Chapter 24

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Breathe in, breathe out. I couldn't stand still. It was almost time and I was extremely nervous. No, that's the understatement of the year. I was pacing the marble floor of the library with Riley lounging on one of the sofas watching me pace back and forth.

"Crystal, why are you so nervous?" she asked. "There's nothing to be worrying about. You're about to be bonded to Percy, remember?"

I stopped mid-step, and turned to look at her. "I know I shouldn't be nervous, but I just am. I mean, I have the vows memorized like Jacque told me about, but what if I say something wrong or stutter or worse." I took a sharp intake of breath. "What if I pull a Ross and say Rachel instead of Emily?!"

Riley stood up and grabbed my shakings hands. "You're really worrying about not saying Perseus's name correctly? You're the one who gave him his nickname remember? And nice reference to Friends by the way."

"Thanks and I guess  you're probably right."

She cocked an eyebrow. "Probably?"

I let out a small giggle at her mock shock. Riley smiled. "See? That's better. Loosen up. At least you have someone who is willing to be with you forever and wants to prove it now. You know how many guys I've dated that wanted that? None. They're all little immature boys. You, my friend, found yourself a wolf man."

I rolled my eyes, but my smile stayed. I looked down for the seventieth time at my choice of clothing. I had worn a dark blue dress that stopped just above my knees and it had blue lace sleeves that ran down to my elbows. I paired it with a small black belt and black flats but I still felt like it wasn't right for the occasion. Maybe it was just my head and the worry rolling off of me in waves.

"Speaking of your boyfriends, Riley," I turned back toward Riley who had sat back down on the couch. "How are you and Terrell?"

She choked on air. When she finally caught her breath, her eyes slid over to me.

"What about me and Terrell?" she asked, hesitantly.

"Oh come on. Don't pretend the chemistry isn't there. I see the way you look at each other." I knew I was stalling, but I wanted to focus on something else at the moment, and messing with Riley was my specialty.

She laughed without humor. "The way we look at each other? The look of awkwardness and shyness? Yeah, that's some look. It's not even close to how you look at Perseus or how he looks at you."

I walked over to where she was sitting and sat on the arm rest of the couch. "It just takes time. You think Percy took one look at me and loved me from the instant he saw me?"


"Oh," I said. I still haven't wrapped my head around the whole "love at first sight" concept with the werewolves yet. And talking about werewolves and their mates with my human friend and her warlock, is probably not going to help.

Riley looked from me to the ground. "The way you two met and your story.....It's almost like a fairytale. Like seriously, you could write a book on just this part of your life. I know this sounds really mature, but I'm jealous of you."

"Jealous?" I asked, shocked. "Why would you be jealous of me?"

She sighed and looked back up at me. "Because you have someone like Percy. Someone who loves you unconditionally, adores you, and fights for you. He'll move mountains just so he can make you happy. I'm a human. I'll never get a werewolf of my own or mate. I have to go out into the world and settle for-" she shrugged. "Ehh, he's alright."

I stood up from the couch arm rest and sat down next to Riley. "Look, I don't know what's going to happen. You have so many possibilities and things you can do with your life that there's no way anyone can predict it. But the person I know you are, deserves a heck of a lot better than the "Ok and decent" guy. If it's not Terrell, then it's going to be someone even better. I just know it."

She looked up and smiled. I put my arms around her and she hugged me back. When we finally let go, the large library door opened and Jen with Sally poked their heads in. 

"Crystal? You in here? You didn't get cold feet did you?" Jen called.

The nerves rushed back full force as I remembered that it's now time. Riley stood up from the couch and pulled me up with her. 

"Ah, there you are!" Jen walked over to us. "We're supposed to escort you both to the garden now. Crystal, you ok? You look a little green."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded. "I'm just a little nervous is all."

"Don't worry. I'm sure Perseus is going to be there. I don't think he'll run off," Sally said.

I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"Well, I hope we don't stand here waiting for an invitation that's surely not going to come. Let's go!" Jen wrapped her arm through mine and Riley's. Sally looped her arm with my right and together, we walked out of the library and out into the garden.


When we stepped out into the cool night, Jen, Sally, and Riley broke off and went to find their seats in the white chairs set up around the rose bushes. Before Riley left, however, she gave my hand a squeeze and whispered, "If you're worried now, just think about what's going to happen tonight!"

