Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

        "Hey, if you don't want to tell me, fine." Percy stood up from where he was sitting. "I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do."

        I didn't even have to look up at him to know that he was smirking down at me. "Yeah. Sure, Percy. That's about as true as Jen never once having any "R" rated thoughts. No, make that anyone younger than thirty five thoughts."

        While I was talking I had no idea that Percy was taking off his shirt and pants and climbing on top of the boulder in nothing but his boxers. 

        Just as I finished talking, I heard a big "CANNON BALL!". I looked up just in time to see a huge wave of water splash down on me and soak my clothes. 

        I frantically stood up and stepped back. "Percy! Look at what you did!"

        "Oh, I'm looking alright!" He called back.

        I look down and see that I didn't have a tank top on underneath my thin T-shirt and he could see my bra.

        "Oh my gosh!" I yelled and wrapped my arms around myself. I couldn't believe it. He jumped into the  pond! The freezing cold freaking pond! 

        "Are you crazy?" I yelled at him. He swam closer but he still only had his head above water. "Do you know how cold that water is?"

        "Uh yeah! I'm the one who's in it. And I don't think it's freezing. It seems fine to me." He made a move to splash more water at me but when I pointed a finger at him, he let his arms drop back into the water. 

        " I'm sure it is considering you have another half that has fur! You're basically wearing a fur coat with you everywhere!"

        "Actually, I can phase my skin to become fur but I don't really need to right now."

        "Oh sure," I mumbled to myself. "You're always hot."

        "Come again?" This time Percy was completely out of the water and standing right in front of me,  soaking wet, without a shirt and pants for that matter. At least he has his boxers on, I thought to myself. I'm sure Jen would be disappointed that he didn't take them off as well. 

        "I didn't say anything." It was really hard for me to look him in the eyes and not at his very muscular chest. I mean come on! This was the first time I've seen him without a shirt since I had met him. 

        "Oh no. You said I was hot." He raised an eyebrow at me and was smirking. I felt compelled to slap that smirk right off his face.

        "What I meant to say was that since you have a furry side, I mean a wolf that has fur, you must be always hot meaning warm, wrapped-up-in-a-blanket toasty."

        "That's what I thought you said." He was still smiling at me and this time, I felt like smiling too.

        "You know, you're a lot different than how I'd picture you would be." I leaned against the boulder and he put his arms on either side of me against the large rock, making it hard for me to escape. Not that I wanted to. 

        "How so?" he asked.

        "Well, you're supposed to be a big, strong, tough-guy alpha and yet you seem so boyish and carefree. I can't picture Decebel jumping into any freezing cold ponds."

       He met my eyes before he spoke. "Around you, I don't feel all the responsibilities of being an alpha. I can just be me. And yes that might seem a little boyish I guess you could call it, but-" He took a deep breath before continuing.

        "I'm still only nineteen about to turn twenty and with my father wanting me to become the Alpha earlier than normal, it puts a lot of stress on me. With you, it's as if all that stress and weight has been lifted off my shoulders." He removed his hands from the rock and placed them on my hips and drew me closer.

       "I love that you still accept me for me even when I do crazy things at times. In the little time I've gotten to know you, I've come to-" He stopped and was looking into my eyes with such intensity that I couldn't look away. There was something there that I've never seen before. It was like adoration mixed with joy and just a dash of hope. Why does he have a hopeful look in his eyes? I thought.

        He kept pulling me in closer and my body became pressed against his. He was still looking at me as he leaned down. He closed his eyes and was leaning forward to kiss me when I realized that he was hoping that I was his mate! But I couldn't be his mate! 

        Part of me was scared about it. If I was indeed his mate, what would that make me? Would I become a lovesick puppy following him around everywhere? Could I ever go home and see my family? Although, the other half of me knew that there was nothing to fear. It told me that this wonderful, and super large ego, fun loving guy could be mine. He would be mine and I would be his forever.

        That thought pushed my frightened side over the edge and just when our lips were about to meet, I ducked down and hurriedly stepped away from him toward the woods. When I looked back to explain my actions, the words got caught in my throat for what I saw. Percy looked as if I had rejected him. His eyes were like billboards, broadcasting his sadness, heartbreak and hurt.

        "Percy, I-"

        "No, Crystal. It's fine," Percy said as he turned away from me to face the water. "I wasn't supposed to do that and I'm sorry for putting you in that position." His words were clipped like he was forcing them out of his mouth even though he didn't want to.

        "Percy, please! Just let me explain."

        "There's nothing to explain. I think you should probably go now."

        I reached forward to touch his shoulder and have him turn around and face me but before I could, he spun around.

        "Just, GO!" He screamed at me.

        I felt tears welling up in my eyes and I quickly blinked them away. I turned around and ran away from him. I could hear his cries saying that he was sorry for yelling at me and asking me to come back but I ignored him. I ran as hard and as fast as I could until I got all the way back to the Serbian pack mansion. I ran to my room, getting a few weird looks from the werewolves I ran by, and jumped into my bed. I didn't care that I still had my soaking wet clothes on as I pulled the sheets over my head. My heart was pleading and begging to go back and run into Percy's arms but my mind was telling me that I could never go back after that. Either way, I felt heartbroken and rejected, just like how Percy looked and yet I didn't know why I felt so hurt. It felt like I was somehow whole around Percy. It was almost as if he filled a void that no one ever even came close to. And now that he's gone, it's like that other half was ripped away from me and my heart was desperate to get it back. 

        That's it! I thought. I've offically gone nuts. And all because of a werewolf. Just great.

        I heard the door open and heard Jen and Sally's voices.

        "Hey, uh Crystal? Are you ok?" Sally asked.

        "I'll take the being under the sheets as a no and the crying as a get the heck out of my room." I heard Jen say.

        Sally said something along the lines of I can always talk to them if I needed to about anything before I heard the door close.

        I skipped dinner, not wanting to face everyone looking like a complete wreck. I took a long shower and then climbed back into the bed with fresh and clean pj's. But nothing could make the newly fresh gaping void go away, so the night before I turned eighteen, I cried myself to sleep, knowing that I had somehow made a terrible mistake.


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