Chapter 38

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In a break room at the U.A. dormitory

All the teachers at U.A. wore their night clothes. Vlad was wearing Plad pajama pants with no shirt, Midnight wore a sweat jacket and panties, present mic had present mic themed PJ's on, Toshinori in his skinny form had a white shirt and grey PJ pants, and Aizawa had a long sleeve shirt along with long comfy PJ pants. Their were other teachers as well but describing clothes can only go so far for a word count in this fic.

Midnight: Is there a reaon we got called in right when I was getting to sleep. I need my beauty rest to look this vulptous.

Midnight asked breaking the ice and air of silence. While also itching out the wedgie her panties were giving.

Nezu: Sorry about calling you all here so late. This will only take a minute.

Nezu stood on a table surrounded by all of them. Wearing nothing............he was just bear naked....... litteraly. (Get it..... becuase he is like a small bear. And is naked.......i hate myself).

Ecto plasm head: I mean I guess its ok since he is an animal.....but still.

Everyones head: Its so weird seeing him without any clothes.

Nezu then cleared his throat and spoke out.

Nezu: The reason why I called this emergency meeting is becuase I have been informed that as of 2 hours ago. U.A. has been given new guidelines that we must obey for the saftey of our students. I'm sure its obvious as to why these sudden changes in guidelines are happening.

Toshinori head: Probably becuase of the events at the sports festival.

All Might started to remember what happend. He was watching the match until suddenly the window shattered as something was thrown into their stands. He saw a timer and without a second to spare transformed into his buff form and used a carolina smash to redirect the blast away from the teachers.

Vlad: What are these new guidelines?

Nezu: Well for starters we will have to be more strict about curfews and the where abouts of the student's. So unless they have a parent or guardian with them the students will not be allowed to leave U.A.'s property. That's the main reason why I called you all so immedietaly.

Aizawa: So is that all?

Nezu: No afraid not. However the rest are just minor changes. Mostly to allow more monitoring on who comes and goes. However sadly I have to point out one thing. If anyone has any information on the where abouts of the vigilante Spiderman or his identity you are to report it to me or the Police.

Toshinori: H-huh?

The room was then filled with mix opinions on the web headed "traitor". Some of the heroes had no problem with this new policy. While others were hesitant and even offended by the sudden back lash on Spiderman.

Toshinori: W-Wait a minute. Sir is that really necessary? I understand what the students along with everyone here have went through. But we arent sure of anything yet. For all we know that wasnt Spiderman.

However before anyone could speak up or before even Nezu could give a response. Aizawa was the first to speak after All Might.

Aizawa: Like you said we arent sure of anything yet. We are flying blind right now.

Toshinori: So ..... Even you think Spiderman would really do something like that?

Aizawa: At this point it doesnt matter if he did or didnt do it. Right now we need to put the needs of the school before our own bias.

Toshinori: Even after everything he did?! Aizawa he saved your class and your life as well.

Aizawa:........... It doesnt matter. We need to be logical and rational about how we play our cards and where we step. Besides... Spider man may have saved us once. But that doesnt mean he can be trusted or get a pass with breaking the law.

Toshinori head: I cant tell if he is being serious or not. He may seem strict and like he doesnt like to bend the rules. However I know he has a soft spot. However I dont think he is gonna let up on Young Midoryia with everything going on.

Toshinori thought about Izukus situation. He hasnt even had a chance to talk to him. To hear him out yet.

Toshinori head: Maybe I should stop by his room. He has to have an answer to all of this.

After Nezu was done explaining everything he needed to he let them all go back to their nights. All Might though stopped by class 1a dorms.

Izukus room

Toshinori was outside of Izukus dorm room. He knocked and then open the door.

Toshinori: Young Midoryia I need to-

He then was suprised to see Bakugo and Mei hanging out in his room. But no Midoryia.

Bakugo: Uhhh who are you?

Toshinori: Uh its-

Toshinori then quickly realized though.

Toshinori head: SHIT! I forgot Young Bakugo doesnt know my skinny form! Which would be fine and I could tell him its me BUT who is this pink haired girl?!

Toshinori: -Uh well I am uhh.

Bakugo then kinda noticed his hair and instantly remember Izuku telling him about All Mights skinny form.

Bakugo: Oh its you All Might...

Mei: WAIT WHAT!? All Might!?

Toshinori: Young Bakugo! Why would you say that in front of a stranger!

Bakugo: Shes not a stranger. She knows about Izukus secret as well. She can handle knowing your skinny form.

Toshinori just sighed looking down in defeat.

