⚘ Chapter 33 - Goodbye Agony

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I was allowed to leave the hospital that night, and had to begin packing the next day for the airport.

Of course that's when I quickly released my statement and revealed the truth, leaving Juliet to deal with the epic backlash, which is unfortunately going to probably go away after a week at the most after she posts some apology.

John of course was upset, but I don't give a shit.

Dad and John had also pleaded with my mom, to try and forgive and see if they can resolve something, but my mother was stubborn.

As much as she wanted to press charges and drain every cent on Juliet's name, she figured it would be messy and draining to go through an entire process. On top of that, Juliet probably didn't have any money of her own.

So, she pretty much set an ultimatum for my father: Divorce Juliet and cut her of out of everyone's lives, or lose everything having to do with me, contact included.

She thinks separation of father and daughter is a better punishment than suing a trophy wife for whatever money is in her name.

Personally, even if its sounds really cruel, I think my mother is smart to decide this.

The last time an asthma attack this severe happened, I was 15 years old, and my inhaler had been empty without any of us knowing at the time.

I nearly died.... Just like I nearly did now....

Only difference is I had my inhaler this time, and now I may need therapy to make sure I'm okay and don't need a breathing machine or something.

Of course, she will still let me see Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, CC, Inna, Alice and Anna, but there will be a restraining order against Juliet and most likely my father as well.

At first I was willing to give my father a chance to show how good of a father he is, well now its the ultimate test.

Choose your daughter or your wife?

Choose blood or water?

I feel terrible, though. I feel like I'm betraying my grandmother and her words.

I sighed as I zipped up my purse, all my things packed and anything else will be shipped.

"You okay?" a voice said and I turn to see Ashley standing there.

I sighed. "Am I supposed to be?"

He looked down as he walked in. "I guess that's entirely up to you."

I sat down on my bed and he sat next to me.

"Honestly, I've never been through the whole 'separated parents' thing. Am I supposed to feel like crap?" I asked him.

"Well... Jinxx or CC might know a bit about that, they're kind of experts in that department.... I grew up without any," he said with a soft shrug.

I frowned. "O-Oh.... I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't know..."

"Nah, its alright," he said, reaching around and patting my back. "Look, my best suggestion right now? We all need some space. You almost suffocated to death... Your mother was scared shitless, she thought she was gonna lose you..."

I sighed and looked down. "And I'm guessing my dad is still trying to come to grips with everything."

"He may seem like it, but Andy doesn't adapt so well to change," Ashley said. "It takes him time."

I nodded. "Guess we have something in common..."

He gave me a  sad smile. "Just give it some time for things to calm down, and we can try and talk to Liz. Okay?"

I nodded. "At least I can still see you and the rest of the band, though."

He smiled. "I'm a call away if you need anything, kid. Same for the others."

I smiled. "Thanks, Ashley."

We decided to finish up packing and soon I was ready to go.

Remington was coming with me to the airport with the rest of Palaye, as well as Jake, Inna, Ashley and Anna, but said he'll be by Atlantic City soon since the band will be starting a tour next week.

I headed downstairs with my duffel bag in tow, everyone waiting for me, minus Juliet and John.

I smiled as Alice walked over and hugged me.

"This isn't goodbye, I'm sure I'll see you all soon," I said.

"I know," she smiled as she pulled back placing her hands on the side of my face as Jinxx walked up to us. "Just know we are here if you or your mum need anything, sweetheart."

I smiled. "Thank you... Both of you..."

They smiled as I then hugged Jinxx as well, then moved to hug CC.

"Send my love to your mother, okay?" He said, then ruffled my hair, making me laugh and move his hand.

"I will. Thank you all for everything," I said, adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

That's when I faced my father and pursed my lips.

"We'll give you some space," Ashley said as he motioned everyone out.

I sighed as the door closed and faced my father.

"I'm sorry..." he frowned.

"Its not your fault what happened..." I said. "I don't think it is."

He nodded.

"However, you are married to the person at fault," I said. "I could have died..."

He looked down. "I know."

"Look, I'm not gonna tell you what to do here," I said. "You need to pick right from wrong here. What you decide is up to you."

He frowned. "Its just... I love her..." He said.

"Let me ask you something," I said. "Does she love you?"

He hesitated to answer for a few seconds. "Yes, she does."

