Chapter 41: Welcome Back Natsu, Goodbye Lucy

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Before we start I have to let you know that I do NOT own Fairy Tail *sigh* it belongs to Hiro Mashima. The story however is mine. Just make sure you know that m'kay?


Play the song when I tell you.

Chapter 41: Welcome Back Natsu, Goodbye Lucy (Natsu's POV)

Why won't she fight? Lucy is obviously stressed out. If I die, at least I won't hurt anyone, but if I stay alive then E.N.D will destroy everyone. I mentally facepalm. "You need to fight Lucy!" I shout and E.N.D chuckles. "Lucy, Natsu wants you to fight." E.N.D says and Lucy shakes her head. "Natsu, if you can hear me, I won't fight. I don't know what I would do if you died. E.N.D strikes her in the face sending her flying.

"If I am going to do this, then I would like everyone to know that you have all been a big part of my life and I will miss you all." Lucy says, dodging E.N.D's attacks. "Erza, I'll start with you. You were always an older sister to me, even when I grew stronger, I always looked up to you as a role model. Grey, you were like my older brother who was always in trouble. Wendy, I'll never forget the little sister you were to me. Levy, you are my best friend, thank you for that. Jellal, watch after Erza for me, same with you Gajeel, watch after Levy."

Lucy says how everyone is to her. Friend or sibling-like. She even called Master out and said he was a father to her. Lucy was crying and laughing at all her words "Lucy, why are you saying all these things?" Levy shouts at her. Lucy runs and grabs the book on the floor and opens to a page and shows it to Levy. "Read it outloud." Lucy says as E.N.D charges her again.

Only the Celestial Dragon or dragonslayer can stop him by using 'the spell'.

(Play the Song)

"And that spell has consequences." Lucy says. "Natsu, I know you can hear me now, you were my best friend, more than that! I am in love with you and nothing can change that." Lucy sobs through her words. "I wanted to spend my life with you, all of you, but I guess this is where things go wrong."

Lucy's eyes turn blue and her hair turns golden with blue tips. Little golden horns sprout on her head. "Power Set: 100%" Lucy says and turns toward E.N.D, who was surprised at all the power and was frozen in place. "This is my dragonforce. I will use it to the fullest." Lucy's voice is calm though she is crying. A light surrounds her that rivals any light magic. Lucy starts to cast a spell:

I call upon the dragons to save this soul

Answer my plea

For this being is overwhelmed by darkness

I call upon the gods to save this soul

Answer my plea

For this being is hurting those whom he loves

I call upon the devils to save this soul

Answer my plea

For this being has tried to destroy innocent lives

I call upon the slayers to save this soul

Answer my plea

For you are the friends and people that surround this being

Come forth to help the soul of Natsu Dragneel


Light of The World

I blinding light fills the room and I feel myself regain control. E.N.D screeches and Zeref screams. When I open my eyes, I am back to normal and I see Zeref and E.N.D of the ground disappearing. "Lucy that was amazing! What's the consequence though?" Lucy smiles and tears fall down her cheek. "You'll see." Her dragonforce is gone and her voice is weak. Lucy falls to the ground and I catch her before she hits the floor.

"This is why you were saying all those things about everyone in the guild. Fool." Erza says crying. "That is the consequence." Lucy whispers and I look at Erza. "What is happening to her?" I yell at Erza. "Natsu, Lucy is dying." My eyes widen as I look back at Lucy. Her breath is slow and painful. "No, Lucy. You can't die!" I yell at her. "It...was...the...only...way..." Her breaths slow down even more. "I'm....sorry...I back...Natsu" Lucy stops breathing and her body starts to disappear. Soon her body is fully gone.

Everyone is crying, but not as much as Natsu. Even Gramps is crying. "W-We have lost someone special to everyone in Fairy Tail. She was the strongest of us all. Ready to risk her life for anyone. Goodbye...Lucy." Grams says


Several Days Later...


"We are gathered here today to honor the death of Lucy Heartfillia. She was the brightest star of us all. Her strength rivaled the toughest man and monster. Her kindness and purity held this guild together and without her, we have lost a piece of the puzzle, now it will never be complete." Gramps continues with his speech. I hold Cel in my arms and stand next to Layla as the rain hits the cotton balls super glued to Layla and they soak in the water. I don't listen to the speech. Her death was all my fault and I can't fight and say that she is not dead. The rain pours down adding to everyone's mood. Cel cries in my arms, burying her face in the sleeve of my vest. Why did I let her die?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I cried so much making this chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter leave a vote or a comment to show your support. BAIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!

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