"Riley!" Just before I could scold her, she winked and scampered away. I shook my head but smiled.

I took a deep breath and started to walk down the pebbled trail leading to the ornate gazebo. No music was playing, so the sounds of the forest were amplified. I could hear the water fountain dripping and the soft wind blowing through the trees. It nipped at my hair but it mostly just blew it back.

As I looked out, I saw that candles had been lit and placed all over the flower garden. It made the garden glow under the light of the full moon. I also saw the wolves from the pack seated around the garden but I couldn't make out their faces because they weren't close enough to the small light.

When I turned my attention back in front of me, I saw Percy standing under the gazebo and everything else faded away. He was wearing a white button down shirt that had been tucked into his dark jeans while his feet were bare. His arms  were loosely clasped behind his back with a small towel and water basin placed on a chair next to him. 

When I met his eyes, he smiled the goofiest looking smile. I remembered hims saying to me the night before that he'll be the one standing under the gazebo with the goofiest grin on his face. He had been right. 

I smiled back and when I finally reached the steps of the gazebo, he held out his hand and helped me up. I looked up into his green eyes as he took both my hands. "Hello, my Luna," he said as he lightly kissed the back of my hands. 

"Hi," I whispered, barely managing to get out. He then turned to face Fane who had just popped up out of nowhere. Had he been standing there this entire time? 

Fane spoke, clear and strong as he looked at the both of them, "Crystal and Perseus, today you both wish to complete the mate bond. Though fate has intertwined your destinies to be together, you choose to be with, care for, and love one another of your own free will."

"Yes, we have," Percy answered. I couldn't speak a word because my throat was constricted with too many emotions so it helped that I wasn't supposed to say anything anyway. Apparently, the Alpha (soon-to-be, anyway), would speak for the both of us, unless any questions or comments were directly toward only me. 

Fane smiled at us before he became serious again. "Percy, it is now time for you to recite the necessary vows to your mate." He then turned toward me. "Crystal, while Perseus says his vows, you will sit in the chair and he will wash your feet. This symbolizes his willingness as the leader and Alpha to serve and care for you, whatever your needs may be, big or small. He will honor you and cherish you for you are his mate. Once you answer him, you'll both stand and recite the personal vows you have wrote."

I turned away from Fane and toward Percy. He took my hand gently and led me over the chair. Once I was seated, he slipped off my flats and placed my feet on one of the small towels. I watched him, overwhelmed by the emotions washing over me. 

I had only ever had my feet washed one other time at church camp. We had all gathered around in our cabin and washed each other's feet as we prayed for one another. It was a humbling experience and I grew close with my friends that day. 

Now, having my feet being washed again, but by my Percy, the same emotions flooded me along with the tremendous love I felt for my mate.

He dipped the another towel into the basin of water and gently picked up my foot and began to wash. As he cleaned my feet, he began to tell me his vows. "Today, I kneel before you, my mate, to ask you if you will make me whole. Will you give yourself to me? Will you finally calm the ravage beast inside and bring peace and love to where there is chaos, being my light where all my life there had been darkness? Will you bind your life to mine, fate to mine, soul to mine and complete the mate bond?" As he finished speaking, he patted my feet dry with the last towel. When he looked up into my eyes, I knew that he wasn't just reciting a memorized speech. He was truly asking me to become his and be his light, love, and mate forever. 

Tears pooled in my eyes as I got down on my knees and took Percy's hands in mine. He looked astonished to have me kneel with him on the ground and I saw the love he had for me grow in his eyes as I recited the vows that Jacque had taught me. "On this day, I kneel with you, my mate. I will give myself to you and make you whole just as you will make me whole. I will bring peace and light to your life, calming the beast inside. I will bind my soul, fate and life to yours as I complete the mate bond with you, my mate, my Alpha." At that point, tears were freely running down my cheeks. I went to reach up and wipe them away but Percy had already stretched out his hands and wiped them away for me. He then pulled me up so we were standing again. 

He had his own tears pooling in his eyes and I smiled. I'm not a pretty cryer so if I was going to ugly cry then he was going to too.