I sighed. "Look, just... Try and figure yourself out. I'll talk to my mom and see if we can still talk... But for now I have to agree with her here. I can't stay while she's around. She's not a good person, and its bad enough that almost half of your fandom doesn't see that. Hell, they're excusing what she did to me. But that doesn't mean you have to," I said. "You have a choice."

He frowned and looked down.

"Hopefully we can see each other. But until then... This is goodbye," I said.

He looked at me heartbroken. "Can we at least hug?"

I sighed and walked up as we pulled each other into a hug.

"Take care of yourself, Dad," I said.

"You, too, Alex," he said.

We then pulled away and took a deep breath before I turned away and walking to where the others waited for me.

I handed my bag to CC as I looked back at the house and sighed.

That's when I noticed Juliet looking down from the balcony with a glare.

I shook my head and flipped her off before heading to Remington's car, sitting in the passenger as Emerson and Sebastian sat in the back with Shy and Anna.

Everyone else was going to follow in Ashley's car.

I watched the road as we drove, taking in California one last time.

Maybe one day I will be able to come back, who knows. But I know it'll be quite a while until I'll be seeing this place again.

I then felt someone hold my hand and turn to see Remington had reached out to hold my hand.

"Its gonna be okay... This won't be a forever thing, I'm sure of it," He said.

I smiled softly at him as I held his hand.

I hope he's right.


"Call or text us everyday," Anna as she and Shy both held me in a hug.

"We all got to go shopping together sometime," Shy smiled.

I laughed and nodded. "Definitely."

They stepped back before I was about to hug Sebastian, having Emerson step up front to hug me.

"Hey!" Sebastian snapped.

"I get my hug first, we're besties," Emerson sassed and hugged me, making me laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you, too," I laughed as we pulled back and then hugged Sebastian. "I'll see you guys soon."

"Definitely," he smiled as I then hugged Inna.

"Jake and I will plan a trip soon to visit," she said. "Check in and see how you're doing."

"We'll be waiting," I smiled as I then went and hugged Jake.

"I send warm wishes for your mother," he said, patting my shoulders. "Take care of yourselves, and stay in school."

I chuckled. "I will. Thank you."

I then hugged Ashley.

"Take care of my father," I whispered in his ear.

"I will," he whispered and nodded as he hugged me.

We then pulled back and I turned to Remington.

We walked up and he pulled me into a kiss, holding his arms around me.

I wrapped my arms around me as we kissed.

"Flight 348 to Atlantic City is now boarding. Passengers, please have...." the announcer said through the PA system of the airport, making up pull back.

I sighed as we pressed our foreheads together. "Guess that's for me," I said

"We'll see each other soon," he said. "Okay?"

I smiled and nodded before kissing him one last time, then we puled away and I grabbed my duffelbag, looking at everyone before heading over to the gate, turning back to wave at them one last time before handing my boarding pass to the attendant and walking in.

I found my seat, placing my duffelbag in the overhead bin, then sat down.

At least I get a window seat.

I sighed as I settled in my seat, soon joined by a father with his child, who looked around the age of 7.

Gee, thanks universe.

I greeted them with a silent smile before looking out the window and soon the plane was taking off.

Goodbye, California...


After endless hours and 2 flights, I was finally home.

I walked out the terminal after leaving baggage claim and immediately spot my mother and Kathy.

I smiled sadly as I walked over, seeing my mother looked relieved to see me.

That's when her eyes suddenly started to get watery.

"Mom," I sighed.

She just burst into tears as she reached out for me and we pulled each other into a hug.

"When Ashley called me, I thought I was going to lose you," she sobbed, stroking my hair.

I sniffled as some tears fell from my eyes. "I'm okay now... Don't cry..."

We pulled back and I wiped my tears before wiping her's away, then looked down.

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" I asked her.

She sighed. "Andy may be someone who saves people, Alexandra.... But he's also someone who hurts people..."

I sighed. I guess she is right.

"Can we go home now? I'm tired," I said.

"Of course, honey. Kathy and I are going to make your favorite for dinner tonight," she said, then smirking. "You can also tell me about Remington."

I blushed and chuckled as we all headed out the airport.

I guess its safe to say that things are somewhat back to normal...


Deadpool 2 was really good. Loved it! ♥

  🎤 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

All Time Low "Kids in the Dark"


♡~ sapphire.

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