😜Chapter 13😜

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A/N : Those with keen eyes know that I put Ace in RainClan originally, and now, he's in MistClan and are wondering how in ForestClan I managed to somehow do that without a second thought...


I had completely forgotten about that until I checked like a minute ago. XD

So rather than go write that Ace switched Clans like everyone else, let's pretend that he always was a MistClan cat at heart, k? 😜

You guys remember Reena?

This is going to be a little short because I'm letting you guys pick where this proud she-cat goes from now.

Reena ran as faster as her paws could carry her through the dark night, keeping one eye on the sky, where the moon hung low and one ear to the ground where prey were nestling down to sleep.

Her belly growled, longing to sink her claws into their tender flesh, but that was HazelClan prey and catching another Clan's prey was one thing she respected in that new beetle-brained code.

Also, the very idea that dead cats were watching her every pawstep as she trekked through the brambles, made her feel uneasy, her pelt rippling with tension.

The white she-cat stepped lightly, her paws silent as the wind carrying about through the hideous trees.

But some part of her felt at peace in the darken forest, even under the cover of the trees, blocking out the full moon...

She shuddered, running faster.

Even it's one other thing Reena agreed upon it was that FeralClan don't belong in the trees.

Only around them.

They needed the moon to see, without it, they were blind, even at home in the night.

Reena sighed, knowing the long journey ahead of her as she padded on through EarthClan territory and some part of her would miss her former Groupmates, but the other still terribly missed Feral and longed to be with him...

Just once more would be a dream in itself...

To hear his laughter.

To feel his fur against hers.

Even though the evil, she still saw the good...

Would always see the good.

Reena decided to pad on, the quicker she was out of Clan territory, the better.

That's all for now :)

I'm looking forward to the comments! 🐼



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