He began to speak his own personal vows to me and his words took my breath away. "Crystal, ever since I saw you that day in the forest, I knew that I had found my mate. Before we knew we were destined to be together, I had a feeling that you were the one for me. You bring out the best in me that no one has. You make me a better man, wolf and Alpha. Around you, I can be myself. You take away all the pain and regret I have with a single touch and I can only hope that I can try to bring you the same happiness that you bring me.

"Though, the wolf in me may only see in black and white, we will always be here, to protect you, love you and be everything you need. Even if fate decrees that you will never be able to phase into a wolf, we will still love you no matter what. I know you're worried about not being good enough for me because you're afraid of never being able to phase, but it is me who is not good enough. I have hurt you and yet you forgive me and choose to stand here by my side today. I don't deserve you kindness, your forgiveness, or your love, but I will spend the rest of my life, trying to be worthy of you, Luna. There will be days where I will make you sad, angry, and annoyed, but there will also be days where I hope I will make you feel so loved and happy."

I wiped my tears of joy away from my face. I could not believe there is a person, the wolf standing in front of me, who could love me more than I love him. 

Fane gently cut in and said, "Crystal, it's time for you to recite your vows." 

I took a shaky breath and pulled my hands away from Percy's so I could read the vows I had written. As I fumbled with the paper with my shaky hands and blurred eyesight, Percy gently placed his hands on top of mine. "It's just me, Crystal, just us. Talk to me."

I looked up and met his eyes and saw his warm and loving smile. Somehow, all the words I had written flooded my mind and I knew longer needed the paper.

"Percy, I had thought I had everything I ever wanted. I thought having a supporting family, getting into a good college, and following my dreams to become a writer was all I needed. I was so wrong. When I met you, I realized, that yes, all those things are good, but what I truly needed, was you. I needed someone who will love me even when they have seen all my flaws and know the mistakes I've made. 

"All I want now is to see your face every night before I fall asleep, and every morning when I wake up. I want to be the one who stands by your side and supports you no matter what. I want to be the one who picks you up when you're feeling down. And when the world comes crashing down around us, I want you to be the one who's there with me still. I can't believe you're mine and I need you to know that I'm yours. You can break my heart because you are the only one who holds it. I need you to know that there will never be a day that goes by where I don't thank God that you're mine. You need to know that there will be days where I'm angry with you and show you how upset I am, but I will also love you more than I have loved anyone else, unconditionally. I give everything I am to you and I know that you will give nothing less in return."

The entire time I spoke, my eyes never left Percy's as his never left mine. When Fane started to speak, I broke the gaze and focused on Fane's question. "Perseus, what gifts do you bring for your mate in order to show how you'll provide for her and be everything she needs?"

Percy smiled softly and bent down to retrieve a small box with holes cut in the side from under the chair. When he stood back up, he gave the box to me. I looked at him, confused, before I opened the lid and peered inside. Seated nicely inside the box was a small brown and white bunny. I slowly reached in and took the creature in my hands. 

"Today, I have brought a bunny for my mate. I bring this gift to show that I will always listen to what she has to say and so that she knows that I want to care for even the tiniest of details for her. Luna, you told me once a while ago that you call your slippers bunnies because the feel so soft. Well, now I hope you'll accept my gift of a real rabbit to see if the comparison is true."

I couldn't believe he actually remembered. He remembered something so small that yet meant a lot to me and proved it to me by giving me the cutest bunny on the planet. It wiggled a little in my arms before it finally settled, and as I petted its fur, I realized that it was so much softer than my slippers.

Its fur is actually way softer than my slippers, so I'll accept , I thought to myself. "Of course I accept. Thank you."

 Percy smiled. I carefully put it back in the box that he held out for me and he gently laid it back on the chair.

Fane then gently cut in again. "And what it your other gift you have brought?"

Percy next pulled out a small black box out of his pocket. My breath got caught in my throat as  knelt on one knee and opened the box.I thought I wouldn't be able to cry anymore, but a new wave of tears came rushing to my eyes and down my cheeks. 

 Inside was a ring with two sliver wires intertwining in an intricate pattern all the way around with a blue diamond, kissing the top where the two wires met.  He took my shaking left hand and held it in his. "I know that I've already asked this question before but I didn't have the ring with me at the time." He smiled and I let out a small giggle. "I bring a ring for my mate. There is no other ring like this to be found, just like my Luna. The wires represent how now our lives are forever intertwined and together. The blue diamond represents my mate's beautiful blue eyes. I could stare into them forever and be lost in their beauty. "

I have never liked my eye color, thinking they were a boring plain blue. But when Percy described them as gorgeous and made a ring with the same shade of my eyes just to prove how amazing they were, I never felt more beautiful.