Mei: Uhhh. Sorry All Might. But I can keep your secret! I promise! Ive already saved Izukus secret identity countless times.

Toshinori: *sigh* Thanks... But I think you can understand that doesnt make me feel better.

Toshinori head: I would have rathered kept it secret but its to late now to worry about.

Bakugo: So what did you need Deku for?

Toshinori: I wanted to ask him about today. Who was it that attacked the sports festival?

Mei: We belive its an imposter. Izuku was with Bakugo the moment he attacked the teacher.

Bakugo: Then after that Deku went after his new biggest fan. He got away though. 

Toshinori: Let me guess then. Hes out right now trying to find his imposter.

Both just stayed silent. Which neant yes to Toshinori.

Toshinori: *sigh* while its a relief to know Midoryia hasnt changed sides. His situation doesnt put me at ease. The whole world is after him now and they wont pull punches.

Mei: Actually another thing about that. I think our biggest worry is gonna be this Mysterio guy.

All Might remembers briefing the police on what happend. After that he saw him. He didnt know why but something about him stuck out. He didnt know what but it felt confusing to look at him and feel nostalgic.

Toshinori: Yeah this new guy seems to have it out for Spiderman. Which is gonna make his rateings skyrocket with the events that just happend.

He then looked at the 2 children and asked.

Toshinori: Why would you let him leave?! He has a target on his back he shouldnt be put there.

Mei: We tried to tell him but....

Bakugo: Yknow how that stupid nerd is.

Toshinori just looked out the window. Imagining everything that could be out to get him tonight.

Toshinori: I only prey that he doesnt run into any trouble he can't handle.

Mei then looked to her laptop. Reading the headlines of "Spidermans a menace" with a warrant for his arrest. Feeling nothing but worry.

Mei: Y-Yeah.....Me too.

In the city with Spiderman

Izuku swung through the city with grace and vigour. As he scouted for any sighns of his imposter and or Mysterio.

Izukus head: I cant just keep swinging around the city hopeing to find a green guy with a glass bowl for a head and another red and blue spandex me.

Just as he said that.

Mask radio: We have a possible sighting of spiderman. Location at 5th monterey lane.

Spiderman: Thats like 4 blocks away! Maybe this is a good sighn that the universe is finally on my side today!

He then made a big turn on a swing cutting right into another main road. And flying right in the middle was Mysterio himself chanting some giberish spells.

Mysterio: ~mo~con~to~ca~ah~she~FOSH~

Suddenly Spidey was hit with a giant gust of wind knocking him back and suddenly right through a window in a office building on a table. With someones ceaser salad lunch landing on his head.

Spiderman: *groan* OR maybe the universe just loves proving me wrong!

Mysterio then suddenly came through the window walking slowly to Spidey as he monologues.

Mysterio: Ah we meet again Spiderman! Are you here to surrender yourself?

Izuku then got up as the salad fell off his head.

Spiderman: No I came to talk. I wanted to clear things up.

Mysterio: What?

Spiderman: Look I dont know whats going on but that Spiderman that attacked the Sports Festival. It wasnt me! Someone is impostering me. I dont have any proof other than my word.

Mysterio was silent for awhile. Like he was thinking.

Izukus head: Does he believe me?

Mysterio: Hmph. Only a coward who is afraid to admit his own wrong doings would say such lies as that!

Izuku then furiously snapped back.

Spiderman: IM NOT LYING!

Myetrio than threw a cube onto the ground. Suddenly in a big flash of light a giant snake appeared out of no where.

Mysterio: Save your words for now it is time for ACTION!

The snake then suddenly came for a frontal attack trying to bite Izuku. Izuku did a front flip over and tried to push off of its head. Except his hand went straight through its head.

Spiderman: What the-AGH

He was then suddenly shot with a blast of lightning sending him flying out of the building free falling.

Izukus head: My hand phased right through him. Was the snake even real? But I could even smell the decay and rot on the snakes scales. Was it fake?

He then remembered the last time he was with Mysterio. When he was fighting the imposter.

Izukus head: Its just like his special move jaded dragon. It looked and seemed real. But it went right through me. Is that his quirk?

As he thought on explanations he shot a web to catch and swing himself. Mysterio then started to fly after him. Shooting multiple fire and lightning attacks at Spiderman. With Izuku dodgeing them all with his spidey sense and agility.

Izukus head: But that doesn't make sense. His attacks right now are defintely real. They hurt like hell.

Mysterio: You cant escape me forever Spiderman!

