Chapter 9

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        Chapter 9

        Oh my flipping, freaking goodness. I pulled my hand away from the door and walked over to the edge of the balcony. I looked down and I saw Percy leaning against a tree. The moment my eyes locked with his, something clicked. I don't know what it was, but it felt like there was a cord or ribbion tying us together in my mind.  I instantly wanted to climb down the vines on the side of the balcony wall and run into his arms. But I couldn't. Not because I was afraid of him still being mad at me, but because I may fall if I hurry down the vines too fast.

        That's it. I've lost my mind, I thought.

        No you haven't, Luna.

        "Oh my goodness!" Just because I had a feeling that he would be able to communicate with me in mind did not even remotely prepare me for it actually happening. It caught me so off guard, that I lost my balance, and fell. I fell on my butt, in front of him. Great. 

        "Woah, Crystal?! Are you alright?" He pushed away from the tree and took a couple steps closer to the balcony. 

        I grabbed a hold of the railing and pulled myself up. I rested my elbows on the railing and looked down at him.

        "Yep. Never better!" I blew a hair out of my face that had come out of my ponytail when I fell.

        Percy just laughed and I couldn't help but smile back at him. But then I remembered the last time I saw him and my smile disappeared. Percy must have picked up on my thoughts because he stopped laughing and looked up at me with so many emotions showing in his eyes. "Crystal, about what happened-"

        "No, Percy." I held up a hand and he stopped talking. "I need to tell you something. The only reason why I backed away was because I was scared to belong in this world. I was scared that I could never go back to my old life. If I really did belong with you, I didn't know what I would do. Would I become your servant? Would I be below you and not your equal? Would I ever truly fit in this world with you? With all these thoughts swirling in my head, I thought I couldn't be with you, even though a huge part of me really wanted to. Today, I had an....experience." I tried to block Amber Eyes from my thoughts, but Percy saw him and what he did. His eyes immediately started to glow and he growled. Really loudly too, I might add. "Percy! Look, in that moment, I knew without a doubt that I wanted you. I knew that I did not want anyone esle to hold me, or kiss me besides you. And I hope that you can forgive me for making you feel that I didn't want you when in reality, I really do." I took a deep breath and looked down at him. 

        He looked up at me, with his green eyes glowing. He didn't talk, and just when I thought I couldn't handle the silence any longer, he ran over to the vines and climbed them in record time. He swung his legs over the railing and took two steps so that he was right in front of me. I had to look up at him to meet his eyes.

        "Crystal, I've wanted to be yours since I first saw you in the woods. When I saw you looking at me in terror because of my wolf, I wanted to do everything that I could to make you see me, me and not a big bad wolf. I've had a feeling that you were mine since I first layed my eyes on you, but since you were still new to my world, I took things slow, so you could get to know me and mostly, so I could get to know my Luna. I fell more in love with you every day. You acted so natural around me and I could truly be myself around you, not some son of wolves or prince. When you told me your birthday was the next day, my wolf and I wanted to kiss you so bad that I forgot that the mating signs still haven't shown and that it would most likely scare you. Which I did. And yes, I did feel like you were rejecting me and I lost control and I yelled at you to leave. Luna, I have been so ashamed of myslef all day and night because I scared you and screamed at you. I thought that I'd lost you forever. Even when my markings changed to signify that I had indeed found my mate, I thought I could never have you. It's your birthday so even if you didn't want to see me, I still had to give you your present." He pulled out a small box from his pocket and handed it to me. 

        I opened the small blue box and inside was a golden necklace with a wolf charm with green emeralds for eyes. My eyes started to water as I picked up the necklace from its box. Percy didn't say anything but just took the necklace from my subtly shaking hands and went to put it on me. He stood behind me and brushed me hair out of the way. He clasped the necklace and brushed my hair back into place. He leaned forward and sniffed my hair. I didn't even care that it was really strange to sniff someone's hair.

        Your hair smells wonderful.

        Yeah, well that's because I use tropical coconut shampoo.

        Percy just laughed and walked back around so he was in front of me again. 

        He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me toward him. Being in his arms just felt so right that I didn't even care that I don't like to be touched.

        And yet you live in a world where the entire species depends on touch, Percy thought.

        I know right? I raised an eyebrow at him. He chuckeled a little but then leaned down a bit so his face was level with mine. We stayed that way looking into eachother's eyes for a couple of seconds, or maybe hours, I don't know. After what seemed like an eternity, Percy asked aloud, "Is it alright if I kiss you now?"

        "I don't know," I replied honestly. "I've never kissed anyone before. I might be bad at it."

        Percy smiled. "I highly doubt you'll be bad at kissing."

        Before I could say anything, Percy gently pressed his lips against mine. His lips were so soft and I couldn't believe that I was having my first kiss with my werewolf mate.

        Well, believe it, Luna, because you are. 

        I just smiled inwardly, before Percy pressed a little harder. When he deepened the kiss, I let out a little moan. It  made Percy growl and he undid my ponytail and ran his fingers through my hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up against him so he wouldn't have to lean down. I wrapped my legs around him and ran my fingers through his hair.  He growled and I just laughed a little before I kissed him again.

        Before things could go any further, Percy pulled back from the kiss and set me back down on my feet. "See?" he said. "I told you weren't bad at kissing."

        I was still trying to regain my breathing and just smiled up at him. He winked at me as he tried to get control of his own breathing. 

        Good. So I'm not the only one who needs to catch their breath. He can't hold his forever. 

        "What would make you think I could hold my breath forever?" he asked. He tilted his head a little to the side which caused me to smile again.

        "Because in some of the books I've read, some werewolves could hold their breaths forever and never need to stop and take a breath." 

        "I wish I could have that power." Percy looked down at me and smiled. "You are so cute, my Luna."

        "What does Loona even mean?" I asked.

        "I'll tell you some other time." Percy winked at me before he started to climb back down the vine. He knows I hate not knowing and appearently the fact that this will eat away at me until he tells me entertains him.

        The boob.

        "What about a boob?" Percy called up from the ground.

        "Oh sure! Out of all my thoughts, that's what you decide to listen to." 

        "Well, don't all guys perk up after hearing that comment?" 

        I just rolled my eyes at him. It means a stupid or foolish person but he doesn't need to know that.

        "Already do!" He called up.

        "I really need to know how to put up a wall so you can't hear everything."

        "But why would you want to do that?"

        "So that way you don't....uh...know what I'm going to get you for your birthday!"

        "My birthday is six months away and you know it."

        "It's never too early to start planning!" I called down.

        "Sure, Luna. Sure." I could see his wink and wicked grin all the way up on my balcony.

        I must now return home before my mother starts to worry. Until tomorrow, my Luna, Percy thought. 

        I'll be waiting, Fleabag. I smiled.

        Percy just shook his head, also smiling as he phased into his wolf, let out a small howl, and ran off into the woods.

        As soon as he was out of my sight, it felt like something from me was missing. But I know that I'll see him soon, and I could reach out and talk to him whenever I want anyway because of our weird telepathic communication. 

        I laughed and rested my head against my arms along the railing and watched the sunset. And before I closed my balcony door, I heard in the distance my wolf's howl. The silly boob.

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