"Crystal, you are my mate and I love you so much. I want every wolf to know that you are mine. And because I'm as selfish and barbaric as my mother describes, I don't just want wolves to know but every man to know that you are mine. I know that you want to wait to get married in the human sense, and have your father officially hand you to me, and so I will wait. I will wait for as long as it will take because you're worth it to me. You mean so much more to me than words will ever describe and so I ask, will you please, where this ring until the day comes where you are mine in every way? Will you marry me?"

My mind was overflowing with so many emotions so I just nodded, my throat too constricted to speak.  

Percy gently shook his head. "Please, Crystal. I need to hear it aloud. I need to hear your beautiful voice."

 "Yes," I whispered. "I will marry you, Perseus Lupei."

He stood up and slid the ring on my finger. He then swooped me into his arms and I knew that this was where I was supposed to be. I was supposed to be here in Percy's arms, his mate. We held the other half of each other's souls; we were made for each other. I didn't want to be anywhere else but there.


The moon was high over head as I walked out into the field next to the pond with Percy's hand in mine. Peri was with us but was a few steps ahead. I clung tightly to the white robe I was wearing that provided little warmth from the cold. Percy and I had both wanted to preform the ritual where we had met, the pond, so Peri had flashed us there. 

Once we were  near the water's edge, Peri stopped and turned to face us. She spoke in her Fae language and the cold breeze that blew ceased. She said that she had cast a spell that would keep us warm so we wouldn't freeze to death. She started to whisper in her language again and a small basin of purple water appeared in her hands. She handed it to Percy while she looked at me. "You may now remove your robe. Then, wolf, you will pour the passion vine-infused water over your mate. It will last until all of her has been covered." Then she flashed away. 

I looked down at my feet, feeling extremely self-conscience. Percy reached out and gently lifted my chin up to look into my eyes. "It's ok, Crystal. It's just you and me. If you don't want to do this-"

"No, it's alright." I interrupted him. I took a deep breath and let the robe slip from my shoulders and fall in a clump at my feet. "You're beautiful," he whispered, his eyes never leaving mine. 

As he poured the water over me, I expected it to be cold but it was warm. It flowed down my body and I instantly felt something waking within me. 

Next came the bite. Percy knew that I was nervous about taking his blood so he took my hand in his and squeezed it. He slowly leaned down so I could reach his neck. I kissed him once on the lips before I turned my head and kissed his neck. After that, instinct took over and my teeth elongated. I kissed his neck one last time before I sunk my teeth into his neck. I heard his sharp intake of breath as a warm liquid filled my mouth. I expected his blood to be metallic and disgusting, but it was sweet and unlike anything I've ever tasted. As I pressed my mouth more into his neck, Percy's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me against him. He growled at having me closer, but not in a furious kind of way. It was almost as if he couldn't get me close enough. 

I felt the stirring in me grow stronger, and I began to feel restless, like I couldn't stand still.

After a few gulps, I somehow instinctively knew when to pull back. When I looked up at Percy, his eyes were closed, soft growls passing his lips.

"Percy?" I didn't know what to do next and as I looked at Percy, his eyes opened, glowing an intense green. I could see his canines grow in length and I knew his wolf was pushing forward.

"Mate," he growled. He took a step toward me and I immediately took a step back, somewhat frightened. This was a side of Percy I had rarely seen, him not in full control of his wolf. Something inside of me was pushing forward, reaching out to her mate, and I didn't know what to do.

Percy stepped forward again and growled. He was calling to me, his mate, and I had to answer. I needed to answer, and I would. 

I closed my eyes, knowing that they were most likely glowing, and felt of wave of cold wash over me. I felt like I was levitating before I hit back down in the dirt, on four legs. My eyes snapped open and I looked down. I didn't see my usual toes and feet but large furry paws. My fur was white, just like how it looked in the picture. 

