose a roar as she ran to help him take them all down.

She ignored the screams of the bystanders as she took out each guard. Gajeel finally noticed her and wondered how she broke free. He couldn't dwell on it now though. He jumped high into the air and chanted, "IRON DRAGON SWORD!"

His arm became a giant chain saw and he smashed it against the giant Lacrima. Grace kept fighting guards as he attacked it.

Suddenly it started emitting a bright blue light, causing everyone to stop and shield their eyes. The Lacrima disappeared and Gray and Erza were laying on the ground. They stood up and asked, "What's goin on?"

The soldiers suddenly started charging at them to keep them from escaping. Grace chanted, "Earth mode!"

This granted her the elemental part of her Sabertooth Tigress form. She chanted again, "SABERTOOTH TIGER'S QUAKING EARTH...ROOOOOAR!!"

It easily took out every soldier and gave them enough cover to escape to a hidden area. Gray asked the two, "How come you two were able to use your magic?"

Gajeel looked at Grace and asked, "First I wanna know how you escaped the Lacrima."

The girl shrugged, "I'm guessing it's because I don't use magic. And I heard you fighting. I don't want to leave you to fight on your own with out me having your back so I shifted and I guess the power from it broke my part of the Lacrima I was stuck in." She turned to Gray, "The fact that it's not magic that I use is probably also why I could shift. But as for Gajeel I don't know how he can use magic."

The iron dragon smirked and pulled out a small container of red pill looking things and said, "I'll tell ya once you two take one of these."

Erza was growing impatient, "Just tell us what happened!"

Suddenly a smooth voice came from behind them, "The three of you had been turned into a giant Lacrima."

The two red heads and Gray gave a look of horror as Edolas Gajeel showed his face. Erza exclaimed, "There's two?!"

Grace was dumbfounded. She turned her head between the two, each turn getting faster until she felt dizzy and had to grab her head to stabilize it. She looked up at the doppelgängers and said, "W-What's going on? Why are their two Gajeels? I can barely keep track of one."

Earthland Gajeel protested, "Ay! The hell's that supposed to mean?!"

Grace just waved him off and said, "Just tell us what's going on before our brains give out."

Edolas Gajeel explained everything, finishing with, "And the King wants to get his hands on your guild's magic power."

Gray asked, "So many questions but first, what are those things you're forcin on us?"

Gajeel answered, "These are called X-balls, you won't be able to use your magic here in Edolas unless you take one."

Erza and Gray eye the pill for a second before popping it in their mouth and dry swallowing it. They feel their magic start to come back, Gray stated with wide eyes, "Woah this stuff really works!"

Earthland Gajeel suddenly stated, "Since it was just you two in the Lacrima crystal we need to find the other one that's got the rest of the guild in it."

Grace suggested, "Why don't me and you start looking for it?"

The iron dragon nodded and turned to Gray and Erza, "You two need to go and save Wendy and Natsu."

They nodded and each pair went their separate ways.

Grace and Gajeel went rampaging through the city looking for the Lacrima crystal. They fought guards that challenged them, taking all of them down with ease. They were having the time of their lives, Grace had never fought people before but it was way more fun than she thought it would be. Gajeel was just smirking like an idiot, happy to be fighting again.

Suddenly Happy came flying through the mob of guards, "GAJEEEEEL!"

Said male looked up and smirked, "Hey cat! Good to see ya!"

Happy said quickly, "I know where the Lacrima with the rest of the guild is so I'm here to take you there!"

The blue exceed suddenly saw Grace and said, "I'm not going to be able to carry both of you though."

Grace, still a Sabertooth tiger, smirked and spoke without moving her mouth, "I don't need you to carry me. Shapeshift! White Tigress! Air mode!"

She glowed gold and shifted into a beautiful white tiger surprising the guards, "What the hell is she?! Some kind of cat monster!?"

Grace smirked as Happy lifted Gajeel up into the air, "Wait a second! Get your paws off a' me!"

Grace gathered air around her body and lifted off the ground after the two. Happy ignored the dragon slayers struggling and asked, "What did you do to free Gray and Erza?"

Gajeel stopped struggling and stated with a smirk, "Just smashed it with my dragon slayer magic."

They flew up to a giant blue Lacrima crystal floating on an island in the sky and landed. They stood in awe and Grace shifted back to normal, "Holy shit! That's huge! Do you think your dragon slayer magic will work on one this big?"

Gajeel smirked, "Of course it can! But I expect all the iron I can eat when we get back!"

Grace shook her head as the iron dragon readied himself to start attacking the crystal. Grace suddenly felt the air pressure around them get thicker and her ears begin to ring. Someone was coming up behind them. She quickly screamed, "GET OUTTA THE WAY!!"

They all jumped to the side as a huge sword crashed into the ground, making it crumble from the force. They all turned around and saw a muscular black and white cat with a huge sword. Gajeel exclaimed, "That cat's got a major sword!"

Grace stated with wide eyes, "You can say that again!"

The cat stated in a commanding tone, "I'm the royal army's first magic warfare unit! Known as Pantherlily! Make one more move and you're dead!"

Gajeel stepped in front of Grace and Happy and said, "Stay outta the way!"

He tried to attack the exceed with his iron dragon sword but missed as he came barreling down at them with his sword pulled back. He thrusted it downward, cutting the piece of earth that the three were on from the floating island. Grace quickly shifted into her white Tigress air mode and flew back to the land. She growled lowly, clenching her claws into the ground ready to attack Pantherlily. Gajeel held his arm out in front of her and said, "I got this. You just stay here in case I do need back up."

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