Truth beyond the Veil

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Ink sighed, as he looks around the area that he is in, which is in Matsu's room. The entire area that he is in is filled with nothing by computers and other pieces of technology that Matsu has been given, no thanks to Inverted Fate Papyrus, who is all so generous to give it to Matsu, due to the fact that she goes computers to much. And the same is now said for Kochou, who also loves to use computers, just so that she can find any important information. And Matsu, she seems to want to have Ink hang out with her for reasons that even he has no idea why she wants to do it.

Matsu pushed her glasses onto her face, so she can see how cute Ink is. And needless to say, Matsu just cannot get enough of him. Ink simply looks to adorable in her eyes, even when compared to the appearance of Dream, who is simply more dignified, due to his outfit, making him seem of royalty. But Ink, he has the appearance of a young child, which Matsu loves to see, much to Ink's embarrassment.

"No words can describe how cute you are, my Ashikabi. I always cannot help but see every hit of your adorable face."

This made Ink embarrassed, as he then shook his head, and spoke out.

"Well, that said fact aside, mind telling me why yoh decided to call me, Matsu?"

Matsu nodded her head, as she goes to the computer as spoke out.

"Of course. I have been doing some research on the Sekirei, and how they are connected to their Ashikabi...and I found some very...interesting details on how this happens, especially after I had bond to you."

Matsu them goes to the computer

"I have been looking at the surveillance of all of the Ashikabi's that are with Sekirei...and I had seen that they are had been growing stronger as time passes, as long as they are with their own Ashikabi. It is something so interesting. Whenever a Sekirei is winged by an Ashikabi, they have power far stronger then ever before, having been multiplied bay many times the amount that they had before, which allows us to use our powers at full potential. But that is not the only interesting topic that I had noticed. The power of the Sekirei and the bond of the Ashikabi is dependent on how they feel towards one another."

This made Ink interested, as Matsu continued with her explanation.

"A Sekirei's power is able to keep on ground, depending on the emotions of their Ashikabi's. Emotions such as Anger, hatred, joy, sorrow and overall their feelings of love influences their abilities and let them get stronger, being able to use their powers at levels that have never been seen before, being able to unleash feats of power that they have never been able to pull off. It is so amazing, and even now, I can feel myself getting stronger as times goes in with you. But...there is something odd about the other one, Dream...I believe you call him."

Matsu then made a picture of Dream appear on his computer, as she continues to speak out.

"For some reason, his Sekirei is getting stronger constantly and a bit more faster then other Ashikabis, and only you are able to rival the speed that he is going in. How is that the case?"

Then, Ink decided to speak out.

"Well...about you and Dream are not like the usual, normal Ashikabis that you would see. But Dream...he is something else. He is a Guardian that embodies Positive Emotions."

This made Matsu intrigued, as Ink continues.

"You see...Ink is a being that is made embody the positivity feelings that exist. Love, joy, happiness, passion, patience, any sort of virtuous feeling that Dream feels. And the thing is, Dream's powers only came to be when he ate some fruit from the Tree of Feelings."

This made Matsu confused, as she spoke out.

"The Tree of...Feelings?"

Ink nodded, as he then spoke out.

"According to Dream, the Tree of Feelings is a tree that holds 2 types of fruits, each of them in the form of apples. One is a golden Fruit, that is said to embody all good and positive feelings, while the other is a black fruit, which is said to embody all evil and negative feelings. And when Dream took it, he is able to use positive emotions as a source of power. Originally, he ate one Golden Apple, but somehow, he manage to find more, 998 of them, and ate them, which made him much more stronger then he was ever before. Of course, he did risk going insane, but he is able to have someone stop that, until he is ready to eat them again, until he is finished. That is why he is this powerful, as he embodies all positive feelings, and without them, then would not be able to exist."

Matsu smiled, looking at Ink, as she then spoke out.

"Wow, that is certainly very interesting, Ink. Now I can see why the Sekirei that Dream has bonded with are getting stronger in a much faster pace then the others."

