Chapter 4: Lies and Truths

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Before we start I have to let you know that I do NOT own Fairy Tail *sigh* it belongs to Hiro Mashima. The story, however, is mine. Just make sure you know that m'kay?


(Blue Prints for the guild hall)

Chapter 4: Lies and Truths (Lucy's POV)

As we reached Magnolia, we could already see the construction of the guild hall. People were gathered around the lot and I could practically see the question marks above their head. We kept running all the way to the lot...Well, I got tired at one point and Natsu carried me.

Once we got there, no one really realized that we were gone. "Hey, guys!" I yell. My guildmates look in my direction. "Lucy we came up with some blueprints. Come check them out." Levy shouts and I am pulled over my Mira.

The blueprints look kinda like the last guild except the guild was supposedly smaller since we need a place to stay immediately the guild is building a smaller temporary guild. As I look around I spot a certain redhead.

"Erza!" I shout and run over. "Erza...Natsu...Wendy...Gajeel...And I are going to be gone for two weeks for materials." I say between breaths. "Why two weeks when you can get some in town? And also why only the dragonslayers with you?" She questions giving me a serious glare.

"Uhmm well, truth is uhhmmm I am a dragon slayer." I say slowly so she can process it "Lies." she states and gets back to work. "No, I can prove it." I say "Celestial Dragon's Iron Fist." I yell and slam my fist into the ground with a flash of gold and stars.

Erza's construction hat flies off and I earn stares from the entire guild. "Since when are you a dragonslayer?" The guild yells at me. I start sweating. What do I tell them? "Luce here just found out today!" I hear a voice say and an arm wraps around my shoulder. "Natsu what happened? How did she become a dragonslayer?" Erza says. Natsu better not say what really happened.

"Well we ran into this monster and when we were catching our breath the monster made a swing at Luce, but she did a roar out of nowhere and killed the monster," Natsu says calmly. Erza looks at me. My face turns red "That's right totally not a lie." I say really fast.

Erza looks at me closely and then shrugs. She picks up her hat off the floor and places it back on her head. I look at Natsu who sighs in relief. "Good lie," I whisper to him. "Wait, Erza, does that mean we can go?" I call to her. She turns to look at me and nods her head. I raise my fist in the air and run off with Natsu on my tail.

"Hey, Natsu I'm going to pack up real quick meet me in front of my house," I say running into my house. I grab my training gear and my whip. I pack a few clothes. I make the packing quick. Before I leave my house I leave my rent on the doorstep and grab Michell.

I rush out to see Natsu saying goodbye to Happy. He had a small bag of possessions and clothes. "Come on Luce let's go!" He exclaims at first sight of me. "What? You bring Lushee but not me?" Happy says sadly "It's fine little buddy. We'll be back in a week." Natsu giving Happy a sympathetic smile. "Besides the guild needs help building the guild hall." Happy sniffles and nods.

I start walking toward the exit of Magnolia. "You coming, Natsu?" I say and watch him say his final goodbye before running to catch up with me. "We better hurry up so we don't be late," Natsu says and I nod. We start running to meet the dragons we know as our parents.

Once at the clearing we see that we are the first ones there. "We ran for nothing?" I shout and drop to my knees. Over time we see Gajeel and Wendy show up and then Sting and Rogue." Finally, you guys came. We have been waiting for over an hour!" Natsu yells. I look at him with are-you-serious eyes.

"Yeah more like 10 minutes," I say. "Well whatever let's go!" Natsu yells. Does anything get through his thick head? Natsu grabs my wrist and runs around in a circle. "Where is the portal? I wanna go!" Natsu says still running. "Yeah let's go just let go of my wrist!" I shout. Natsu suddenly stops and I am sent flying "Naaatttssuuu!" I yell as I soar through the air. Suddenly I was caught by a giant hand.

"Layla!" The golden dragon stares down at me. "Lucy what happened?" she says. "Ask the rampaging fire head," I mumble.

Layla chuckles and puts me down. "Are you ready?" Grandeeney asks and we nod our heads. Grandeeney starts concentrating her magic power on one spot "Open Portal: Dragon Realm." Grandeeney casts a purple mist making an opening.

Grandeeney steps into the purple mist-like portal and is soon out of sight. The rest of the dragons follow her. I step up to the portal and put my hand in. I felt a tingly sensation all around my hand. As I step through, the sensation surrounds my entire body. My vision keeps spinning until the sensation stops. I step onto the land before me and gaze in wonder.


Hey, Guys another chapter! I know I posted a lot of chapters in a day, but I hope you like this story so far. Sorry if it's going a little fast, but still hope it's good :) Anyway Vote Comment and follow for more content BAIIIIIIIII!!!!! By the way, this is edited!

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