⚘ Chapter 34 - Recommendations

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》Eight Months Later《


I groaned as I woke to the sunlight shining through my blinds, hitting my eyelids.

I turned over and buried myself into Remington's arms, which woke him up, making his wrap his arms tighter around me.

"Good morning," her whispered in a sleepy murmur as he kissed my forehead.

"Good morning," I murmur back as I hugged him.

"Ready for today?" He asked.

I then realized what day it was and sighed.

Its been six months since I left California... Six months since I spoke to my father....

Last I heard about him was that he and Juliet were separated, but not divorced yet. He's been kind of in the shadows since I left.

Remington has visited as often as he could, and vice versa. His mom is so kind and has already pretty much accepted me into the family already.

Despite the distance, Remington and I are determined to keep it strong. He makes me happy, and he treats me so well. Despite what he says, I don't deserve a guy as perfect as him.

However, we have talked about finding our own place to move into together once I finish college. I'm a little hesitant about it, since I don't want to separate him from his brothers and work, so we're discussing it from time to time.

Its fast for us, but its better than him spending so much money on flights to see me.

In 3 days I will be finished at my local college and moving on to a better college. I've applied to a few East Coast colleges, and 2 in California and today I find out from my adviser if I got accepted into any of them.

Usually they send letters home but I also wanted to verify how I ended in school and stuff. Either way, its faster than having to anxiously wait for a piece of paper.

Also today, however, I'm visiting my grandmother for a while.

In the past six months she had slipped a bit more, recently a lot, and we should be recieving some test results today.

At times like this, I'm glad Remington is staying a while here. I really need his support more than anything right

"Can't we just stay in bed forever and forget how messed up the world around us can be?" I mumbled.

He chuckled and rubbed my back. "Rainy days have their bright moments, too."

I smiled as I looked up and hugged him.

"I love you," I said.

He smiled, softly combing my hair at the side with his fingers. "I love you, too."

We share a passionate kiss before deciding to get up and get ready for the day.

Sebastian and Emerson were at home for the moment, but were flying in tomorrow for my birthday, which is shortly after I finish my classes.

Daniel and Samuel are also coming, along with Remington's mom.

My mom hasn't bought up about my father after everything. Ashley had visited a week after I left, and when my mom's birthday came around, everyone visited, minus my dad and Juliet.

Ashley has kept me updated on how my father has been, which unfortunately isn't good.

Apart from the separation, he's been getting kind of sick, and his drinking and smoking habits have kind of increased a little as well.

Juliet has been staying with a friend during the separation, and its been rough on Andy.

Fans have been relentless, wanting to know more. I've keep my social medias private since the beginning so I thankfully don't exactly have to worry about any hate or whatever.

Of course, I still got PLENTY of it, nonetheless, after telling everyone how I ended up in the hospital a while back. I'm guessing Juliet Simms can be a serial killer who also punches puppies and still be loved and worshiped by many.

Whatever. She's not my problem anymore, and right now I've got my future to think about.

Whether its my educational future, future as a rockstar's daughter whether he's in my life or not, future careers, or even my future as Remington's girlfriend.

I've spent almost 20 years without a father, I doubt 20 more will kill me.

When we told my mom about us, she was overjoyed. Of course, she did give the parental protection warnings to Remington (the old fashioned 'I'll cause you any physical harm that comes to mind if you break my daughter's heart' line). However, Remington has proven to be a caring and kind to me, and has been my rock since I left California.

I let Remington shower first before getting my clothes, deciding to snag his long sleeve fishnet top, a black crop top, light blue skinnies, and boots.

I set that on the before heading to the kitchen to make my mom breakfast since me and Remington are planning to stop somewhere for breakfast.

I was going to start cooking before my mother came into the kitchen.

"Good morning, honey," she smiled.

"Good morning, Mom. Want anything for breakfast?" I asked.

"Oh don't worry, honey. I was actually going to see if I can go have breakfast with your grandmother today. Kathy will be by soon to pick me up," she said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Absolutely. Give you and Remington enough time to spend time together before you meet up with us," She said.

I smiled and shrugged. "Alright, if you say so."

I still decided to make us some coffee either way, letting the coffee machine brew a little before heading upstairs, seeing Remington was already out of the shower and pulling on a black tshirt over his black and white long sleeve, black jeans, black vans, his hair spiked up, and with a red bandanna around his neck.

"Cute," I smiled as I walked over, and we shared a quick kiss.

"So, where are we eating?" he asked.

"Not sure. We can pick up from Panera Bread on the way," I shrugged.

"Sounds good," he said. "You got the app?" 

