⚘ Chapter 10 - Welcome

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We finally arrived to LAX and saw Jake and Ashley stood there, alone with Alice, Inna, John, Jesse and Juliet.

"Welcome back," Ashley said, as then everyone's eyes were on Alex. "And I take it this is the mini you, Andy?"

"Yep. Everyone, this is Alexandra," I said. "Alex, these are my other two band mates, Ashley and Jake. This also Jake's wife, Inna, Jinxx's girlfriend, Alice, and our merch guy Jesse."

"Nice to meet you all," she smiled as she greeted them.

"Its great to meet you as well. Welcome to Los Angeles," Jake greeted.

"Now, let's get going," Alice said. "We've got dinner ready."

"Cool," Alex smiled as she went ahead with the others while Juliet held me back.

"I don't feel good about this, Andy," She said.

"Juliet, that's my daughter," I said. "My flesh and blood, I can't just walk out on her or Liz."

"Okay, Liz doesn't even want anything to do with us," she snapped.

"Juliet," I said sternly, probably to regret later. "Alexandra is staying with us, and will be on tour with us until she has to return for the beginning of her college semester that she will be flying back to New Jersey. End of story."

She glared and crossed her arms, before scoffing and storming away.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

"Andy, come on!" I hear Ashley call out.

I grab my bag and jog to catch up to the others.


We walked into our house and I was surprised by who I saw there.

"Andy!" My mom exclaimed as she stood by my dad.

"Mom? Dad?" I said in surprise.

I then turned to Alexandra, and back at them.

"I can totally explain this," I said as they quickly walked over, Alexandra taking a step back as they observed her.

"My god... Its like seeing a clone," My dad said.

"Don't know if to take that as a compliment or an insult," Alexandra said, eyebrows furrowed.

"What, hey," I said to her as my mom stepped up.

"You must be Alexandra then," she smiled. "My name is Amy, and this is my husband Chris. We're your grandparents, I'm guessing."

Alexandra smiled and shook my mom's hand. "Its nice to meet you too, and I'm guessing you are my grandmother and grandfather."

"Whatever you're comfortable with," my dad shrugged she he then shook hands with my dad.

"Now, we did cook for you, but we forgot to ask what your favorite foods were," my mom said.

"Really, its not big deal. Anything is alright, thank you," Alexandra brushed it off.

"Though in this house we eat vegan," Juliet said.

Alexandra looked at her weird. "And yet you wear fur?"

"She got you there," Ashley murmured, making Jake elbow him. "Ow!"

"Umm, this is fake fur," Juliet said with a smirk as she smoothed down her fur jacket.

"Well, whatever fits your personality," I said with a shrug and a smirk.

"Ooooohh," CC said, covering his mouth with his fist as the others held back their laughs.

"Excuse me?" Juliet snarled as then my mom jumped in.

"Okay, okay, that's enough," My mom said, and everyone quickly settled down.

"Now, I know this all must be very overwhelming," my mom said. "But let's just try to make the best of things and get along. Okay?"

"Please," I begged.

Juliet and Alex hesitated to answer before they grunted.

"Fine," they both mumbled in unison.

"Alright, now, Andy why don't you help get Alexandra settled in her room?" My mom smiled.

"Yeah sure. Come on, Alex," I said, motioning her.

"Oh wait, let me let Humphrey out of his carrier," I said as she put his carrier down and opened the door.

Humphrey crawled out and stretched out as everyone awed at him.

"Awww, he's adorable," Alice said as he approached her and let her pet him before jumping into her arms.

Jinxx, Inna and CC crowded around her as they spoiled Humphrey with affection.

"I didn't know you had a cat," Juliet said.

"He's been with me and my mom for a few years, she suggested I bring a companion along while I'm here," Alexandra shrugged. "Plus, he's fine with travel."

Juliet looked over. "Well... He is cute," she said, reaching over to pet him when suddenly..."


Juliet jumped back as Humphrey hissed at her, glaring as he growled in her direction with a glare.

"Humphrey's picky with people," Alexandra said with a cheeky smile.

"Speaking of pets, I'm gonna let in Daredevil, Femme and Crow," My dad said, walking off with a yikes look on his face.

Juliet glared at her as me and Alex quickly went upstairs while Humphrey went back to being the center of attention.

We walked down the hallway until we entered the guest room.

"I'm guessing Inna and Alice went shopping," I said as I noticed new elegant cream and black colored comforter and sheet sets on the bed, along with pillows, and new rugs and a bouquet of red roses on the table along with a Batman plushie on the bed.

"Awww, cute," Alex said as she walked over and picked up the Batman plushie. "How did they know I liked Batman?"

"You like Batman?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, ever since I was a kid," she said. "Always dressed up as a different Batman character for Halloween."

"Huh," I said, nodding with a smile.

She smiled as I then walked up to her. 

"My mom is right," I said. "Its a little crazy now but for now... Let's just do our best together."

She pursed her lips, but then smiled. "Sure," she said.



My eyes widen in shock as I then turned to see Alexandra with an innocent look.

"What?" she asked. "He can be a liiittle territorial."

My eyes widen in shock as I then took off.

This is gonna be a loooong three weeks.


So, I'm hearing about this account on Instagram @/simmsmatic finally being shut down, even by Juliet Simms herself.

I've seen all their comments and stuff against BVB fans, even actual Juliet Simms fans, telling them to kill themselves and saying awful things.

I'm actually glad she was shut down and even though I hate Juliet Simms, I'm actually glad she stepped up and did something about this awful person and the bullying and harassment that person was committing to others in the fan base. 

Hopefully more accounts like that are shut down as well.

***Also, since I feel this COULD happen, don't call me hypocritical just because I say awful things about Juliet. I don't harass or send hateful messages to Juliet or fans here.

The only place I express my dislike to Juliet is HERE on Wattpad, and *OCCASIONALLY* on an instagram account that shares the same views of dislike.

NEVER will I send someone hateful comments or bully like this simmsmatic person did.

On another note, I hope you all are enjoying this story, and let me know what you think so far!! 🌸 

🎹Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Tove Lo "Imaginary Friends"


♡~ sapphire.  

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