Ink nodded,  as he then spoke out.

"Yeah, and Dream is basically like a good source for Sekirei power. Aliens that powered by love, bonded by Dream, who embodies all positive emotions, including love. And me...I am just simply very strong, which is why I rival Dream's speed. Of course, I could be wrong."

Matsu nodded, as she smiled.

"Well...At least now I know how Dream's Sekirei get as strong as they are. It's simply interesting."

Ink nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"That also reminds don't have to answer...but I'm curious as to how you Sekirei even got here."

This made Matsu smile, as she spoke out.

"Oh, actually, that's a good question. You see, we were discovered by a group of people in a city called, Osaka, I believe they are called. They were very kind and friendly, and even to us foreigners from space like the Sekirei, they saw that we are truly great people, despite the fact that we are not human. And one of the Sekirei, Miya, who is the oldest and strongest of us all, she married and bonded herself to someone named Takehito Asama. They were able to help us settle in and teach us what humans do, and how they are like. And sense we look so like them in a way, we were able to blend into human societies perfectly. As for the ship, the people of Osaka kept it a secret, hidden it away, so that they can continue to study and use it to help people. Although...there were some people that did steal something from the ship, and I stole it back, but a fellow Sekirei of mine was able to hide me from the people chasing,  I reunited with Kazehana, and I have been with her ever since for a while."

Now Ink became very intrigued. The fact that the strongest of the Sekirei had already married to someone is very interesting. Ink then spoke out.

" long was that, the ship being discovered I mean?"

Matsu smiled, as she then spoke out.

"Oh, it is 20 years ago."

This made Ink stunned, and Matsu spoke out.

"And us Sekirei, we haven't aged for a long time, due to the fact that we have not found out fated ones, our Ashikabis for a long time. But we age when we bond to then, and how long we live depends on the lifespan of the Ashikabi. Miya, she had gotten winged by Takehito about 2 years ago."

This made Ink look down, and spoke out.

"So...if say...the Ashikabi is immortal, then the Sekirei will be ageless, having an indefinite lifespan."

Matsu spoke out.

"Well...something like that, why do you say that?"

Dream looks down and spoke out.

"Well...Dream...he is an entity that stops aging at some point on his life, due to the fact that he is a being that will stop aging when he reaches a certain point, and will love forever. And I...I think I'll be able to live ageleesly as well, as some people told me that I am a being that's immortal."

Now this made Matsu intrigued, and she spoke out.

"Really? Well, now that is interesting. Immortal Ashikabis of our own!! that is truly being as ageless as a goddess or god!"

Ink rubbed his shoulders, as Matsu then spoke out.


Matsu then grabbed onto Ink's shoulders, and spoke out.

"I wonder how have in your little friend."

This made Ink confused, until she said the last bit, and when hearing that, Ink blushed, realizing what Matsu meant.

He immediately pulls his scarf up, and he began to blush in rainbow colors, which Matsu saw as cute, before she spoke out.

"But now now...first of all...a little pleasure~."

Matsu then pulls Ink into her...airbags, and then laid down onto the ground, as Ink's head continued to move, as Matsu smiled, a red blush filled her face. She feels a lot of content from what Ink is doing, a lot of pleasure that she is feeling in waves down her spine. Seems like she picked a perfect Ashikabi for herself to have. Now she can have a lot of fun with him.

As for Ink, he felt embarrassed, he then thought out to himself.

'Oh geez, this is like me going into Katsuragi again. Just so embarrassing!'


Matsu smiled, as she is walking around outside, as she felt a smile present onto her face. She felt a lot of pleasure from what she had done with Ink, and it is the best feeling that she had ever gotten. No words can describe how happy she is, as a blush became present onto her face. And she is at least lucky to be inside of this city, because of the fact that the people that are chasing her, they will not be able find her, due to the fact that they do not suspect that a city will be inside of a city such as this.

Of course, she knows that most of the Sekirei, they are inside of Tokyo or Osaka, slightly more in Osaka, due to how friendly and loving this place is. As Matsu kept on looking around, she then hears a voice spoke out.

