Chapter 1

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        Chapter 1

        "I'm going to go walk to school, Mom!" I yelled up the staircase. I heard a muffled "okay" and a "be safe" from up the stairs before I opened the front door to our house. My mom always took a little more time getting ready than I did because she always had to pick up after my little brother. He was in eighth grade and he still couldn't take care fo himself. I sighed. When will he ever learn?

        My school wasn't too far away to walk to. On days when the sun was shining and it wasn't too cold, I liked to walk to school. Besides, I couldn't take the car if I wanted. My dad took our BMW convertible to his work in downtown Hollywood and my mom had to drive my brother to the doctor's. Nothing serious, just a checkup. That's why I'm still being sent off to school. 

        I shut our front door and hopped down the concrete steps. Once I was a block away from home, I pulled out my cellphone and started to text my best friend, Riley, who was already at school.

Riley: Where are you? U r usually here by now.

Crystal: Don't worry. I'm just walking to school today.

Riley: Do you want me to meet u? I could walk with u to school so u don't have to walk by yourself.

Crystal: That's ok. I'm only a block away. U just stay there and I'll see u soon.

        I was so focused into my texting that I bumped into someone. Hard. I lost my balance and fell flat on the cement side walk. The person I ran into seemed like they were expecting it so they reached a hand out and helped me up.

        "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you," I said as I looked up to meet the eyes of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had white as snow hair and plae blue eyes. She was wearing a purple blouse with blue jeggings and silver flats. 

        Next to her stood a creature that made all the hot looking guys at my school look like turds in comparison. He had light blonde hair and was wearing a dark blue T-shirt that made his eyes pop. He wore baggy jeans that he paired with back converse.

        My attention was drawn back to the white haired goddess because she said something that I completely missed because I was gawking at the hottie next to her.

        "Um, what?" I asked.

        She let out a huff as if this happens to her all the time. "If you keep drooling over my mate, I'll never hear the end of his already huge ego."

        The guy next to her wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her to him. "Oh come on.  I know you get jealous everytime I'm around females. I love seeing you flustered."

        "We aren't here to talk about my wanting to rip the young girl's head off. We're here to take her back with us, so stop getting me off track."

        "So you are jealous." He suddenly grinned a smile that was even wider than the cat from Alice in Wonderland. 

        "You've been spending too much time with Costin."

        At this point, I was so lost and confused that the only thing that I could think of was side stepping the couple and continue walking to school, hoping that they would forget me. They didn't.

        "And where do you think you're going, healer?" The white haired girl asked.

        "What's it to you? And why did you call me a healer?" I replied as I turned around to face the odd couple.

        "Ooo! A healer with an attitude. Do they always come with one? For once, I'd like a healer that does what she's told and stays silent." 

        "Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not the "healer" you're looking for. I'm sorry for running into you and if you'll excuse me," I turned back around and started to speed walk toward school, thinking that they were surely mistaken.

        "Actually, you are the healer we're looking for and you're coming with us."

        I felt a hand wrap around my arm and suddenly I was blinded by a white light. I felt as if I was floating in mid air before I crashed on a polished wooden floor. 

        I felt more hands pull me up off the floor and set me down on a couch. Once I was seated, I finally got a good view of my surroundings. 

        White-haired girl and good looking guy were sitting on a couch opposite of me while four other people started talking all at once. They kept asking different questtions to white-haired girl, all with the same topic. Was I the right girl? 

        While everyone was talknig, I took notice that the other four people in the room were also couples. A girl with blonde hair was standing in front of a very muscular guy that had his arms wrapped around her waist. He had tattoos running up his right arm and neck before disappearing under his shirt. They were almost like dark black swirls.

        The other couple held hands. The girl had tan skin and dark brown hair. She had a kind face as if she was used to tending after people. Her partner had shaggy dirty blonde hair and peircing eyes. He also had tattoos that were dark black swirls but his seemed different. His tattoos seemed to be more centered around his back and neck but a girl could only tell so much because his back t-shirt was covering most of his tattoos. 

        I was just noticing that I was in a library when the girl with dark brown haired turned to face me from talking with white-haired girl. 

        "You must be Crystal, right?"

        I nodded.

        "You must have lots of questions."

        I nodded agin.

        "Well, you should know that I'm Sally, and this is my mate, Costin. The girl who brought you here over there is Perizada, but we call her Peri. The guy sittiing next to her is Lucian, her mate. That's Jen over there with the blonde hair and her mate Decebel."

        I nodded to everyone and Peri let out another huff. "You know what? I like her attitude better than this. Now she's just nodding girl!"

        Sally hushed Peri and turned back to me. " I'm sorry about Peri. She's not really good at this stuff even though we've had five other healers to introduce to our world."

        I had no idea what a healer was and I just wanted to go back to school so I had to tell her that she had mistaken me for some other girl. " I'm sorry but I'm not a healer or whatever. I don't know how you got me here but I'd like to go back home now. Wait....This is a joke right? Is this a tv show or something? If it is, it's not very funny to just pluck a random girl off the street and say 'Surprise! You're a healer!' Whatever the heck a healer is." 

        "Ha! She thinks this is a tv show! If only." Peri whispered under her breath.

       Sally gave Peri a glare beofre she faced me again. "Crystal, you are a gypsy healer. You have incredible magic that allows you to heal and care for the injured.  You can help our werewolf race by caring for them. You are very powerful."

        "Wait, did you say werewolf? As in Jacob the Werewolf from the vampire series?"

        "Team Jacob forever!" Peri and Jen shouted at the same time.

        "Team Jacob is the best!" Even though I was surrounded by strangers, in a place who knows where, I was somehow immediatley comforted that these girls knew my favorite character from my favorite seires. 

        Sally explianed, "Well sort of. You see the big guys in this room and Jen? They are all werewolves. They have the ability to transform into a wolf. I guess it is a little like the movie but we are a little different. See, Peri is a high Fae and I'm a gypsy healer like you."

        "Well, I'm going to need some proof to belive that what you're saying is true."

        "Allow me to do the honors," Costin said as he started to take off his shirt. I tried not to stare at his six pack but when he proceeded to unzip his pants, I had to stop him from removing anything else.

        "What the heck are you-" Just as I was about to ask why he was removing his clothes, a full-blown wolf stood in the place an incredibly hot and muscular dude was standing. 

        When he let out an ear-piercing howl, I knew for a fact that my life was never going to be the same again.

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, only Crystal and some new character yet to be seen. They'll come later. Quinn Lofits is an incredible writer who created these wonderful characters and I'm just writing a fanfiction about their awesomeness. Please read her series, "The Grey Wolves Series" to see how amazing these characters truly are.


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