10 - Lunch with the Boss #2*

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They finally arrived near the restaurant. Mr. Sanada exited and held the door for her. Gideon thanked the driver which made Sanada pause for a moment. She turned and led him down the alleyway to the restaurant. Glancing over her shoulder to see if he was still behind her, she smiled. Reaching the restaurant she saw two large Alphas sitting out front, both had on t-shirts that exposed their arm tattoos as they drank beers. Sanada walked up and stepped in front of Gideon; not seeing the look she gave him. The larger of the two males stood up with an intimidating look.

Gideon sensed Sanada becoming agitated and decided to break the tension by taking back the lead position. 

"Nii-chan!!"  Gideon was suddenly scooped up in the large Alpha's arms.  "Hey! Put me down dork!" Gideon punched him in the arm as he laughed.

"Gigi!" He bent down to kiss her on the forehead after setting her back on solid ground. Sanada had a shocked look on his face. 

"Is this your Mate?"

The color drained from Gideon's face. She didn't want Sanada to know just yet that she was a Wolf. She shot the large Alpha a glare.

"Ohhhh.... sorry little sis."

"This is my BOSS! Mr. Sanada!"

The large Alpha extended a hand to shake Sanada's. "Nice to meet you Sanada-san."

"Let's go inside and get a table." Gideon turned and motioned for Sanada to enter as she went to give the large Alphas both hugs. "I'll call you guys later for dinner." They both howled in excitement. 

Entering the restaurant Sanada could see she was embarrassed. 

"I'm sorry about that. They were supposed to be in Korea. Sorry, let's grab a seat." Gideon could tell her face was flushed but there was nothing she could do about it. She led him to a seat by the window.

"So, you're a Wolf after all."

Gideon looked away from him.

"Can we talk about something else, please?" Just then a man approached the table.

"Toru?" Gideon looked up to see her uncle Sabe. He wasn't really her uncle, but he was so close with her dad that she considered him such.

"Seiji?" The two men stood and embraced, Gideon looked on in confusion and stood up.

"Uncle? You know him?"

Sanada looked at Gideon and back at Sabe "Uncle?"

"Gigi!" Sabe hugged her and patted her on the back. "So, is Toru your Mate?"

Gideon growled out of anger that everyone now thought her boss was her Mate. It caught the two Alphas off guard.

"Ugghh!   Why does everyone think he's my Mate? He's my boss!!"

"Oohhh, sorry dear!" Sabe laughed and gently slapped Sanada on the back. "I'll be back with menus." 

Gideon plopped back down into the chair, her head crashing onto the table, but not too hard.

"This was such a bad idea..." Gideon groaned as Sanada burst out laughing. She couldn't help but look at him with a frown.

"It's not funny!"

"Ok, little Alpha!" Sanada couldn't help but tease her.

"Oh God, please do not call me that...that's all I need."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist." Sanada also couldn't stop laughing.

"And please stop laughing at me, I'm embarrassed enough as it is."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Gideon tried but just couldn't make eye contact with Sanada. She was glad Sabe returned with a menu.

"The usual Gigi?"

"Yes sir."

"Toru? What can I get for you?"

"The usual." Sabe smiled and patted Sanada on the back as he placed a beer in front of him and water for Gideon. He turned and went to the kitchen.

"So, this is your family, huh?"

"Kinda. The usual? You've been here before?"

"Yes, me and Seiji are old friends."


Sanada could tell she was still embarrassed. To relieve the tension, he removed his suit jacket, tie and rolled up his sleeves. Gideon looked at him, confused at what he was doing.

"Now, we are off the clock and I'm no longer your boss."

"But you are my boss..." Gideon gave him a look as he tried not to laugh again.

"No. We are off the clock. We are just two people enjoying a meal together." 

Gideon looked at him with a scrunched face. He was acting weird.

"Fine, You know you're a lot different from how everyone said you were."

"And how's that?"

"Most people said you were a cold, emotionless, asshole. You're actually kinda nice to be around. NOT that I'm flirting again...I'm just saying." {Good save Gideon}

"I get that a lot. Thanks for the compliment. And you don't seem phased by any of what they said either."

"No. My dad taught me to go by how you are treated, not by what you hear."

"Good point. Ms. Okada-" Gideon cut him off.

"Since we are off the clock, please call me Gigi or Gideon."

"Ok, Gideon. Can I ask you something personal?"

"Hm, depends on how personal."

"How is Okada-san your dad?"

"My real dad died when I was still a baby, he married my mom and adopted me when I was 2."

Gideon began to relax around him.

"I see. So did you mean to flirt with me that day at your dad's office?"

"Oh that. Yeah, I meant it, you are kinda hot and... shit! I can't believe I just said that!" Gideon hid her face in her hands as Sanada laughed at her again. Gideon looked at him through her fingers, her face as red as a tomato. 

"I'm sorry, I am just getting way to comfortable around you." Gideon looked away, wishing the food would come.

"It's okay. It's refreshing to meet someone that isn't intimidated by me or trying to impress me."

"Oh, can I ask you something?"


"Why did you step in front of me in the alleyway when Tomo approached?"

Sanada really didn't have an answer, he just did it.

"I don't know, instinct."

The food arrived.

"Oh thank God!" Gideon wasted no time digging in, she was starving. Sanada chuckled and started eating. The two would catch occasional glances at each other but remained silent while enjoying the delicious meal. After the two had finished eating, Gideon walked to the counter. She paid and grabbed Sanada another beer and her a pop. She returned to the table and placed the beer in front of him. Her thoughtfulness surprised him.

"Oh, Thanks!"

"Your welcome, we should probably hurry-up and head back to the office."

"No, we're done for the day." Sanada smiled at her as he took a large gulp of the beer.

"What? I haven't put in my 8 hours yet?"

"Doesn't matter, your salary. Plus, I'm the boss." Sanada smirked.

"You are unbelievable." Gideon couldn't help but smile at him as she shook her head.

"Besides, you more than proved yourself today. And I need to apologize to you also."

"Oh, for the press conference deal?" 

Sanada looked up at her, confused at how she knew that's what he was talking about.  "Yeah, I shouldn't have let her go that far."

"It's okay, I understand."

"But you did good. Me and the senior members were very impressed with your level of professionalism."

"Thank you. Can we talk about something else?" Gideon was over it.

The two continued to sit and talk for a few more hours. Gideon really enjoyed his company, even though he was her boss. And if Sanada was honest with himself, he enjoyed her company also. Looking outside Gideon saw it was getting late.

"Ok, we should head back to the office, It's getting dark out and I need to get home."

"Ah! I'm sorry, I didn't realize the time. Let me take you home."

"What?  Uhhh... that's ok, I can take the metro home."

"No. I'll drop you off. Please?" 

Gideon didn't know what to think. "Uh, sure. As long as it's not a problem."

"It's not, let's go."

The two stood as Gideon saw him reach for his wallet.

"I already paid. I told you I'd take you out." She smiled at him and headed to the door. Sanada shook his head and laughed to himself. 

Heading outside she saw her two older 'brothers' still standing watch. She gave them both hugs as they nodded in acknowledgement to Sanada.

"You take care of her." Tomo, the larger of the two spoke to Sanada. He smiled and looked at Gideon.

"He's my boss Tomo!" Gideon was embarrassed again. "Let's go."

"We'll call you for dinner little sis!"

"Okay! love you guys, bye."

"Love you to sis."

Gideon could feel Sanada looking at her.


"Oh, nothing.  Little Alpha." Sanada laughed at her again.

"You know, you're lucky your my boss.  Let's go."

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