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A guard, looking out a classified Facility somewhere in a war-torn Europe. As the guard looked out quietly, the rain showering down, suddenly the guard heard a rustle behind him. But before the Guard can react, A knife is stabbed into the guard's throat, blood comes out his throat and mouth, and his screams are muffled by the blood as the guard falls to his knees.

The knife quickly twists as the guard falls, a man standing where the guard used to stand as the man looks out, reaching for his comms. "Snake Here, preparing to enter the Facility. What's the status of Task Force Ghosts?"

Snake asks, looking out cautiously as a voice enters his ears. "Otacon here, Task Force Ghost is in position at the west side of the facility." As the voice fills his ear, Snake cracks his knuckles before his hands move to his Rifle. "Let's do this."

Clad in a sleek, black tactical suit that seemed to blend seamlessly into the night, Snake moved with a grace that betrayed years of training and experience. His footsteps were silent, each movement calculated to minimize sound as he closed in on the facility's perimeter.

As Snake neared the first guard post, he surveyed his surroundings with heightened senses. The facility was surrounded by a thick forest, which concealed him from prying eyes. The only illumination came from the distant glow of a few scattered security lights, providing just enough visibility to mark his targets. He knew that his success hinged on remaining undetected.

With a fluid motion, Snake drew a silenced M1911A1 from a holster at his side. He approached the first guard, a burly figure standing at attention. Without a moment's hesitation, Snake dispatched him with a swift and silent shot to the head. Blood splattered against the wall of the guard post as the guard crumpled to the ground, his life extinguished before he even had a chance to react.

Moving like a ghost through the facility's grounds, Snake encountered another guard on his patrol. This time, Snake didn't rely on his firearm. Instead, he utilized his extensive knowledge of martial arts, incapacitating the guard with a precise series of strikes and joint locks before twisting his neck to the point it was almost turned 180 degrees, The guard fell without making a sound, dead, and Snake continued on his mission.

Inside the facility, Snake drops in via a vent and lands on top of a guard, before the guard can yell, Snake grabs the guard's jaw and quickly breaks it, almost ripping it off as the Jaw hangs from the threads of flesh, the guard screams turned gurgle as Snake quickly pushes him to a dark corner and dispatches him with a knife into the eye.

As Snake continued to move carefully, his knife and M1911A1 drawn, encountered a series of security checkpoints. With meticulous planning, he bypassed electronic locks and security systems, relying on his extensive knowledge of hacking and lock-picking.

He made his way through darkened corridors, avoiding surveillance cameras and laser alarms with ease. As he continues to move forward, he quickly ducks, getting in a cardboard box in a nearby corner as a patrol of guards moves past. He begins to move swiftly and silently with the cardboard box, his eyes darting as he stops in areas where the box would look in place.

After reaching the deep end of the facility, he discards the box, looking around quietly and swiftly.

As he ventured deeper into the heart of the facility, Snake encountered more guards. Each one fell with an eerie silence, victims of his unmatched skill in hand-to-hand combat and his ability to strike swiftly and decisively. He left no witnesses in his wake, ensuring that his presence remained a ghostly secret. The bodies of the guards lay in dark areas, blood seeping out of their orifices, one guard's eyes were popped out as the back of his skull was caved in, and another guard had his throat, slit so deep you could see the spinal cord.

As Snake turns a corner, a guard sees him, but as he is about to Scream, raising his rifle, a throwing knife hits the back of the guard, as the guard goes limp, falling to the ground as Snake comes face to face with a group of men, wearing Black Multicam Gear, their faces covered by a masks.

"Solid Snake?" One of the men asks, lowering his rifle while approaching Snake. Snake cautiously nodded, he was used to working alone, or at least with people he knew personally. "You must be Task Force Ghost," Snake says as the man clad in Tact. Gear nods.

"Callsign Azrael, good to have you with us. The Metal Gear instance is in the Defense and Research sector just down that corridor." Azrael says as Snake nods, as he glances and sees the five-man team. "You better keep up, let's go."

As Snake moves with the Ghosts, moving quietly through the corridor, Snake can't help but observe the Ghosts as they move. They had Masks, different from one another yet similar, the black base painted over with white paint on their face area.

As they move, Snake and the Ghosts finally reach the target. As the ghosts stack up on the wall, one of Azrael's Operatives installs a device on the security pad. As the armored door opens, they quickly enter, guns drawn and raised. They found the lab empty, scattered with unknown machinery. As the team moves in slowly, Snake notices multiple robots, as Snake tilts his head in confusion, approaching it as he sees they were humanoid, with it almost looking female from the curves.

"Doesn't look like Metal gear." One of the operatives mutters, Snake turning his attention to him as the Operative shows Snake a realistic face plate of a woman. "Androids, what kind of terminator Bullshit is this."

As Snake turns, suddenly a huge shaking was heard as the armored door shuts on itself. Snake turning as Azrael quickly rushes to the door. "Fuck, lockdown, who the fuck requested CAS?!" Azrael yells into his radio as Snake attempts to contact Otacon but was unable to get into Contact.

Suddenly the pipes above the team burst open, releasing an unknown air, freezing everything instantly as Snake couldn't react, his eyes turning and before everything went blank, Snake saw a symbol on the wall, almost taunting him as his eyes slowly fade to black.

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