"Matsu!! Is that you?!0

Matsu smiled, seeing a familiar rescuer of hers when she was on the run.


She ran to her and hugged her briefly, before speaking out.

"Wow, Uzume! I never thought that you would be able to find me in a place like this! What are you even doing here?"

Uzume shrugged, as she then spoke out.

"Well, let's say my home got wrecked from an attack of sorts, so now I go on my own to try and find a place for me to stay in."

This made Matsu sad for her, as she then spoke out.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

But Uzume just waves the apology off, as she then spoke out.

"Ehh, don't worry about it. It's not your fault. And I have been actually looking for you. So how have you been, Matsu? Anything good happen to you?"

Matsu smiled, as she spoke out.

"Yes, something did. Me and Kazehana, we were able to find our own Ashikabis!"

This made Uzume smile, as she spoke out.

"Really? That is great for you, Matsu!"

Matsu smiled, as she spoke out.

"Yeah, and probably one of the best things that have happened to all of us! What about you, have you found your own Ashikabi yet?"

Uzume shook her head, as she then spoke out.

"No, not yet. I'm still trying to find an Ashikabi, but is still have no luck. But it'll happen someday."

Matsu nodded, as she spoke out.

"I'm certain you will...and of you want, I can get my Ashikabi to make you a house. He's very great at building and creating."

This made Uzume happy, as she then spoke out.


Uzume sees Matsu nod, as she spoke out.

"Of course. After all, you did help me escape from those bad people, so I figure I should repay you with it."

Uzume smiled, as she spoke out.

"Thank you, Matsu. It means a lot. But before I do that, let's say that we hangout first?"

Matsu smiled, as she spoke out.

"That's a good idea. Besides, we still have Amit of catching up to do!"

Uzume and Matsu are now shown to be on top of the building, as Uzume and Matsu jumped there. Although Matsu is not much of a physical person, being only able to use her power over technology, she does still have a degree of superhuman physical, such as being able to leap to very tall heights. Uzume and Matsu are now talking to each other.

"Wow, you and Kazehana manage to gain some strong Ashikabis, one that creates and one that has powerful love in him."

Matsu nodded, as she spoke out.

"Yep, and their powers are somehow able to make their Sekirei stronger then normal, and even I can feel myself getting more stronger much quicker then most of the Ashikabis that have Sekirei."

Uzume smiled, as she spoke out.

"Wow, they both must be amazing people."

Matsu shook her head, as she spoke out.

"You have no idea, Uzume."

Uzume smiled, as she spoke out.

"Maybe on of them could have me, I don't know. It would be very cool to have them."

Uzume then pulls out a basket, and spoke out.

"Here, you want some?"

Matsu looks to see a box inside of the basket. It is of those pocky stick snacks, this one with chocolate. Matsu nodded, as Uzume opens the back, and Matsu took one.

"Guess I'll have that one."

Matsu toon a bite on it, savoring the flavor, as Uzume smiled, and spoke out.

"This one's for me."

Uzume took a bite onto one of them, but the moment that she did...something unexpected happen.


Uzume's eyes widened, as he dropped the basket, and Matsu, noticing this, spoke out to her friend.

"Uzume, what's..."

Matsu looks at her face, and she saw something.

Uzume looks down, as her cheeks turned red, due to who it is that she has now began reacting to. Matsu's she's widened, and she realized what is now happening.

"Uzume...are you..."

Uzume's breathing hitched, as Matsu is not concerned.

Matsu began to feel worried about something, but she has no idea what it is. Is it because of the way Uzume is now acting, due to the fact she's reacting? Uzume then looks around, and spoke out.

"My Ashikabi...where is..."

Matsu then spoke out.

"Let's go and find who you are looking for, okay?"

Uzume nodded, as both Matsu and Uzume began to leave...when all of a sudden...a black tentacle came out and smashed onto some buildings, as Uzume and Matsu looked too see what has happened.

"What was that?"