He then suddenly summoned his flying gremlin minions. With 5 appearing out of his cape. They then flew after Spiderman catching up to him.

Spiderman: GOD things are just annoying!

Izuku then switched to his tazar webs.

Spiderman: Lets see if this does the trick.

After one big swing Izuku swung himself backwards and stsrted shooting the gremlins with his tazar webs. Shooting 3 of them. As each one got shot they suddenly exploded in mid air. The last 2 Izuku webbed up both their faces and pulled. Grabbing both their heads and crushing them in his hands.

Izukus head: Wait what?!

As Izuku let one of them go he held on to the other at his sudden discovery. Seeing mechanical parts and circuit boards in the gremlins crushed head.

Izukus head: So thats how hes doing it! Machines. He probably doesnt even use a quirk. He uses smoke and mirrors to make it look like he has one.

Izuku then quickly web shot two lines on opposite sides and lined right up for Mysterio. Quickly adding tension to the line.

Mysterio: What are you doing?!

Spiderman: I think Im tired of running away. Its time to get that head to head battle you been begging for Mysterio!

He then launched right at Mysterio tackling him in mid air. He then kicked off his body mid air letting it drop right onto a car. Izuku shot a web to catch himself and slow down. Letting go and landing right on top of him.

Spiderman: I figured you out Mysterio. Your tricks arent gonna work on me!

He then grabbed him by the collar of his cape. Pulling a fist back ready to shatter that helmet in one punch.

Civillian: Get OFF HIM!

Suddely a soda can was thrown right at Spidermans head.

Spiderman: Ow. Wha- OW

Then another one. Izuku looked and saw a crowd of people with trash and throwables ready in hand.

Spiderman: What was that for?!

A woman with a tin can then threw one at Izuku yelling.

Woman: What do you mean what was that for?! You just attacked Mysterio you stupid villain.

Spiderman: Im not a villain!!!

A tomatoe was then thrown at his head splashing over his mask. A man in his elder age this time being responsible.

Old man: Saids the one who attacked innocent kids! You might as well be a freaking terrorist for what you did!

Spiderman: B-But that wasnt even me!

Another man then threw a trash can at Izuku. Barely missing him as Izuku ducked.

Man: Just get out of our city you menace.

The crowd cheered and boo spiderman. Izuku looked down at Mysterio under him. Unable to see his face through his helmet but knowing their is a smirk under their. His mask lenses squinting in anger.

Izukus head: ........ I need to get out of here.

Izuku stood up and jumped from the car into the sky. As he heard the crowd cheer at his retreat he webbed a line and swung. However his usual grace and vigour was gone. It was stiff and uneventful. Like their was no joy to be found in swinging through the night city.

In Mei Hattsume room

Mei was monitoring Izuku through his mask hud system and on another tab was a live broadcast. Seeing everything that happend. She felt sad watching the citizens of his city boo and cheeer at his presence. Only imagineing what that had felt like.

Mei: ..... Oh Izuku.

With Izuku on the ledge of a building

Izuku had his mask off as he sat on the top of a roof. Holding his mask in his hand. Looking at it and feel depressed at everyones hatred of spiderman.....of him.

Izuku: I cant belive this is happening. I feel selfish for thinking I deserve better than this. But I still dont deserve this. Being blammed for something I didnt even do.

Izuku then put his mask back on. Ready to head on home.

Spiderman: I think its time to call it quits for tonight.

Mask radio: Be advised a minor alarm was set in the Astronomy research facility. Its probably nothing but send a unit to check just in case.

Spiderman: *sigh* Well it is on my way. It wouldnt hurt to just do a quick swing by.

Izuku then leaped off the building shooting a web and swinging onwards.

At the research facility

Izuku landed on the roof of the facility. Walking around and looking for anything weird. Finding nothing out of the ordinary.

Spiderman: Well. Looks like it really was nothing.

Just as Izuku was about to leave though he stepped on something. He put his foot up confused. Under it was a lil cute chibi cat key chain.

Spiderman: Wierd thing to find on a roof. Howd it get here?

Izuku then looked back. Seeing the sky light and walking to it. On closer examination he found the window was not only open. The latch was broken off. He looked down into the building. Seeing a blond school girl sneaking around.

Spiderman: Looks like the night isnt over just yet.

In the Astronomy research facility

The school girl wore her blond hair in two buns. Wearing a sweater over her school outfit as well. She also had fangs on her teeth and a blush that never left her face with a cute smile. She calmly skipped the place she broke into without a care in the word. She then stood in front of a glass case with a black rock inside it.  She looked around the case.

