⚘ Chapter 11 - Pancakes

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"Are they treating you alright?" My mom asked as I strolled around the pool eating an apple, Humphrey prowling in the grass nearby.

Days passed since I arrived to my father's house, and its been alright so far.

My dad and I have gotten to know each other a bit more, and he's even shown me some of his music, both from his band and from his side project.

The Andy Black music seems pretty catchy, and BVB's music is cool, too.

I was also introduced to Juliet's music....... Let's just say it sounded better with the volume down, and I'm not saying that because I dislike the woman.

"They're okay," I told my mom on the phone. "Though Juliet is annoying as hell, and my grandfather is way too into Twitter... Aside from that, its been alright. We start tour in three days."

"Please be careful, honey. I don't trust Andy," she said.

"I know," I sighed. "Its strange, though, if Juliet acts out or does something he doesn't appreciate, its like he's scared to say something."

"Then if you feel you have to, say it for him," she said. "As irritating as he can be, I worry for him sometimes... He's not as brave as he was when I met him..."

I nodded as then the back door opened and Andy stepped out.

"I'm gonna let you go now. Call you later tonight, Mom," I said.

"Okay, honey. Take care," she said as we then hung up

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, so, we're going out to eat for breakfast, are you alright with that?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Sure thing. Where are we going?

"Not sure," he shrugged. "You got any ideas?"

"Hmm... How about iHop?" I shrugged. "Kinda in the mood for pancakes."

"We don't eat pancakes," a voice said and we turn to see Juliet. "As mentioned before, we eat vegan food."

"Well, unlike you who pretty much is living off detox tea, substitutes and occasional pills, I need protein, actual REAL nutrients, and something known as CALORIES if you're not familiar with that term," I snapped. I can't keep living off substitutes just because you do and you made my dad do the same. I'll eat your vegan food but I'm not going to swear on it."

"He agreed to the lifestyle, sweetheart," she snapped back. "Right Andy?"

Andy groaned. "Look, yes, but she's right Juliet, we can't force her to be vegan just because we are, and I'm not permanently on the diet anyway, you know that," I said.

Juliet glared at us before crossing her arms.

"Well then you two can choke on your pancakes, I'm staying home," she snapped, turning around and storming inside.

I rolled my eyes. "I can't believe you made that a wife," I said.

"Look, she's just been stressing lately," he said.

"With what, her nails not being sharp enough or not wearing enough make up?" I asked. "You have a band and a side projecr to handle and a movie coming up, not to mention the fan bases are still overcoming the shock that I exist," I said. "Meanwhile, she's just selling useless crap for ridiculous prices online. I don't see how she would be stressed."

He sighed.

"As hopeless as you are, you don't deserve to be treated like trash," I said.

He was quiet before suddenly perking up.

"Well, then how about just you and me today?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Us?" I asked.

"Yeah, like.... A father-daughter day," I shrugged. 

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Don't look at me like that. Its just you and me spending the day together," He said. "A movie, lunch, whatever you want."

I thought about it.

Well... I guess spending a day with just me and my dad doesn't sound like the worst idea.

Plus, my stepmother is pouting in their room because her husband wants to know the daughter he had no idea existed.

I smiled and nodded. "Alright," I said. "Breakfast, and then we decide from there."

"Alright," he nodded with a smile, then we jumped at the sound of a screech.

We turned to see Humphrey growling as he had Femme pinned to the ground.

"HEY!!" Andy shouted as he ran over and we pulled the cats apart.

"I'm so sorry, Humphrey isn't exactly best friends with other cats sometimes," I said

"Damn, he seems pretty hostile," he said, holding Femme. "Maybe we can put them on separate rooms while we're gone, save Juliet any trouble."

I nodded as he then picked up a nervous looking Crow and he put them in his room, Humphrey in my room with Daredevil since Daredevil seems stuck to Humphrey, even if Humphrey just ignores him most of the time (except when Humphrey is actually guiding him to his dog food).

Soon after we got showered and changed from our pj's, we headed out to iHop.



"So, you're vegan too?" Alex asked as we sat at the table looking through the menus.

I shrugged. "Mostly for my health, but I still cheat every once in a while," I said.

"I don't mind it, but I hate those hardcore super vegans who see it more as a trend than a healthy lifestyle," She said. "Kind of like those weirdos who go 'Gluten-Free' just because it sounds cool."

"Oh, yeah," I nodded in agreement as I sipped my water.

"Hi, are you two ready to order?" the waitress asked.

"Umm, yeah, I am," Alex said. "I'll take the double blueberry pancakes please, bacon and hashbrowns on the side please."

"Got it, and anything to drink?" she asked.

"Hot chocolate," She said and the waitress noted it. "And you, sir?"

"Umm, coffee and the Swedish crepes with bananas," I said.

"Got it. Coming right up," she said as she wrote down the orders and walked off.

"So, tell me more about yourself," I asked curiously. "Any friends?"

I shrugged. "Not a lot. Grew up being a bit of an outcast, and most of them just moved away after high school or I lost touch with" I said. "Education, sports, and taking care of my mom  was more important than having to go to a party or whatever."

"What sports did you play?" I asked.

"I liked volleyball," I shrugged.

"Nice," I said. "I was into hockey in high school, but I dropped out after getting the record deal."

"That sucks. But at least you made yourself pretty successful," I said.

"You graduated?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just a sash though, didn't have enough for chords, but I was top of my class, so," I said.

"That's great. A lot better than I would have done," I said.

She smiled as she stirred the ice in her glass with her straw. "Any other questions?"

"Hmm, not sure. What do dad's usually ask their daughters?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I'm guessing stuff about gossip.... School.... Their lady days," I joked.

"As I do for Juliet, I will only provide the chocolate, the supplies, and whatever you are craving at the time," I said. "Any problems, the ladies are helpful amongst each other."

"Deal," she laughed.

"What about boys?" I shrugged.

She shrugged back. "A broken heart or two along the way, but not a huge deal," she said. "They were kind of losers anyway."

"Should I be sympathetic or sad?" I asked.

I shrugged. "Whatever you want. So long as you aren't the super overprotective dad about your daughter having a boyfriend."

"Fair enough," I nodded. 

I would probably feel a bit nervous if Alex did ever meet a guy and fall in love, but she's almost 20 and I doubt an overprotective father she just discovered is something she would be happy about.

"Here you are, Double blueberry and hot chocolate for the young lady...." the waitress said as she served Alexandra's food and then mine. "And Swedish crepes for the gentleman."

"Thank you," I said as she served our food and then our drinks and we began to eat.

"So, after breakfast, what should we do next?" Alex asked as she took a bite of her pancake.

I shrugged. "Any ideas?"

"I mean, you live here in California. If any of us know more about it, its you," I shrugged.

I thought about something we can do together, then thought of something.

"I may have a few ideas," I said, making her raise an eyebrow at me.


Wow, this decade is gonna be worded out REALLY interestingly for history books in about 50 years from now. 😐

🎹 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Petite Meller ft. Pnau "Lil' Love"

♡~ sapphire.

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