⚘ Chapter 25 - Unexpected

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》6 Month Later《


"Alright, class dismissed," the proffesor said.

I gather my things and leave the classroom.

Thankfully that was my last class for today and soon we're on break.

Its been six months since the tour, which ended a long time ago.

Now Black Veil Brides is in the studio, as well as Andy Black and I think ÆLONIA too.

Dad did fly over to visit us for a week after the tour with Ashley, Jake, Inna and Asking Alexandria, who were all pretty happy to see my mom.

Juliet thankfully didn't come since she was recording an EP.

Moment of silence for those brave producers in that recording studio.

Now, Thanksgiving is coming in 2 weeks and Dad did invite us to join him in Ohio to eat dinner with his parents and some other relatives.

I kind of feel Mom doesn't want to, but mostly because of Grandma, but we're still deciding.

I left the building and decide to go to the vending machine when suddenly my phone rang and I looked, smiling at the caller ID and answered.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I laughed.

"Just wondering what the most amazing girl is up to," Remington laughed.

Since leaving back home, Remington and I have been non stop talking with each other.

Calls, texts, Skype, you name it.

We've gotten closer despite the distance, and I guess the crush I started to get for him while on tour just grew stronger.

Of course, I haven't told him that really... He probably just sees me as a best friend or something.

"Clearly being flattered as I get a water bottle before heading home," I laughed. "You?"

"Turn around and find out," he said.

I furrowed my brows as I stood still before I turned around and my eyes widen.

There, a few feet away, stood Remington, phone to his ear as he laughed.

"Surprise," he said into the phone before hanging up as I walked over.

"No way!" I laughed as I rushed over and hugged him as he laughed and hugged me back. "What are you doing here?!"

"Supposed to be recording some stuff this weekend, but decided to sneak of and fly over to surprise you instead," He smiled cheekily, then we heard a horn beep. "Well, all of us..."

"Us?" I asked, turing around.

"HEY ALEX!!" Emerson shouted as I saw a van parked not far away, Sebastian in the driver seat with two other guys who I recognized as Samuel and Daniel.

"Emerson was bored and wanted to come," Remington said with an eyeroll. "Sebastian, too."

I laughed as I watched them wave over.

"Now, we could all hang out and then take you home, or just relax anywhere, whatever you want if you're not busy," he shrugged.

I thought about it. "Well, how about I head home and change, and I can show you guys around town?" I shrugged.

"Sure. Samuel did like the subs here," He said.

"THEY ARE HEAVEN!!" he shouted as he poked his head out the window over the roof.

I laughed and nodded. "Alright, let's get going then. You can even meet my mom if you want."

"Cool. Actually looking forward to meet the famous Lizzie Brighton I heard a lot about during tour," he said. 

"We can take my car, Sebastian can just follow," I said as I reached into my bag for my car keys.

"Awesome. Hey Seb! Follow Lexi's car, we're going to her house first!" Remington called out as he followed me.

"Got it!" he said as he started the van and me and Remington headed to my car.

We then climb in and drive out of the lot towards my house.


"Mom, I'm home!" I called out. "And I bring guests!"

"What, really?" I heard her call out.

"Make yourselves at home, guys," I said as I set my stuff down and my mother rolled her wheelchair in.

"Ohh, hello," she greeted, then she perked up a little as she saw the band. "Oh my gosh... You three must be Palaye Royale."

"Hehe, yeah," Remington nodded.

"Then you must be Remington," She smiled as she held her hand up. "Alex has told me all about you."

"Good things I hope. Its nice to finally get to meet you, Miss Brighton," Remington said.

"Hun, please, just Elizabeth or Liz is fine," Mom smiled.

"Alright," Remington nodded. "Oh, and these are my brothers slash band, Sebastian and Emerson."

"Please to meet you, ma'am," Sebastian greeted politely.

"I'm the cuter sibling," Emerson said with a cheeky, innocent smile, hands under his chin.

Sebastian rolled his eyes as Remington poked his side and I laughed.

"This is also Samuel and Daniel," I said. "They tour with the boys."

"Nice to meet you, miss," Daniel greeted.

"Thank you, its nice to meet all of you," Mom said.

"So, Mom, if its okay, we're all gonna hang out and go around town for a bit?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course honey, have fun," she said.

"Great," I smiled. "So, I'm gonna go change and we'll head out. Make yourselves at home."

"Awesome," I said, was about to turn around when my mom stopped me.

"Oh, and Alex, before you go," she said. "Your father called."

"Oh," I said, a little bit surprise. "What did he say.

Then she said the most unexpected thing I ever heard.

"The Biersack's are going to be spending Thanksgiving here with us."


The whole Mike Fuentes drama has me feeling sick to my stomach, literally.

A lot of people are saying that the accusations aren't true, that the "proof" isn't valid or something like that, I don't know, but there's just so many accusations being bought to light that you can't really tell who's telling the truth or lying anymore.

Why do people (in general) even just lie about something this serious in the first place????? Don't they realize that by falsely accusing a person, they not only ruin THAT person's life, but also the lives of ACTUAL victims who want to say something?????

*(Please no arguments in the comments. I'm in no mood for them right now. I was even considering not saying anything about this matter at all just to avoid any fights and stuff.)*

🎹 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Maty Noyes "London"

♡~ sapphire.

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