38 - Down time

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Morning came quickly for the pair with Sanada kissing his Mate awake for breakfast. They opted to get room service as Gideon didn't want to leave the room today at all. It seemed that every time she went out, she was getting triggered. He was glad; he wanted her to stay in any way, at least until it was time to leave for the airport tomorrow. Setting up next to him, she could tell he was still upset over the conversation they had last night about mating again. Gideon sat in his lap, her legs off to the side, she wrapped her arms around his neck for a warm hug.

"Hey hon, I didn't mean to upset you last night. I just felt you should know. Look at me." She had a gentle hold on his face. "I trust you Toru...If I didn't, I wouldn't have told you, nor would I be willing to go through with it. Okay?"

"I love you Gideon. I'd never do anything to lose you baby."

"I know, and you won't. I'm proud to be your Mate and I want you to mate me fully."

The two enjoyed a deep and passionate early morning kiss, it was only interrupted by knocking on the door. Breakfast has arrived.

Toru went to the door to retrieve the breakfast cart and rolled it into the bedroom. Gideon had once again cleared the small table and opened the drapes so they could enjoy the view while they ate. When he placed the order for breakfast he also requested extra bed linens. Gideon noticed them as asked why he had gotten them. He explained what her dad had told him about making his apartment comfortable for her for the initial move in and using the sheets from the hotel to do so. She had to laugh, not only at her dad's thoughtfulness but also how the two were such good friends and could talk about their mating life so easily.

After breakfast the two got to work. Sanada followed up on emails and called the senior members with feedback on the building tour from yesterday. They all agreed to go forward with the investment. Checking his calendar, Sanada rearranged and cancelled meetings for the following week. An hour later he saw they set another press conference to reveal the new acquisition in Korea, which he was fine with. He would do the press conference this time, but he thought he would have Gideon with him. He decided to call Anno-san instead of emailing him. The two discussed the renovation to his office which had been completed in just two days. Anno-san warned him that the office was full of gossip about him and his new assistant. Sanada laughed as he expected as much. While he went on business trips within Japan, this was his first trip away. If things started to get out of hand, he had no problem addressing them. Anno let him know he had the full support of the senior members on whatever he decided. Anno-san was the only wolf of the senior members so he understood Sanada's feelings and actions completely.

Gideon focused on translating all the contracts she had received. After finishing up one of the contracts, she dove into the mountain of email she had. Most were for translations and a few for dessert requests. She saw one email from Keiko. Gideon figured she must have sent it before she left, reluctantly she opened it. It was how she expected it to be. Keiko said she was happy and that she had valued their friendship but that it was now over. Keiko felt she needed to sever ties and move on, she asked that neither her, Kenji or Rei try to contact her. It was still hard but she honored her request and deleted the email. One other email caught her attention. It was from Anno-san; it congratulated her and Sanada on becoming Mates and wished her the best. If she needed anything to let him know if Sanada wasn't available. She laughed at the Elder's kindness.

"What's so funny baby?"

"Anno-san sent me an email."

"Ah! Yeah I know. He's very fond of you."

"Aww, I like him too."

"Toru...are you going to call me baby at work?"

He just smirked at her.


He laughed and leaned over the table to kiss her on the head.

They two worked until 3 in the afternoon. Not wanting to leave the room, Gideon asked her Mate if they could get pizza again. He was fine with it and told her he would order it in about an hour. While they had been working they both devoured almost all of the snacks they had. Having finished her work for the day, she wanted to get things ready to leave. She stood at the doorway and peeked to see if she had left anything out in the living area. Sanada noticed her.

"What's wrong babe."

"Nothing, just looking to see if I left anything out in the living room."

"Hey Gi?"

"Hey Toru?"

"Your mom hasn't tried to contact you again has she?"

"No, if she had, I'm not answering it."

"Good. Are you going to be okay with going into work Thursday and Friday?"

