⚘ Chapter 31 - Back Off

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I groaned as I woke up to sunlight on my eyelids and moved my head away, slowly opening my eyes and see I was in a bedroom.

I frowned and looked down under the fleece blanket that was over me, relieved I had my clothes on, but a bit surprised I had arms around me.

I sighed as I sat up, only realizing I had arms around me and turned to see Remington next to me, fast asleep.

I smiled before slowly sitting up and leaning down to kiss his head.

He groaned and slowly woke up, smiling when he saw me.

"Good morning," I smiled.

"Good morning," he smiled, then yawned. "Last night was amazing."

"Such a broad sentence to say," I smirked playfully, making him laugh and poke my side.

"You know what I mean," he laughed as he wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips against mine as we kissed, and then suddenly a phone went off and I suddenly realized something.

"Shit, what time is it?" I exclaimed, looking around until I found my phone charging o the bedside table, quickly grabbing it and seeing what time it was.

10:46 AM

13 missed calls

15 messages

5 voicemails

"Oh shit," I snapped, quickly scrambling out of bed. "My dad must have popped a vein, he probably called my mom!"

"I'll drive you home, then," Remington said, quickly getting out of bed and.....

(Picture: Remington Leith shirtless)

Ohh... Okay then....

I didn't realize I was staring as Remington looked for a shirt until he noticed me and smirked.

"Like what you see?" he asked.

I immediately felt my cheeks get hot and looked away. "Well, umm... You're showing off," I scoffed bashfully as I found my dress and went to grab.

He chuckled. "You don't have to change, I'm sure Shy wouldn't mind if you give her clothes back later."

"You sure?" I asked. 

"Positive. I'll get you a bag for the dress," he said as he pulled a Slytherin tshirt on.

We hurried and got everything together before quickly heading out the bedroom.

A few people were knocked out drunk on the hallways and floors, and when we get downstairs we noticed Sebastian and Daniel in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Ooh, chech out this walk of shame, Seb," Daniel snickered.

"Screw you," Remington said as I giggled and hugged him and the guys laughed.

"Congrats to you both, though. Remington, I won't be afraid to slaughter you if you hurt her. She's a keeper," Sebastian said.

"Thank you Sebastian, and thanks for last night," I said.

"No problem. I'm guessing you gotta head home now," he said.

"Yep. To face whatever Lady Tremaine has in store for me," I chuckled.

"Lady Tremaine.... That suits her, to be honest," he said, then laughed. "Best of wishes."

We laughed as Remington and I said bye and hurried to his car.


"You sure you'll be okay?" Remington asked as he put the car in park.

"I can handle my dad and stepmother," I said, leaning over and kissing him one last time. "I'll call you later."

"I'll be waiting," he smiled, stealing one more kiss from me before I climbed out of his car.

We waved goodbye before he drove off as I walked up the porch to the door, unlocking it with my key, since Dad gave me a copy a while back.

I walked into the house, seeing it was quiet.

I sighed as I took off my heels and decided to get to my room, only to bump into my dad.

He seemed surprised before he pursed his lips.

I sighed. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? But I did my end of the deal, and went to the stupid release party. Didn't mean I wanted to stay, let alone had to," I said.

"But escaping like that?" he asked, almost yelling.

"Dad, I'm sorry, but just because she can somehow control you doesn't mean she needs to do the same with me," I snapped. "I have my own life!"

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I was worried... You didn't answer your phone..."

"I didn't have my phone on me majority of the time.... Does Mom know?" I asked.

"Thankfully, no. I like how my neck currently looks right now, thank you" he said.

I sighed and nodded. "Don't bash on Palaye, though. They were just helping a friend, they mean no disrespect."

"I'm not gonna punish them," he said. "Look, we'll talk about this later. Wash up and I'll get you some breakfast set."

I nodded. "Okay... Where's everyone?"

"Sleeping in or getting ready. Should be down soon," He said.

I nodded and headed to my bedroom.

I shut the door and started remembering yesterday, and couldn't help but smile like an idiot as I leaned against the door.

God, I don't think I ever felt so happy with some one like this before.

Remington is just so.... God, its like a dream.

