⚘ Chapter 35 - Ultimatums

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"Leave it to Andy to buy his way back," My mother grumbled as she sat in her wheelchair, frusterated from what I told her as she read the letters while I paced the room and Remington helped my grandmother eat.

"I asked Ashley to bring him," I said. "I know you don't want him around, but after this, its  time we talk about this."

My mom sighed. "I know your last asthma attack was not his fault, Alexa... But you need to understand that your father can't separate right from wrong.... Even when I met him, even before Juliet, he always fought left and right with his conscience."

I sighed as I sat on a nearby seat, looking over at my grandmother as Remington wiped her lip with a napkin.

I smiled as then my grandmother shifted a little and her bible fell from her lap.

"Oh," she said as Remington got it for her and she smiled. "Thank you, young man."

"You're welcome," Remington replied to her with a smile.

I looked at the bible in her hands as I then remembered when she made me read it before agreeing to know my father.

That's when I remembered the words she had me read, and an idea hit me.

"Mom..." I said, making her turn to me. "I may have an idea..."

"On what?" she asked.

I took a deep breath. "By any chance did you know BVB's lawyer, too?"

"Dina? Of course. She helped everyone, including the crew members," Mom said.

"Do you still have her number?" I asked.

She looked at me confused as the reels in my head continued to turn.

》The Next Day《

Remington sat next to me as we waited in the dining room with my mom, waiting for Ashley, Andy, and John who I also asked to come.

I would have needed Juliet here, too, but figured I don't need my mom on a murder charge and I like our house to be standing in one piece.

"You sure you know what your doing?" Remington asked.

"Trust me, you actually learn a thing or two when taking law classes for extra college credits," I said.

He nodded as then there was a knock at the door and Mom took a deep breath.

"Its okay... Just trust me, Mom," I said.

"Honey, you know I do," she said. "I just don't trust him, or John."

I nodded before getting up and walking to the door.

I took a deep breath before opening it and being met with my father and Ashley.

Dad looked like he hadn't slept in a good while, and kind looks thinner than when I last saw him.

Jesus, Dad....

I sighed before walking over and hugging him.

He seemed surprised by my actions, but I still feel him wrap his arms around me.

He may not have earned a #1 Dad mug, but he's still my father at the end of the day.

"I missed you," I confessed. 

It wasn't a lie. I really did miss him. 

He took a shaky breath. "I missed you, too..."

I clung to him for a while longer before we pulled back and he took a look at me.

"You cut your hair?" he asked, furrowing his brows.

I looked down. I actually did, but not excessively. It reaches around my collar bones now. It was almost past the small of my back when I was with him.

"Uh, yeah," I said. "The long hair was getting out of control."

He chuckled a bit. "I know the feeling."

I couldn't help but laugh, since I knew he meant when he had a lion's mane.

I then looked at Ashley and we hugged.

"Good to see you again, kid," he said.

"You too," I said as then faced John after we pulled back.

"John," I said to him.

"Alexandra," he nodded at me. "You look well."

I nodded. "Thank you.... Come on in, guys..."

I lead them inside to the dining room, Ashley closing the door behind him.

We walked in, and my mom has a stern face as her eyes fell on Dad.

"H-Hi, Liz," he said.

She just stayed quiet for a while before speaking. "You... You look thinner.... Don't tell me you're not eating.... You know what happens, damn you, didn't you even think of Alexa-?!"

"Mom!" I scolded at her.

Mom just took deep breath as if composing herself after losing her temper.

I don't blame her... But right now we got to keep our cool.

"I'm sorry... This is... This is too overwhelming," She said, her hands over her face as Remington had walked over and rubber her back.

"Let's just get to it," I said as we all sat down.

"First.... Did you really pay for me to be accepted into Stanford?" I asked my father.

He looked up at me before pursing his lips and sighing. "And old classmate of mine is the assistant director there... I asked him to see if he would do a favor and read your transcripts and stuff.... I paid him something, but it wasn't much since he and other board members were impressed," he admitted.

I nodded and took a deep breath. "You should know Juliet is not a good person.... Landing me in the hospital is one thing, but she treats everyone around her like shit, including you, if things don't go her way."

"Hang on a sec-"

"Shut up, John, my daughter's speaking," My mother snapped, and he went quiet.

"However, before going with you, my grandmother told me these words," I said, then quoted them. "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him... John 3:17."

Everyone looked at each other as I continued.

"So that's why I have this proposition," I said. "Well, more like an ultimatum, and in a way it can benefit everyone."

Everyone looked around as me and Remington watched before John spoke.

"What do you request?" he asked.

"We lift the parental ban on Andy, and since you seem to need her, John mostly for some reason, Juliet can stay," I said.

Everyone seemed surprised by my words.

"What's the catch?" John asked skeptically, and I smiled as I then reached into my bag and pulled out the filing folder I had in there.