"I think so. I was planning on staying in my office. I saw you have a press conference for Friday. I can have Rei keep me company if I need to. I don't think you're going to let Kenji anywhere near me just yet."

"I'm fine with Rei and Kenji. He's pretty much your family so I'm ok with him. The press conference won't last long. I was going to have you there with me."

"Uhh, I don't think I'll feel comfortable with that."

"Yeah, I wondered about that. Ok, I'll make sure Rei can stay with you while I'm gone, but keep the door shut when I leave. I'll send an email to everyone letting them know not to disturb you."

"Thanks hon. You know she will want to know what's going on with us, right?"

"Oh I'm sure of that! You can tell her babe, I don't mind." Sanada laughed. He had every intention of letting the office know that Gideon was his Mate, eventually. He ordered the pizza and made sure to get drinks.

Gideon grabbed the plastic laundry bags supplied by the hotel for their dirty clothes. She set out what she wanted to wear for the trip home and gathered their things from the bathroom. Sanada wanted to be comfortable, he asked her to set out some clothes for him also. She found a pair of athletic pants, a t-shirt and Nike jacket for him to wear tomorrow. She would wear the same outfit she did when they arrived. She had hand washed it earlier so it would be clean for the trip home. She removed the sheets from the bed, folded them and placed them in her suitcase. Her dad called as she was placing the fresh ones on the bed.

"Hey dad!"

"Hey Gigi! How are you two doing? Did you do a lot today?"

"I'm fine. I'm just getting things together to leave tomorrow. I didn't want to leave the room so we've been here all day working. I haven't been doing so well with going out."

"I see, well Sabe wants to have dinner tomorrow are you up for it?"

"Yeah, it should be ok. It won't take long to get my things from my apartment, Toru left his car there so we'll be done in no time. What time?"

"Around 7, will that work?"

"That should be fine. We get back to Japan around 3."

"Good! Have you decided what you will do with your apartment?"

"Yes, that's already taken care of, Rei is moving in and will take over the lease. I will sign it over to her when we get back. Her brother and Kenji should have her moved in already. I just have a few clothes and maybe 2 boxes of stuff."

"Excellent! Is Toru there?"

"Yeah, hold on." Gideon waited by the bedroom door. Sanada was paying for the pizza. Gideon quickly moved their laptops to the bed and cleared the table to eat. He placed the pizza on the table.

"Hey, my dad wants to talk to you." She exchanged her phone for the pizza and drink bag then turned to fix their plates.


"Toru! How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Well, well. Hey Sabe wants to have dinner tomorrow around 7, are you ok with that?"

"Yeah that sounds good, but I'm still fairly protective over her. You know her eyes have changed right?"

"Yes, you told me the other day. It's not a problem. Toru? Are you able to talk privately for a minute."

"Sure hold on." Sanada turned to Gideon who smiled and shooed him off having already heard her dad. Sanada kissed her on the head and went to the other bedroom.

"I'm alone Jun. Is everything alright."

"Toru, Gideon's mom has been trying to get in touch with her again."

"I know, I talked to her yesterday."

"You did what?"

"Jun, Jun, Jun. Yesterday was not a good day. To be honest if Gi hadn't wanted to stay in today, I would have refused to let her leave. Things got pretty intense." Toru had no problem talking so candidly to Jun. He was pretty much his older brother even though he was his Mate's dad.

"My God, was the conversation with her mom that bad?"

"No, no. Jun...I had to attack another Alpha. He was a realtor who was showing us a property. An American acquaintance of mine. Let's just say his ass overstepped his mouth. Gideon had warned him but he refused to take the hint."

"Holy shit...I've never known you to attack someone so openly Toru. At least not for a very long time. Are you and Gi alright?"

"Yeah, she did something that upset me though, she put herself between me and the Alpha when he attempted to attack when my back was turned. I've never seen a wolf move so fast before in my life!"

"Mn. She loves you Toru, Gideon will not hesitate to give her life for you, she did the same thing for Sanichi once when they were younger. Almost cost her an eye."

