Chapter 1: We Meet Again

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Before we start I have to let you know that I do NOT own Fairy Tail *sigh* it belongs to Hiro Mashima. The story, however, is mine. Just make sure you know that m'kay?


Chapter 1: We Meet Again (Lucy's POV)

With my arms wrapped around him, I nearly hug him to death. When I pull back I hear the voice of a very annoying cat. "She liiiiikkkkes him." Happy says rolling his tongue. While Natsu turns beet red, I kick Happy in the face sending him flying.

"Come on Luce, Let's go to the guild hall!" Natsu exclaims grabbing my wrist and pulling me toward the direction of where the guild hall used to be. I release myself from his grip and stare at the ground. "Hey Luce, what's wrong?" he says and walks over to me. I keep silent. I think about Fairy Tail and all the memories I had there.




I snap out of my thoughts. "Tell me what's wrong!" He shouts at me. A tear falls onto the sidewalk. "I guess with all that training you didn't hear," I say. Natsu looks at me with surprise.

"Hear what?"

"Fairy Tail..."

"What happened to Fairy Tail?"

"Fairy Tail disbanded. It happened over a year ago and the guild is no more."

Natsu with wide eyes stumbles back. "But we still have the mark." He says his voice cracking. " I am sorry you didn't hear Natsu...We sent a letter to you and we hoped you got it, but..." I trail off. Happy who was standing on the sidewalk looks down in shame. "We got the letter," Happy says and I look over to him.

"I didn't want Natsu to stop his training and fall into a depression so I kept the info to myself. I'm sorry." Natsu looks at him with tears in his eyes and starts running down the street. Happy sprouts his wings and flies after him. I look at his figure now far in the distance and hope that he is alright. I then wipe my tears and head to Fairy Hills, to tell people that Natsu is back.

Fairy Hills is now bigger than ever. I recently moved into the apartments to make room for more buildings in the main area. Paying 100,000 jewels is a pain, but I manage. Mira got me a job in Sorcerer Weekly and so I get along with payments. I hate seeing Natsu sad so I am going to work hard to cheer him up.

Suddenly an idea pops into my head I smile and I run faster toward Fairy Hills. I unlock the gate and run into the building. I knock on everyone's doors and tell them to meet me in the lobby of the building.

Once they all gathered I decided that we needed to talk about a matter of importance. "Guys I have some good news and a proposition," I announce and all the girls of Fairy Hills start to listen. "Let's hear the good news first," Levy exclaims and I smile. "Okay, good news is...Natsu has finally come back." I say and the group bursts into cheers.

"I missed that crazy fire head"

"I want to see how much stronger he has become."

"I want to challenge him to a fight."

All the comments were nothing but good and I smile wider. "Okay now for the proposition." I say and the cheers calm down "Why don't we bring Fairy Tail back?" I say. Everyone silently murmurs to each other about my proposition. "Well, who ever actually creates is the new master," Erza says.

"I am totally down with it, but we need to get the boys involved. They have to agree with us before it's official. " Wendy adds in. "Well Warren is in town and we can ask him to use his telepathy to contact everyone," I say and cheers erupt from the group.

(Natsu's POV)

I keep running until I reach where the guild used to be. A flat empty lot greeted me there. I drop to my knees and cry. "Natsu." Happy yells toward me. My bangs cover my eyes as I continue crying. Happy lands by me and stares at the land. "I wish the guild was still here too," he says. I keep silent.

"You know we could just make the guild again."

"That's impossible you can't just remake the guild."

"Yeah, we can if the others agree to it."

"It's not like we all will get back together."

"Well, we can at least buy the land for the guild hall."

At his words, my face lights up."Yeah and we can save up to build the guild hall again." I exclaim. I look at the sign and sprint to the address the seller is at with Happy by my side.

Once at the spot I enter and see...Lucy's landlady. I waste no time putting a bag of money on the table "I am Natsu Drageel and I would like to buy the Fairy Tail guild land." The landlady is taken back by my remark but gives me the paper giving me my rights to the land. I take the change and sprint back to the lot. I take the sign and throw it into the sea.

As I look upon the land where the guild used to be I hear a voice in my head. "Attention former members of Fairy Tail we will be holding a meeting at Magnolia park tomorrow morning at 10:00 am sharp. Don't be late unless you want to face Erza's wrath."

I recognize that voice as Lucy's. Happy and I look at each other " I guess it can happen, little buddy." I say. "Aye, Sir."


Hey, guys! I know I usually do fanfics on real life people, but I decided to do one on one of my favorite anime. If you are new to my profile I would love it if you would check out my other books. AND REMEMBER TO VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW FOR MORE CONTENT

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