I've had boyfriends before, but they are nothing compared to Remington. He's sweet, and will risk everything just to see me happy.

I went and changed out of Skye's clothes, folding them and putting them neatly on my bed before heading to my bathroom, showering up quickly, washing my face, then heading out and pulling on clean clothes before heading out and seeing my dad with Jake cooking in the kitchen, and that's when I was grabbed and dragged outside.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in?!" Juliet sneered as we stood outside, and she started to take out a cigarette to smoke it, making me step back a little as she paced angrily  by the pool.

I smirked playfully. "For what exactly?" I asked, playing innocent. "Thought you didn't smoke."

"Thanks to that stunt you and your little friends pulled, I relapsed," she snarled. "And I also broke my fucking diet, too!!"

"Tragic," I said, rolling my eyes.

"You had a shitty attitude throughout my release party, then decide to play Getaway with your little friends?!" She snarled.

"Maybe I thought I had enough of being obligated to please you when I don't even enjoy your damn presence," I snapped.

"I'm your father's wife!" she snapped. "You don't even have to fucking be here! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!!"

"WELL TOUGH SHIT, YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT!!" I shouted. "Because being mad that Dad wasn't around isn't gonna get me anywhere or help anybody!!"

She kept her mouth shut.

"And what you are is some gold digger who just poses on Instagram all damn day and doesn't pull her own weight at anything, or else she may actually have a whole fucking album with more than 5 songs!" I snapped.

"You little bitch, do you have any idea who you are ta-?!"

"No, do YOU have any idea who YOU are talking to?!" I snapped, interrupting her, nearly shouted.

Her eyes widen. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," I snapped. "You walk over everyone around you, thinking you're the queen just because you managed to manipulate some king and make him your bitch, calling the shots and getting whatever you want at the snap of your fingers like you're some Kardashian heiress, when really you're just another Blac Chyna in training, but way older."

Her eyes widen in shock as I can tell she was biting the cigarette in her mouth, then pulled it out.

"You get sheltered and have Daddy under your thumb all your life, spoiled to fucking mold and asbestos as you grow, never actually work a day in your life, you soon end up getting your own band, playing hippie, until a rising young rockstar covered in warpaint with fucked up ribs and a busted nose crosses your path, who also happens to be an old friend's ex by the way, and decide girl code means jack shit and go for it. Soon you realize being his trophy girl is bringing in more bucks than being in a band, so you ditch them and decide to make it seem somewhat legit, you go solo."

"Shut the hell up," Juliet snarled as I began to approach her, and she backed up.

"But there's more. Then you started realizing that Mommy and Daddy were wrong and some people actually don't like you, and so you throw a temper tantrum, break down, shave your head like some psychotic diva, even decide to join a cult, the whole shebang, and you get a fanbase of millions to feel sorry for your damn self," she said. "And anyone who still sees the truth are called out and even bullied for it."

"It was a dark time," she snapped.

"Was it? Was it also a dark time whenever you were called out when you charged even a thousand dollars for fans to even eat dinner with you? Or to get a tweet from you?" I asked. "Or when you told fans you don't make real money yet sport your new Louis Vuitton purses and expensive coats and jewelry? Or even sold almost all of my dad's stuff on your DePop?"

She glared.

"Or better yet, when you tried to make a profit out of my voice after finding out I sing hell of a lot better than you?" I snapped. "Was it even a dark time when you drank yourself stupid on an airplane, wailed on my father, got arrested, then smacked yourself with the handcuffs to make it look like he hit you, then later on shaming porn stars just because one actually witnessed it all and talked about it?"

"It was none of her business!!" she snapped.

"Maybe, but doesn't mean she's an idiot and doesn't know what abuse is when she sees it," I snapped.

"I don't abuse your father!" I snapped.

"They why did you scratch him!?" I shouted.

Her eyes widen as she was quiet.

"Do you really think I'm stupid? Because I'm not," I said, and stood my ground. "I mean, what else are you doing to him when nobody sees you two?"

"You think you're royalty, when really the only throne you have is one of bullshit lies," I snapped.  "You are nothing... Nothing but a manipulative, desperate, controlling, money hungry, untalented, spoiled, unappreciative little bitch who wants the spotlight on her 24/7, not to mention the reason a little girl grew up without a father, too."

