Chapter 32: Awkward Family Reunion

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Before we start I have to let you know that I do NOT own Fairy Tail *sigh* it belongs to Hiro Mashima. The story however if mine. Just make sure you know that m'kay?


Chapter 32: Awkward Family Reunion (Lucy's POV)

I wake up with Natsu's arm around my waist. My bladder feels like it is going to explode. I try to wiggle out of Natsu's grasp but fail. "Naaattttsssuuuu. Wake up!" I say shaking his arm. "I wanna get up!" I say and he pulls me closer "5 more minutes." he groans. "Well then I guess I'll just pee all over you." Natsu lets me out of his grasp and I dash to the bathroom. Afterwards, I get changed and pack a small bag. "Yo Luce. Where you going?" Natsu asks. I smile "I'm going with Wendy and Gajeel to see the dragons. You didn't know?" Natsu's expression turns into a grin. "Then I'll come too!" I smile brighter. "Gajeel is bringing Levy and Wendy is bringing Romeo. We are spending an Earth day there so we're gonna be there for a bit. We can pull all the pranks! Maybe you can even get your house keys back." I say and Natsu blushes. "Come on! Let's go!" I say then walk to the guild.

"Okay guys ready?" I say "Aye Sir." choruses the group. "Okay let's get one thing straight. We are going to be there for a bit and since Natsu and I destroyed the castle with our last prank, we now have dorms. The dragons installed extra bed for exceeds and friends so that is why you guys can come!" I say as the group hold on the their bags. "Open Portal Dragon Realm!" I say and the portal appears. I take Natsu's hand and pull him through with me. Once there I trip over something and fall over with Natsu landing on top of me. And Igneel and Layla just had to be there. "What are you kids doing?" Igneel roars. "W-Well I tripped and fell and Natsu fell too so....yeah." I studder as my face heats up. I stand up with Natsu as the others come through the portal "We brought friends!" I say attracting the attention of the other dragons. "I would like you to meet Levy Mcgarden and Romeo Conbolt and the three exceeds are Happy, Charle, and Pantherlilly." I say and the dragons look suspiciously at us.

"Okay...why are you here then?" Layla says and I look down "Can't I spend time with my family." I mumble and start to tear up. "No- I didn't mean t-" "Look what you did to Luce!" Natsu says to the dragons. "Well this is an awkward family reunion." Gajeel says and Lilly and Levy nod. I head over to the wall where the portal was and close the portal. I then boost myself up to my island and hide. I hear the flapping of wings and the ground rumble as the dragons land. I swiftly jump off and run toward the castle. I jump into the girl's dorm and release Cel from my bag, though I don't know she got in there in the first place. I start unpacking and sit at a desk and start writing. The wall suddenly breaks open revealing the dragons and my friends. I sit unfazed by the explosion, writing. "Woah Lu! Is that your book?" Levy runs over and looks over my shoulder as I write. I shake my head and take out several books out of my bag. "I was waiting for your birthday and for me to finish the last book in the series, but I wrote a series of books for you while I trained." I say and she grabs the books from my hands.

Gajeel comes over and picks her up by her waist and carries her to the edge of the wall. "Now can you please fix up the wall!" I shout and they look at me as if I turned into Happy. "Weren't you crying several seconds ago?" They shout at me. "Technically yes, but they were crocodile tears, I just needed an excuse to get out of that awkward situation. Now Metalicana, how about I tell you all about the magical ship called 'Gale'." I say and sit on his shoulders. While Gajeel looks confused, Levy turns bright red. "No! Tell Igneel or Layla about Nalu!" She shouts.

I roll my eyes. "Metalicana, what I am really saying is that Levy might just be your future daughter in-law. Right Gajeel?" I say turning my head toward Gajeel. Natsu and Happy snicker as I turn my head to everyone else. "Now can you fix this darn wall!" I shout and make my new whip come out of the storage where I keep my star dress and staff. "Or I can test my new whip, Ètoile Fouet des Cieux." I say smirking. I turn it on and a white, bright, cord appears with golden stars. I take Levy and Wendy of the back of Layla and I tell her to go to our island to relax with Grandeeney while the boys fix up the wall.

"So what guys are you into lately, Lucy?" Layla says. "Ummhh...My kind-of boyfriend..." I say and Layla nods. "Wait who?" She says. "Please don't make me repeat myself." My face is turning red as we speak.

"No, I mean who is it?"

"Can I describe him?"


"Idiotic, sometimes annoying, pinkette-"

"Natsu Dragneel!" Layla screams and glides off the island, kidnapping Natsu and pinning him against the castle with her hand. I hear him plead "Please don't kill me! I don't want to die! I still need to build the castle before Lucy kills me!" I giggle softly as I watch chaos unroll in this small world.

"Are you dating my daughter?"

"What kind of question i-"

"Are you dating my daughter?"

"Yeah I am! Just don't kill me please!"

As soon as Natsu said those words, Igneel swoops down to get face to face with Natsu. "What did you say?" he says and Natsu is petrified with fear "I-I am d-dating L-Lucy." he stutters and Igneel grins with Layla. "Yo Metalicana and Grandeeney! You owe us some money!" As the dragons argue over money, I get bored with lying on the island and jump to the castle and into the still intact, boy's dorm. "Good night! Since you ladies are taking forever to rebuild, I will go to sleep." I wave and walk into the boy's dorm and go to sleep.


Hey Guys! Hope you like this chaotic story and chapter! If you really like this story, it would be really appreciated if you  vote and comment! Each and every comment touches my anime obsessed heart whether good or bad. Anyway BAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!

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