Matsu said, as Uzume felt the Ashikabi's presence where the tentacle is, and it is far stronger then ever before.


Ink and Dream are now fighting against, as Ink jumped back and prepares to fight back against the one that had decided to attack them.

Ink Sans then summoned his Ink Blaster, as he got ready to fight back against the enemy that is before him, as the ink fired at the enemy, only for the opponent to block it. But then, positivity arrows were fired, and the entity roared in pain, as the entity that is fighting against them is revealed.

It is none other then Nightmare, the brother of Dream, and he is fighting against Dream, Ink, and their Sekirei, with Musubi, Yume, Akitsu, and Homura present to fight against the Guardian of Negativity.

" appears that you have gained some new aid, brother."

Dream narrowed his eyes, as he snarled at his brother.

"Nightmare, what are you doing here?!l

Nightmare smiled, as he spoke out.

"You had ruined my chance to corrupted the Apple that is inside of you, brother. And now you ruined my chance to eat more of them, the one you took, and now...I am going to make sure, that you suffer for what you have done. I will take away those yoh hold dear, and I will make you feel despair at what you had done."

Dream narrowed his eyes, as he then summoned his wand, and swung it, as Stars came out of nowhere, hitting Nightmare. Nightmare got hit, and he looked a bit mad, as the stars hurt him, before firing his tentacles at Dream. But Akitsu summoned a wall of ice and blocked the tentacles long enough for the others to get out of the way. Yume and Musubi then both fired an attack, which they calls out.

"Light Blast!!"

"Bear Palm!!"

The photon blast of light hit Nightmare, which pushed him back a little bit, but did not hurt him in a real way, as Dream then summoned his Daggere, longer, sharper, and stronger, as he flies towards Nightmare, and began to slice at Nightmare, while Nightmare used his tentacles to combat against the weapons that Dream's using. The tentacles and blades clashed and cut at each other, as well as stab, as Nightmare began to piece using his tentacles. Nightmare is then touched in the face by Dream, as he felt like he is beginning to burn, like magma is on his face. But at the same time, Nightmare grabbed onto Dream's other arm, and Dream felt his arm melting, like it is being continuously hurt by a acid. Ink teleported Dream one of the way, as both Ink and Dream looked at Nightmare, and needless to say, Nightmare is not happy about this at all. Homura went next to Ink, as she then spoke out.

"How much does it take to send him down?"

Dream then spoke back.

"Too'd have to destroy every part of him in order to get rid of him. But Nightmare is only hurt by my own attacks."

Nightmare then recovered, and launched a tentacle at Dream, before Dream then summoned his shield, and a orange glass-like dome began to surround all the Sekirei, as well as Ink and Dream himself, and the tentacles began to piece and hit the dome, as the dome began to crack and break. Luckily, Dream, because he became far stronger then before, now has a dome that is much tougher then before. It only took about 10 seconds for Nightmare to break it. But it is taking longer, as Nightmare is using his negativity to absorb the suffering of some nearby AUs, and use it to try and increase his power, and make the dome break. The dome broke, but Ink was able to get everyone out of the way, and needless to say, Nightmare is not happy, as Dream fired more arrows at Nightmare, before launching his new weapon, a spear, at the sky. Then, more spears began to come down, but Nightmare made a lot of tentacles and attacked the spears themselves, which shattered and broke them, but the ones that pierced the ground, Dream snapped his fingers and exploded them, as positivity exploded onto Nightmare's face. Needless to say, Nightmare is not amused, as he then fired more tentacles at Dream, who then covered himself with his wings, and blocked the attacks, and surprisingly, the wings are very durable, unable to be broken by even Nightmares's own attacks. Dream then looked, as Ink launched Ink bones at Nightmare, who caught them with his tentacles, before he fired a tentacle at Ink. But Ink got out of the way by turning into paint, and phased through the attack, as he then made a wall of paint to block the attack from Nightmare's tentacles. Although, Nigntmare made shorter work of the wall, as he broke through it quicker then Dream's shield.

