Chapter 27: Lucy's True Strength

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Before we start I have to let you know that I do NOT own Fairy Tail *sigh* it belongs to Hiro Mashima. The story however if mine. Just make sure you know that m'kay?


Chapter 27: Lucy's True Strength (Natsu's POV)

The guild stands shocked while a grin. "Hear that Luce? He said wizard saint!" I yell to her. She smirks. "Yeah I know ,Natsu! This will be over quickly and then we can go have dinner, on me! I'm starving!" She yells back and I mentally fist-pump. "Star Dress: Celestial Armour!" She yells and a yellow long, vest appears with golden and white designs. She also had a back feathered collar, a back feathered hair accessory, and black boots with white straps.

"Celestial Dragon's Mega Roar!" Lucy shouts, hitting Minerva straight on with her attack. "M-Mega mode? I have never even seen Lucy use that! Heck, I didn't even know she could use that!" Wendy exclaims. "Why, Minerva? Why did you take Laxus's magic energy?" Lucy screams at her and the crowd gasps. "Y-You could've taken me out earlier, so why concentrate your magic power to this form?" Minerva asks, shaking with fear. "Because I want you to be afraid of us. I want you to tremble with fear every time you hear our guild's name. I want you to know-" Lucy lights her hand with celestial magic " That Fairy Tail will always get revenge for their friends! And since you hurt Laxus...YOU WILL PAY!" Lucy screams and a huge amount of magic is released nearly blinding me and sending people flying from the magic pressure.

I put my arms in a 'x' in front of my face and try to stand my ground, but fail. I fall backwards, but catch myself. I use my fire to boost myself forward. "Luce! You have to stop!" I shout. Suddenly the power stops. Lucy is standing in the clear, hardly scratched, and Minerva was on the floor, passed out, all bloody and cut up. She looks down at her outfit. "You know? This outfit is starting to grow on me. I think I'll wear it normally." She says to the unconscious Minerva and walks away.

"Un-Be-Liev-Able! Lucy Heartfillia has taken down Minerva of Sabertooth! But, since Sabertooth cheated by taking away Laxus Dryers power, they will receive a 10 point penalty since we can't have unequal teams and since we have no more options for extra teams." I huff in annoyance while everyone is still blown away by Lucy's battle. "Why does Saber still have to play in the games. "Thank you for joining us on the 3rd day of the Grand Magic Games. We'll see you tomorrow!" I cheer as I look at the scoreboard...

Fairy Tail~46pts

Lamia Scale~37pts

Mermaid Heel~32pts


Blue Pegasus~28pts

Twilight Ogre~26pts

Dwarf Gear~25pts

Quatro Puppy~23pts

I throw my fist in the air at the sight of us being in first. "Hey Natsu!" I turn to see Lucy running toward me. "Come on! I promised it wouldn't take long! Now it's time to go eat!" Lucy cheers and the rest of our team tags along, so Lucy has to pay extra.

"Cheers guys!"


We down our drinks and laugh at another victory. Our little table wasn't the only loud bunch, the rest of the guild was partying for the return of our friends. They had all recovered well which was a bad thing for the bill. "I am so glad that ice face isn't here to ruin our par-" "You wanna repeat that flame brain?" I look over to see Grey sitting and the bar giving me his 'death glare'. "You gonna fight me ice princess?" I tackle Gray, sending furniture flying everywhere. As Grey and I continue fighting, we hear a crash. We turn to see Erza and Lucy with a dark aura around them. "What was the point of throwing the table, hitting Lucy and I..." "Ruining our conversation?" Lucy finishes Erza sentence and the rented bar goes quiet. "Natsu, Grey, you may want to run." Cel says and I look at Grey.

I push Grey toward Erza and Lucy and make a run for it. Erza grabs Grey by his neck and continues to beat him up while Lucy charged toward me. "No! She went full 'She-Dragon' mode!" Gajeel shouts and the other dragonslayers look in terror. "Everyone you would want to run in order to life!" Wendy shouts as Lucy's eyes glow red. Lucy walks up to me and grabs me by my scarf. "Please don't kill me! I'll do anything!" I plead and Lucy get's and evil glint in her eyes. "Tell me that secret that all the guild knows, but I don't." 


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