Chapter 13

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        Chapter 13

        "So you're telling me, and please stop me anytime you want if I get any of this wrong," Riley said as she looked at me. "You're telling me that you were taken to a wolf pack in Serbia and told you were a gypsy healer, met your future mate in the woods, found out you weren't a gypsy healer but a crazy half human/witch/werewolf thingy and mated to the most dominant male like ever?" 

        I nodded my head for her to continue.

        "Not only that but there are two idiotic Alphas on the search for you and Peri, whatever she is, is probably hunting you down along with Sally and Jen with their mates to kill you because you're part witch? And I thought my life was stressful with finals coming up in a couple of months." Riley shook her head. "You know, I wouldn't believe any stinking part of this if you hadn't shown me that you could make fire magically appear in you hand. I mean, wow! You think you know your best friend and then she goes and BAM! 'I'm a freaking fairy tale creature' she said!" 

        "Now I know what you're going to say-" I started.

        "But I don't know what you're going to say anymore!"

        "Riley, I'm still your best friend! I just haven't been able to call or text you because these dangs wolves took my electronics away from me, thinking that I would call for help or something. I would've told you everything if I could've."

        "It's ok. I believe you." She was quiet for a couple of seconds, but knowing Riley, she wouldn't stay quiet for long. "You know what's the best part though?"

        I shook my head.

        "There are a bunch of shirtless hotties roaming these halls that are up for grabs! I'm going to claim my own! You don't have to pee on them do you to, you know, mark your territory?"        

        I laughed. "No you don't! I most definitely know that. I also know that each one of those hotties you see are already taken by their specific mate that they just haven't met yet. I don't exactly know anything else about claiming your mate though. Percy hasn't talked to me about it because we just haven't had any time. Speaking of the wolves, how on earth were you able to get in?!"

        Riley giggled before she stood up from off the bed. "Oh you know, I just used my amazing persuasion skills."

        "Seriously, Riley! How did you get in here? These wolves have top security."

        "Well, it started when I got off my plane. I eventually found a taxi and told him the address on the postcard and he drove me all the way here! Well, almost all the way here. He stopped about half a mile from this mansion because he said something about the people living here not being 'quiet right in the head and strange looking'. I walked the rest of the way on the dirt road and thought that I was walking to a crazy, mutated European people residence because you know that I've never been on any other continent, heck any country other than the United States so I had no idea what to expect.

        "When I rounded a corner and saw the mansion and the fountain with the beautifully cut grass, I thought, 'Man! No wonder Crystal wanted to study abroad! These people are living in style! I walked up the polished steps and rang the doorbell. One of the wolves looked out of a little peephole at me like the one from the Wizard of Oz.

        "He asked me what was my purpose here and what's the password. I was hot, sweaty, tired and frustrated from having walked half a mile so I yelled at the dang wolf saying, 'Look buddy! I have no idea what the password is because it's not on the postcard! I'm Crystal Waters' best friend and you better let me in before I karate kick this door down and whip your sorry ass!' My words exactly. The little wolf whined and opened the door for me and told me your room was up the right staircase, down the right hall and the second door on the right. I yelled at him my thanks and speed-walked/jogged my way to your room. I wasn't looking where I was going obviously because I ran into another wolf, literally and then you opened your door before I could get his number. Man, that was long! Do you have a glass of water around here somewhere?" Riley scanned the room before her eyes settled on the glass of water on my bedside table. She ran over to it and chugged the entire glass.

        I stared at her, still not able to believe she's truly here. But part of me is glad she is and the other is scared for her safety.

        "Look, Riley-"

        "Uh huh, Crystal. I know what you're going to say but let me tell you something. You are my best friend and whenever I was in trouble you were always there for me and helped me through it. Now I'm here to return the favor. And yes, this case is a little extreme but I'm staying. I don't care if the Alpha and I have a staring case about it or he literally picks me up by my butt and throws me out. I'm staying until everything is happy dandy so you can just forget about asking me to leave. "

        I knew that there was no arguing with Riley, so I just shut my mouth. Then I realized that I had to meet the Alpha of this pack, Percy's father or else it's going to be very poor manners on my part for allowing me to stay here. 

        "I know that face. You're nervous. What's wrong?" Riley walked back over to the bed and stood in front of me. 

        "It's just that I have to meet Percy's parents."

        "Oh no biggie. You just act like the perfect soon-to-be werewolf/witch daughter-in-law."

        "No, it's most definitely not no biggie! The first time they ever saw me was in Percy's arms, unconscious while he stood in front of them naked no doubt from having just been a wolf."

        "Oh, come on, Crystal! You've met plenty of scarier people in the past, like the principal and other people who I can not think of right now. If you just give me a minute I'm sure I can remember." Riley put her hands on either side of her head and shut her eyes, as if that would help her remember. 

        "You're right, but that doesn't settle the nerves."

        "Would it help if I came with you?"

        "No, because if they see you, they'll probably throw you out because you're human."

        "Is that discrimination or what?" Riley shook her head. "I'm sure Percy has already told them about me anyway probably and since they didn't send any smoking wolves to come and fetch me, I think I'm in the clear. And even if they do, you can just light their butts on fire." Riley smiled.

        I laughed a little before I stood up from the bed. "Ok. You're right, again. Except for the burning of innocent butts. "

        "Oh, you know that would be hilarious!"

        "Yes it would but I can't do that. Anyway, you coming?" I asked as I opened my bedroom door.

        Before she could reply, Percy fell over and onto my feet from having sitting and leaning against my door.

        Riley came over and looked down at Percy. "Hello, wolfie. You must be the Percy I've heard so much about." Then she leaned into my ear and whispered, "You were right. He is incredibly hot!"

        Percy smiled as he picked himself from off the floor and I knew he had heard. Darn wolf hearing. 

        I ignored the smile and asked, "Percy, what were you doing leaning against my door?"

        He brushed imaginary dirt off of himself, before he met my eyes. "I don't like not being able to hear your thoughts or hear your voice in my head and I couldn't go and talk to my parents without you by my side. I need you with me, and I know you're scared about all of this neediness, but I need you even for small simple things. I still can't believe that I living before I met you. So I stayed as close to you as I possibly could without bashing through an innocent door."

        Riley let out an audible "Aww!'. I rolled my eyes at her and turned back to face Percy. I looked up into his eyes and knew that he was completely serious. I knew that once I opened up the bond again, he would be able to hear my thoughts about wanting him to change, but I also knew that he was my mate and he would stick with me no matter what so I brought down the wall and saw him sigh in relief. He wrapped me in his arms and brought me close to him.

        I missed you my Luna. 

        I actually missed you too, but don't think I won't do it again if you misbehave.

        Percy growled and Riley took a step back. I pulled myself away from Percy and grabbed Riley's hand.

        "Well, let's go and meet the Alpha of this fine establishment."

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