Ink snarled, as Homura shouted out.

"Fire wall!!!"

A wall of flames erupted from the ground in front of the others, as Nightmare tried to pierce the wall, and while he did go through it, the others are gone. Then, an icicle hits Nightmare in the eye, as Akitsu shouted out.

"Icicle Snowstorm."

Icicles fired at Nightmare, who then dodged the attack. Nightmare looked and saw that they are still attacking, as Dream spoke out.

"Nightmare, do not make me do this! I don't want to keep fighting you!!"

Nightmare smirked, as he spoke out.

"You're going to wish you didn't hesitate."

He then launched another one of his tentacle

Suddenly, a familiar long-haired Sekirei appeared, now having veils and a new outfit on, with her one eyes covered. She then launched veils at Nightmare, and swirled him up so much that she made Nightmare's form ruined. Homura looks, and she realizes who this belongs to.


This made Ink surprised, as he then looks at Homura.

"Wait, you know of this lady?"

Homura nodded her head, as she then spoke out.

"Yeah, I do. She and I are friends with each other."

Uzume looks at Homura, and spoke out.

"'s nice to see you again."

Uzume smiled, as she then looks at Ink, and she can see who her Ashikabi is. She then goes to Ink, and before Ink knew it, Uzume kisses him, as she then felt her body heat up, and a moan came out, as her wings erupted.

Uzume smiled, as white veil-like wings appeared behind her, to show that she has been winged by Ink, as Ink held his head.


Ink smiled, as he looks at Uzume, and spoke out to her.

"'ve finally arrived. It is nice to see you. Uzume, right?"

Uzume smiled, as she spoke out.

"That is right. You're Ink, right? Nice to meet you, my adorable Ashikabi."

Ink blushed, as he shook his head, and Nightmare looks at Uzume, and he then spoke out.

" will pay for your attack on me like this!!!"

Uzume looks at Nightmare, a glare is present onto her face, as Uzume then decided to use her Norito.

"By the veil of my contract, my Ashikabi's nightmares will be dispelled!"

Then, veils began to rise all over the place, as Uzume shouted out.


Then, the Veils attack and spun around Nightmare, as they disperse and ruined his physical form so badly that he is now going all over the place, before he then launched upwards into the air, and began to fall down. Ink, not wasting even a second, ran up and swung his Paintbrush, creating an Ink portal to Killertale, as Nightmare went inside of the AU. The ink portal closed, and Ink reabsorbed the Ink back into himself, as Ink then spoke out.

"Phew, that is so close."

Ink said, as he then looks at Uzume, who smiled at him, and Ink smiled back, as Matsu then spoke out.

"Haha, I knew it!' I knew that Ink would be your Ashikabi, Uzume!!"

Homura, Ink, and Uzume looked to see Matsu come along, as Homura spoke out.

"Oh, hello Matsu."

Ink spoke out.

"Oh, hey Matsu. Is Uzume your friend?"

Matsu nodded, as Uzume spoke out.

"Of course she is. Rescued her from some jerks that nearly tried to take her."

This made Ink realize what Matsu was referring to, a Matsu smiled, and Dream spoke out.

"Well, that said face aside, let's go home before Nightmare comes back."


Ink is now inside of Matsu's room, along with Matsu and Uzume, as they began to recall what had just happened.

Uzume smiled, as she spoke out to Matsu.

"Well...seems you were right, Matsu. I really did get an Ashikabi that you have. And I gotta admit...this is the best day of my life."

Matsu smiled, as she spoke out.

"I told you. So, this day made yours better?"

Uzume smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, it did, and also..."

Uzume then hugged Ink's head into her...cushions, and although in the shirt she has, Ink could still feel their softness, as she spoke out.

"I think I'm gonna have fun with his cute little body. Won't go agree, Matsu."

Matsu giggled, as she then spoke out.

"Yeah, i couldn't agree more~."

This made Ink scared, looking at both Uzume and Matsu, before he then realized what is about to happen inside of Matsu's room.

"Welp...I am officially dead."

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