"Yeah, just order through my phone. For me just order what I usually get," I said as I grabbed my towel and underwear, then unlocked my phone before handing it to him.

"My treat this time," he smiled.

"Rem, come on, I can pay," I said.

"And I say I want to make sure my girlfriend starts her morning well," he said, booping my nose.

I chuckled as we shared a quick kiss before he jumped up on my bed and beginning to order.

"Just don't go nuts," I smiled.

I then went ahead and took a quick shower. Once I was done I dried up, pulled on my bra and panties, then walked out my towel wrapped up before pulling on my clothes, then brushing my teeth and hair before deciding to let my hair how it was before we were finally ready to head out.

We grabbed some coffee before heading out, saying bye to my mom, then climbing into my car, Remington in the passenger seat before pulling out of the driveway and heading out.


"Alexandra Brighton," they called as we sat in the waiting room.

"Finally," I sighed and got up.

"Hey," Remington said, holding my hand. "Whatever they say, we can figure something out."

I smiled, then leaned down, kissing him softly.

"I'll be back soon," I said.

He nodded as he laid back on the seat and I walked in.

"This way, please," the adviser motioned to one of the doors.

We walked into the office.

"Have a seat," she motioned. "Do you want anything, a water maybe?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you," I smiled as she pulled up a file and typed some things on teh computer.

"Well, you definitely have a lot of good news, a few not so good, but its nothing life threatening or anything like it," she said.

"Well, what are the good news?" I asked with a shrug.

"Well, first, you passed with flying colors, mid terms and finals came in A's and B's, you're pretty much good to go," she said.

I sighed with relief.

"Second, of the five schools you applied for, you were accepted into four of them," she said.

"Wow, really?" she asked.

"Yeah, and by the way, I want congratulate you on your acceptance to Stanford University," the adviser said.

My eyes widen in surprise. "Wait, what?"

"You application, to Stanford? It was reviewed and due to your stellar grades and recommendations you have, they were willing to accept you to study in their music program," she said.

"Wait music? But.... I never even applied to Stanford," I said, confused. "For California I applied to American Career or Los Angeles Pierce, for physical health, that can't be right."

"Well its right here," she said. "Los Angeles Pierce did accept you as well, of course."

I frowned. "You said I had recommendations?"

"Yes, I have the copies in  your files," she said.

"Am I allowed to see them?" I asked. 

"Yes, of course," she said, handing me the file.

I looked through it, seeing the application and everything, soon finding the recomendation.

"Knowledge of sound range is above average.... Vocal control is stellar...... The fact that she possesses a powerful voice despite her medical history with asthma is beyond impressive......"

All notes about... My singing.....

.......An exceptional and bright young woman who is dedicated, determined, strong and passionate as well as motivated by the ones she loves and love her back.....

The one part that got to me, however, was:

..... It is without a doubt that both her father and her mother and extremely proud of her, and she will accomplish brilliant things in the future.....

That's when I saw the familiar signature at the end of the letter and tears sprung from my eyes.

"Miss Brighton?" The woman asked.

Brighton..... Wait... I.... No.... Hold on....

"C-Can I come back tomorrow?" I asked quickly. "Please?"

"Umm, yes, of course. I can see you need to think some things over and-"

I didn't even let her finish before I hurried out of her office and into the waiting room, Remingotn standing, but rushing over as he saw my teary face.

"Babe? What happened?" he asked worriedly.

"A-Ashley, I... I have to call Ashley," I said.

He nodded, confused as we exit the building and I hurriedly take my phone out of my bag and dial Ashley.

"Hello? Alex, hey," he said.

"A-Ashley," I said in a shaky voice.

"Whoa, sweetheart, what happened?" he asked.

"M-My dad, I.... I think he," he said "Did he get me into Stanford?"

Remington's eyes widen. 

It was quiet on the other line, before Ashley sighed.

"He wanted the best for you, despite never being able to see him again," he said. "He has a friend who's an assistant director over there and they managed to pull strings to get you in. I was actually going to fly over there soon to tell you the news."

My eyes widen, tears falling.

"Alexandra...." he said. "Are you okay?"

I gulped as I knew the next words that came out of my mouth right now were going to change everything.

"If you're coming soon.... Bring my father with you....."


This chapter was kind of rushed and a little sloppy, but eh. At least I managed something. 🌻 

So I'm going through instagram about 2 days(?) ago I believe, and an account I follow posted something about this particular tweet:

Honestly, all I can say is this:

Lmao, okay okay I'm done. You can all come at me now. 😂😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😇😇

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist: 

Nine Inch Nails "Closer"


♡~ sapphire.

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