"Whoa...I didn't know this. Well he's taken care of and probably on his way back to American without a job. As for her mom. Gideon never talked to her, I did."

"I see. Thank you. I'm glad she chose to remain indoors. Other than that, how have things been going for the two of you?"

"Interesting to say the least. Did you know she could heal others?"


"I'll take that as a 'no'. Yes. Gideon is very powerful Jun and not just physically. You should have a word with that Elder you sent her to. Gideon is full of unnatural secrets."

"My God...I'll do that. She's actually healed others?"

"Yes, an Elderly couple and small child. The Older couple recognized what Gideon was from her eyes, they both cautioned her to be careful with her gift. The parents of the small boy recognized what she was as well."

"Unbelivable, truly unbelievable. I will make it a point to talk to the Elder soon."

"Do that, let me know what all she tells you. I'm curious to know what I've truly gotten myself into!!" Both Alphas had to laugh. Gideon really was a rare and special beauty.

"Back to the topic of her mother, I've had to contact the police where she's concerned. They are handling her now so hopefully you will have no more issues with her."

"Good, I'm sorry it had to come to that, but glad that she will be dealt with."

"Ah! Have you two discussed how you will handle things at work?"

Sanada wanted to return to his Omega to see how she was doing. He sat at the table with her and started to eat as he talked on the phone. Gideon just shook her head.

"Yes, Anno-san has been very helpful with that. I've removed the wall separating our offices. It's just one big office now. I have taken care of things so next week I will have it off. I want her to get used to her new home."

"Good, I know you will do what's needed to make her comfortable. Let me say good-bye to her. You two have a safe trip home, see you soon."

"Ok, talk to you soon." Sanada handed the phone back to her.


"Hey kiddo, make sure to invite Kenji also if he can join us. He's pretty much family too."

"Ok, I will. See you guys tomorrow. Hey! I'm not cooking am I?"

"No, no, Sabe and Sanichi will take care of that. Just meet at my house."

"Ok, talk to you tomorrow. Love you!"

"Love you to Gi."

She tossed her phone on the bed so she could enjoy her food while the two engaged in light conversation. Sanada was still a little worried about how she would do in the airport and at work. After they had finished, she cleaned up and placed everything in the trash. Looking around the room she went back to packing while Sanada prepared for the news conference and followed up on emails one last time.

Gideon made sure all their travel documents were in order and their current boarding passes replaced the old ones. They had a few snacks left and she added them to her carry-on bag. She was done with work so she packed her laptop. She had their things ready for the morning in two separate piles. Sanada was glad that she was so thorough with things, that meant he didn't have to worry about anything. After she had everything packed and together, she contacted the airlines to double check their flight times. Again their flights had changed, they were now scheduled to leave at 10 am instead of noon. She wanted paper tickets along with mobile ones so she forwarded the email to Sanada and asked him if he would go to the business center and print them for her. He did, checking the spare bedroom and bath when he returned. Placing the new tickets in the travel organizers, the previous ones she kept, just in case.

Setting the phone alarm for 6am, it would give them time to dress, pack the last of their things and return the rental car. She figured they could grab something to eat at the airport after making it through security. She would Uber a ride back to her apartment in Japan, as soon as they got off the plane. Feeling like things were in order, she went to take a quick shower. She opted for her usual, undies and a t-shirt, sitting in the chair next to the nightstand she braided her hair. She didn't want to deal with it in the morning. Climbing into bed, Gideon quickly got under the covers and watched her Mate as he continued to work away.

Unfortunately, she wasn't watching him for long as she soon curled into a ball and went to sleep. 20 minutes later she was whimpering for her Mate in her sleep. Sanada chuckled at her cute neediness and hoped it would never end. He quickly wrapped up what he was doing and took a shower. He just put on boxers and slid in next to her, she moved over to him as she always did and he wrapped her in his arms, soon falling asleep.

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