???: Hmmm...

Spiderman: What are you doing out of school young lady?

Izuku said in his usual up beat tone. The girl turned around to see Spiderman hanging upside down.

???: Oh wow your Spiderman arent you?

She spoke a lil enthusiastically. Still completely unfazed by her wrong doings and sudden appearance of Izuku.

Spiderman: I am. You a fan?

???: Hmm not really. Although I am curious what youd look like bleeding under that mask.

Izukus head: Ok........thats creepy.

Spiderman: So wanna tell me why you broke into this place?

She then cutely put her finger to her cheek looking up innocently.

???: ~Weell~ I saw that they found a cool space rock thing and well I want it.

Spiderman: Why do you want a space rock?

???: *giggle* Becuase its a space rock. ~Duh~.

Spiderman: Fair point but I cant let you take that.

Suddenly her cute and innocent smile turned into a large grin with sinister intent.

???: I guess I'll get to see what you look like bleeding after all.

Then suddenly in a split second. She pulled a knife out of no where and cut Izukus web line along with his chest.

Izukus head: Holy crap shes fast!!! My spider sense barely caught that!

Droping Izuku to the ground making him hand stand and dodge backwards to get some distance.

???: Your pretty fast. Most dont even notice there stabbed until they see blood.

She then stabbed the glass case shattering it. Grabbing the space rock. She then booked it and started running away. Izuku tried to web her only for her to quickly pull a knife and cut the line like it was nothing.

Izukus head: She is dangerously good with a knife.

Suddenly the security guard came in. He saw Spiderman and the girl and aimed his gun at Spidey.

Guard: Freeze Spiderman!

Spiderman: Im not that bad guy! Shes the one stealing the space rock!

The guard then saw how the container for the rock was shatered and the rock was gone.

Guard: *gasp* The meteorite! Give it back Spiderman!

Spiderman: What did I LITERALLY just say!!!!

???: This is my cue to leave.

The girl then threw a knife with a rope attached to it onto the roof. It caught and she started climbing up to the sky light. Izuku followed and jumped right out of the building. The guard tried to stop them but never got a chance.

Outside and on the roof of the building

The girl made a run for it sprinting away onto another roof top. Izuku though once he got on the roof shot 2 web lines at her feet. The girl jumped sliceing one but the other caught and tripped her up making her drop the rock. The rock cracked a lil on impact.

???: Agh! Nya-

Toga then tried to grab it only for Izuku to snatch it with a web.


Spiderman: Ill take that! Bad kitties dont get to play with their toys.

Izuku grabed the rock with his web and stashed it in his pocket. However what he didnt know was the rock slowly ozzed out a black liquid from the cracks of the rock.

???: You seem to really wanna ruin my fun tonight huh?!

Toga then started running away and Izuku followed. However as he did slowly the black ozze from the rock started spreading over his whole suit. Starting from his back utility belt. Toga quickly grappled a knife rope to a ledge in front of her and jumped head first off it. Using the rope to slow her fall down. Izuku then jumped right after her.

Spiderman: Oh cmon where you going? Isnt the point of the game cat and spider for the cat to chase the spider. Not the other way around.

After they landed Toga took off and Izuku follwed. Toga then quickly did a summer Sault while throwing a knife at Izuku only for him to quickly dodge it. The black ooze was now covering his lower half and he still didnt notice it.

???: I like this game were palying Spidey. Its really fun!

The girl then threw another grappel knife stabbing it into a buildong above them. Jumping off one and swinging.

Spiderman: Seriously this is you definition of fun?

Izuku then followed shooting a web and swinging after her. The ozze now covering up to his chest now.

???: Oh dont tell me your one of those guys who think a good time is sitting at home watching TV.

As they swung she and Izuku began to wall run along the building. With the people inside seeing them run along the windows.

Spiderman: Whats wrong with that? Its peaceful and doesnt involve me getting stabbed or knives thrown at me.

She then swung another grappel to a building and usi g her momentum pulled herself onto the top of the building. Escapeing Izukus sight.

Izukus head: Dammit Im losing her.

Izuku then web zipped to the buildling. Landing on a vantage point. Standing and seeing nothing but the night sky. The ozze now completely covering him with a new black suit.

Spiderman: *sigh* great I lost her.

???: Oh you didnt lose me.

Then suddenly from behind Izuku the girl jumped from above and stood. Izuku turned around ready for a fight but the girl still showed no concern or worry. Instead she "ooh" at his new suit.

???: Did you get all dressed up just for me? How sweet. How did you know I like black?