When I looked up, I noticed that my vision was clearer. I could see the tiniest of details, like the individual pines on the trees and the ripples in the pond. I could clearly hear the wind blowing, the trees swaying gently. When I felt something large rubbing against my neck, I turned and saw Percy in his wolf form.

Hello, Luna, Percy's voice boomed in my head as he rubbed his head against my neck.

Percy! The bond. It's open! 

It is. And it's stronger than ever. You are so beautiful, Luna. You have a black moon between your eyes.

I pulled away, and saw Percy with a wide goofy grin, his tongue hanging to the side. You look like my dog, right now, you know that right?

Percy chuckled in my mind. I shook my head and looked back down at my four legs. Dang, this is weird. I have four legs, and a whole lot of fur, I thought.

You'll get used to it with time. 

I could feel the waves of happiness rolling off of him and into my mind. It felt so good to have the bond open again. I had no idea how much I missed the connection to my mate until it was gone. Just Percy went to lean against me again, a wicked thought popped into my head. Before he could react, I nudged against him and sent the thought, You're it, into his head. Then I took off into the woods as fast as I could, heading back toward the Romanian pack mansion. 

As I took off, a howl sounded behind me, and I knew Percy was right on my tail.

You think that you could possibly beat me to the Romanian pack mansion? As much as I love you, Luna, you are going to eat my dust. I laughed mentally at Percy and felt the wind flow over my fur as I ran further into the woods.

Before I could get very far, a large form plowed into me and pinned me to the ground. I looked up, expecting Percy but who I saw was much worse. Edmund?!

His muzzle pulled back to expose his sharp teeth in what I would assume was a smile. It wasn't like Percy's at all, where his had been happy and loving, Edmund's was menacing. 

I desperately turned and wiggled, trying desperately to escape, but his hold on me was solid. Percy! I screamed through the bond. It's Edmund, he...he's back! Help me!

Just as Edmund pulled one of his massive paws back to strike, a black wolf tackled Edmund to the ground beside me. I frantically got to my feet as I saw Percy tear Edmund to shreds. Pieces of fur and blood flew everywhere from the battle and though Edmund got a few strikes in, Percy was winning. He was stronger than the last time they fought because I was now with him again and the mating bond was complete. Edmund was losing his strength fast and before I new it, Percy clamped his jaw on Edmund's neck and with a final yank, I heard the crack of bones breaking and flesh tearing.

Edmund fell in a heap at Percy's feet, dead as a doornail. My feet wobbled from where I stood and before I knew it, Percy was right next to me in an instant, trying to comfort me, while leading me away from Edmund's carcass.

It's over, Crystal. It's alright... I'm here. Please, Luna talk to me.

It's over....It's finally over. I leaned against his massive form for support. His head rested on top of mine. I...I guess...

What? What is it, Luna?

I guess, the prophecy did come true, the one you told me about and were trying to protect me from. Remember? It said that When the girl of eighteen meets her mate, their lives will never be intertwined as decreed by fate. Someone else will come and try to stop her spirit, trying to win her heart and never choosing to quit. Only until her last breath, will she ever find the one who will save her from death. I couldn't breathe with Edmund suffocating me and when I thought I was done for, you were there. You saved me, Percy. Thank you.

Crystal, my wolf and I will always be here. We'll always be here to protect you. There's no need to thank me. Just as we'll always be there to protect you, you'll always be here with us. 

I looked up into his dark green eyes and saw the emotion they held. I smiled internally. We wouldn't ever have to worry about Edmund again. It felt as if a huge weight was lifted off of us. The past couple if days, we've been worried that he would strike again, but now... now all there was to do is get back home...

I don't know Percy, I thought, mischievously.  I won't be here here all the time.

Percy cocked his head to the side, in confusion. It was adorable.

I took a step forward and turned my head back toward him, a smile on my lips. See, I will be way up there and ahead, kicking your butt at racing. I'll see your losing butt back at the mansion. And with that I took off.

Percy's laughter echoed through my mind as we raced together, side by side, into our future together. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to read the story of Perseus and Crystal. I hoped you enjoyed it and thank you all for leaving such wonderful comments and voting for my chapters. It's been your support in this story that has kept me writing. 

If you wish to read the original series that inspired me to write this fan fiction, look for The Grey Wolf Series by Quinn Loftis. She is such an amazing author and it were her books that made my love for writing and werewolves grow. 

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