"Oh John.... You should know that almost every dog needs training and a leash," I said. "In Juliet's case, she needs a tight, close one."

Everyone looked at me.

"Here are my conditions..... First, Juliet can keep living in the house, but not in the same room as my dad," I said. "And when it comes to money, she has to earn 90% of her own money. She works for her own music in her own paid studio by her own manager with her own promotion team, and tours her own concerts when she gets to that point..... If she gets to that point, which would be a longshot."

They continued to listen intently.

"Of course I know marriage has its fair share, but here, my dad will give her only 10% of his earnings every month, 15% if its an actual life threatening emergency, which needs to be validated," I said. "And she can attend a Black Veil Brides tour 3 times a year. Any misbehavior during that tour to the BVB fans will be a strike. Once she hits three, she's out for life. Unlike most people, I see the fans, especially the neglected ones."

"Um, young lady, maybe you don't know a lot like you think, but this interferes with about 3 other contracts," John snapped.

I smirked. "I knew you would say that, but you don't know that I was in the business magnet program at my high school, and minored in law in college for 2 years. Now, it may not sound like much, but I did learn a thing or two, and just for some advice, I called Dina LaPlott."

Their eyes widen.

"You called our lawyer?" Ashley asked in shocked.

"Yeah," I said, then pointed to the file. "Even helped me put together this little contract, which was validated and actually outnumbers your three contracts, which now may needs some editing."

Everyone stared in amazement.

"Oh, don't worry, it won't invalidate any marriage contracts or blood oaths to Juliet's little psycho church," I said. "She can still tend award shows and dates with her hubs, but she should drop her diva attitude, sell her own crap and if she's selling anything, it'll be fair priced, approval only by me, and she respects my parents, the band, my friends, and both fandoms. Anyone is injured because of her, she'll have to deal with the whole medical bill before hitting the road."

"And if she breaks any of those conditions?" My dad asked curiously.

"Then I hope she likes losing divorce settlements and playing guitar on Hollywood sidewalks for coins to buy her vegan burgers," she said. "She so much as says something rude to even my mom and she's gone, and if she decides to be difficult then I'll be gone, for good."

Everyone was quiet as then Remington spoke.

"So, to the board," he smirked. "Who's in favor?"

Everyone was quiet before my mother spoke.

"I'm not all for this.... I'm still upset of knowing you she was landed in the hospital... Hell, I should be pressing charges..." she said. "However, I trust my daughter, and she is wiser than she's taken for. So she has my vote."

I smiled as my mom held her hand up.

"No need to ask me," Ashley said, also raising his hand.

Remington and I then turned to Andy and John.

"Has the jury reached the verdict?" Remington asked.

John spoke first.

"I'm not all for this. Profits because of 'Andliet' are working for everyone," he said. "So, nay."

We then faced my father.

"Andy, think about this, you're side project is on the rise, and that affects Juliet's sales," He said.

He just took a deep breath. "I'm too nice for the world... I'm too gullible, too persuasive, and a massive hopeless romantic. I hate to admit it, but it's true," he said. "However, I'm not afraid to admit that it is time for a change."

John looked confused.

"I love Juliet, and care about her, but its time depends on her own abilities," I said. "Because that's how Biersacks work, and since she is one now, she's gotta work like one," he said. "So hand me the pen."

John slammed his fist on the table in frusteration as I held the pen out to him.

"One last thing before you sign, though," I said, moving the pen from his reach.

He frowned as everyone looked curiously at me.

"As tempting as the offer is, I rather earn my place in Stanford than buying it," I said. "That's why I want you to give my scholarship to someone who deserves it the most, hell maybe even a fan. Tuition paid for 3 semesters, covered for books for at least 2 semesters, first month of dorm rent paid, and some extra money for food and necessities."

Everyone's eyes widen.

"A-Are you sure about this? I mean, there's no problem in doing all of that, but Alexandra... This is still a big opportunity," he said. "Are you really willing to give it up?"

"I hate to agree with him, but your father is right, Alexa. Going to Stanford with this scholarship is a once in a lifetime chance," Mom said.

"I know... But you raised me to work for my accomplishments and dreams, to earn them on my own terms," I said, then turned to my father. "Since Day 1, you've worked your ass off for Black Veil Brides, even performed with broken bones and shitty health. Yet you earned record deals, promotions, an international fan base.... Would you have wanted someone to pay for any of that instead of working for it and earning it?"

He looked at me seriously as he thought about it.

"I don't want you to think I'm being ungrateful, though," I said. "The fact that you care this much for my education, enough to buy me into a major league college.... It means so much to me, even if you weren't always in my life. In the end, you still know what your priorities are.... And that alone proves enough for me."

He smiled at me before taking a deep breath. "Liz.... You raised one hell of a kid...." he said.