"Whoa, what?" she snapped.

"Yeah, you heard me, CougarTown!" I snapped. "I may have grown up fine without a father in my life, but hell, maybe having one would have been nice either way!! If you didn't slither your way back to my father like the bottomfeeding reptile you are after he managed to get rid of your deflated ass, maybe my mom wouldn't have had to suffer so damn much and things would have been easier for all of us! HELL, MAYBE SHE WOULD'T EVEN BE PARALYZED FOR LIFE!!"

She glared as she stuck the cigarette in her mouth.

"Who the hell do you fucking think you are to blame me for your mom raising you by yourself?!" she snapped.

"I'm a Brighton, as well as a Biersack...... I was raised to be grateful and giving and to not take shit from used goods like you.... I was almost brain dead when I was 10...... Majority of my childhood was watching my mother raise me while not being able to walk ever again.... My grandmother at this point doesn't even know who I am anymore.... I have worked 2 jobs nearly days and nights since I was 17 just to be able to pay off 3 sets of medical bills, retirement home bills, rent, water bills, light bills, insurance, gas, I'm lucky I even have financial aid so I don't have to worry about school so much!!" I said. "I have been through hell and back just to be where I am and to be whoever I want to be in the future, which is better than you will ever be."

She stared as I see the ashes of the cigarette glow a brighter red.

"So why don't you get off your high horse and just choke?" I sneered.

Next thing I knew she pulled the cigarette from her mouth and blew grey smoke into my face and I gasped and moved away as she scoffed a laugh.

I coughed and fanned the air away with my  hand as I glared at her as she smirked at me.

"You fucking cu-" I was going to say when suddenly I felt the air going thin and my airways closing up and coughed as I tried to breathe.

Oh no.....

I coughed and gasped for air as I gripped my throat, stepping away from her.

"What?" she snapped, taking a step closer.

I couldn't stop coughing as I kept backing up, my vision beginning to blur.

"C-Can't.... B-Breathe....." I wheezed and suddenly started to feel lightheaded.

"Alex?! ALEX!" I heard my dad's voice, but it started to sound so far away.


"JULIET, WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I screamed, catching Alex as she fell.

She was gasping like a fish out of water and face already turning red, almost blue.

"I didn't do anything!!" She panicked as the others ran out and I noticed the cigarette in her hand.

"JULIET, SHE'S AN ASTHMATIC!!" I screamed as the others ran over. "Alex, Alex, look at me, just breathe slowly!!"

"OH MY GOD!!" Inna shouted as they ran up, Jack slapping the cigarette out of Juliet's hand.

"Someone call 911!!" Jinxx shouted.

"Quick, you have to sit her up!!" Anna said as me and Inna quickly sat Alex up and she tried to breath slowly and deeply, but it was coming out in gasps and wheezes.

That's when I remembered...

"Her inhaler... I NEED HER INHALER, QUICK!! IT SHOULD BE IN HER BAG!!" I shouted, and CC took off in a sprint inside, coming back in a few seconds with her bag.

"SHE'S TURNING BLUE!!" Jake shouted Ashley was on the phone with 911.

CC quickly handed me the inhaler and I shook it before uncapping it and putting it in her mouth and pressing down twice as she tried to breath.

Alexandra took in a deep breath and panted easily as I moved the inhaler away.

"Ambulance is on the way right now, they don't want to take any chances," Ashley said as we sighed with relief.

Alex looked up dizzily at me as I held her face.

"D-Dad," she coughed.

"You're gonna be okay, Alex, just breathe slowly," I said, moving her hair from her face. "Help is on the way."

She took slow breaths before slowly closing her eyes and nearly falling back, making me catch her.

"Alex, come on you gotta stay awake, please," I begged, shaking her. "Alex! ALEX!! ALEXANDRA, WAKE UP!! ALEX!!"



...... Please don't kill me yet....

Also, season finale of Riverdale got me all fucked up, holy shit!!! 

🎼Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Martin Solveig ft. Ina Wroldsen 

♡~ sapphire.  

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