Mom looked over at him and then me, before smiling proudly. "I guess I did...."

I smiled as then Dad held his hand up.

"I do my two conditions of my own," he said as he held his hand out for the pen.

I look over. "Name them..."

"Holiday visits to Cali, some birthdays included," he said.

I looked over at my mom who sighed with a smile and nodded.

"Alright," I nodded, and he signed the papers. "And the second?"

"To finally get a talk with the man who managed to to win my daughter's heart.... Especially after playing getaway with her that night," he smirked over at Remington.

Remington's eyes widen as he tried to look around innocently, the rest of us laughing, including me.

"Ummm.... I plea the Fifth?" he asked with a shrug, and we all laughed as my mom also signed the paper.

"John, good luck trying to get Juliet to sign these," Mom laughed.

John groaned as he snatched the pen and signed, having no choice.

"You always were full of surprises, Liz," she said with a grumble. "The damned force to be reckoned with that you raised is one of them."

I smiled innocently as he shoved the papers at me and I put them away, my mom smiling proudly.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from a Brighton-Biersack child," My mom said.

"Umm, shouldn't it be-" Dad said before my mom cut him off.

"Don't push your luck," My mom interjected at him.

"Yes, ma'am," he said immediately, Ashley snickering.

I chuckled as I closed the folder. "I guess that settles it. Now to tell the demoted princess of her last and final chance."

Everyone turned towards John.

"Hey, you're the husband," He said to Andy.

"You're the one who thought it was a good idea to involve Juliet in the first place," I said.

He groaned. "Fine."

We smiled as then my mom spoke.

"Your birthday won't count as one of those birthday visits by the way," My mother said to my father.

"Ahh, but my birthday is after Christmas," Dad mumbled in a sing-song tone.

"Doesn't mean anything," Mom mocked in he same tone.

"Kind of does," Dad mumbled.

"Alright, mother and father," I said, before about screaming battle took place. "Let's not get carried away. How about we all go out for dinner tonight?"

They all looked over at me.

"After all.... Its about time we have some family time," I said. "Don't you think?"

Their eyes widen. "Wait..." Dad said.

"The three of us?" Mom asked.

"Four," I said, linking my arm around Remington's. "So not only we can have family time, but you two can properly be introduced to my boyfriend, together."

Before they can say anything.

"They would love to!" Ashley intervened.

"What?!" They said together.

"The family all together to meet the man who won the heart of their beloved daughter," Ashley said, then leaned over, slapping Dad's back. "Godfather duties, I got you, brother."

"Wait, who said-"

"Fine," Mom said.

"Wait, what?" Dad said, turning to Mom.

"Ashley and Alexandra are right. Its time we all got together, and also properly acquaint ourselves with Remington," she said. "If I have to go through a meal with you for our child, then so be it."

Dad seemed surprised, but then took a deep breath. "Alright... Let's do it... My treat."

I smiled as Remington and I looked at each other.

"I might not survive this, will I?" He whispered.

"Can't promise anything," I whispered back.

Let's just hope nobody starts a fire in the restaurant.


This whole recent rumor of BVB breaking up was so stupid and scared many fans for no reason, which was not cool (Fuck you, Loudwire).

Ashley never even said that stuff (proof of the actual podcast audio can be found of @scamdy's page on Instagram). And even if he did say it, it could clearly be taken out of context.

Black Veil Brides are on Warped Tour 2018, the LAST Warped Tour run. Meaning that there will be NO MORE WARPED TOUR for anybody. To say "you won't ever see this band again," he could clearly mean people aren't gonna be seeing BVB (or other bands for that matter) performing ON WARPED TOUR EVER AGAIN.

So everyone calm down already. Jake and Jinxx already confirmed that the band isn't splitting up. 

Andy also confirmed, but I barely trust a word he says nowadays, and the words he seems to says the most "My wife and I......" I swear on my life if I have to hear him say that one more time I'm going to rip my hair out because WHO THE HELL CARES?!!

However, that's besides the point. Irrelevant. I've said what I've said many times before.

If BVB were to ever break up, however, I honestly hope it would be like MCR, at peace and with no bad blood. I would be heartbrokenn, though, since this band was one of many to get me through my darkest moments in life.

I also hope Ashley doesn't get in trouble for some bullshit he never even said. He's pretty much the MAIN reason (next to Jinxx, CC and Jake) that I even still stand with this band.

***Anyway, moving on, I want to apologies for lack of updates. Been dealing mentally and emotionally with some stuff, not gonna get into it. But I have been drafting some stories and will have chapters up soon, especially for Bassist's Beat.

Also, if you haven't seen yet, I have a new Riverdale fanfic up. Its called No Tears Left to Cry. Be sure to check it out and leave some feedback. Hope you like it. 🌻

🎶 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Bruno Mars "That's What I Like"

♡~ sapphire.  

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