Spiderman: What are you-

Izuku looked at himself and was shocked to not see his blue hoodie and spandex suit. Instead this new black webbed suit desigh.

Spiderman: Wha?! How did I-?

Izuku then quickly lept down the vantage point and shot a web under it. The web also suddenly changed. Turning black. Izuku hung upside down and looked at himself in the mirror. Touching his mask and examining the suit.

Spiderman: Where did this come from?

The school girl then grappled onto the vantage ledge and was hanging upside down with Spidey.

???: Dont be getting shy on me now Spidey. We were having so much fun.

Spiderman: Im still not sure if our definition of fun is the same. Besides its hard to have fun with a stranger I met stealing.

As they hung upside down the crazy blonds line slowly spun and wrapped around Izukus line.

???: Toga Himiko. There... now were not strangers.

Spiderman: Not sure if thats how it works.

As the line intertwine more their bodies hung closer to eachother as well.

Toga: How would you want it to work then?

Toga said seductively. Izuku didnt know why. But suddenly out of no where he was filled with this new confidence in himself.

Spiderman: Maybe dinner first.

Toga: Ok... Where at?

Spiderman: Probably somewhere that doesnt need knives to eat.

Toga: *giggle* Dont trust me?

Spiderman: Why should I?

Toga then attached the rope to her belt so her hands were free. Grasping her hands at Izukus mask pulling it up.

Toga: Maybe this will help.

Then she then slowly started to move in ready to taste his lips. Izuku was even going along with it. When suddenly he got his sense back.

Izukus head: WHAT AM I DOING?!

Izuku quickly pulled his mask back down suprising Toga and let go of the web free falling down. Togs watched and smiled jokingly saying.

Toga: *giggle* Was it something I said?

Izukus head: What is wrong with you Midoryia?! You were about to have your first kiss with a pycotic knife girl.

He then shot a web and began swinging on it. Trying to now figure out the mystery of his new suit.

Izukus head: Ok my costume was red and blue up until the break in. So what did I encounter that could have suddnely gave me a wardrobe change.

He then suddenly remember the rock and pulled it out seeing a giant crack in it that wasnt there before. Along with some more ozze moving and covering more of his suit.

Spiderman: Oh just great! Some Alien slime gunk just somehow made my spidey suit its new home-

Pulling the suit with 2 fingers seeing the Ozze not coming off.

Spiderman: How does wierd stuff keep always happening to me-WOAH

Suddenly as he was swinging a small stunt plane came out of no where and cut his line. Quickly shooting a new one seeing the plane on fire and crash landing.

Spiderman: Oh crap!

Izuku then webbed onto the plane seeing the piolt knocked out.

Spiderman: Only place to land this is the park. Im gonna have to steer it manually.

Izuku then grabbed one of the wings and crushed it in his hands.

Spiderman: I might not be strong enough. Probably gonna need to use One for all-

He then was suprised to be able to easily pull the wing up and make it turn left to the park.

Spiderman: I-I did it? Wait- cant celebrate just yet.

He then climbed to the side of the plane grbabing the door yanking it off and gtabbing the piolt. Climbing back on top putting his hand up to shoot a web at a VERY far building.

Spiderman: My webs might not reach. But I dont have a choice but too spray and pray.

He then shot the web and again was shocked tk see the web line make it dead on. Being pulled by the line and swinging away from the plane as it crashed and exploded into a lake in the park.

Spiderman: I-I made it! But how?......the suit! Somehow the ozze from that rock enhanced my spiderness?

After droping the piolt off anonymously at a hospital he began swinging around the city some more. Eventually making it to a construction cite. They were hoisting some support beams up until the latch suddenly broke. As the guys under were about to get crushed Izuku swung in webbing the beams holding them. He then threw them to the side with little struggle.

Spiderman: This is amazeing! The suit somehow enhanced all my powers. Wait....what about One for All?

Izuku then found a rooftop. He then powered up just 5% of one for all. With the electricity swirling around his body. Then jumping straight up. Usually with 5% he could maybe get a good 3-4 stories high. But he made it almost 10 stories high with just 5%.

Spiderman: It can even enhance quirks!!!!

Izuku then let himself fall. Now filled with joy and with that his swings were executed with vigour. Feeling satisfied something good came out of tonight. 

Spiderman: WOOOAH- HOOO- YEAH!!!!!

Izuku then shot a web swinging right in the middle of traffic. Letting go of his web and making him shoot forward. Grabging onto a light post and like a gymnast spin on it with inhuman force. Letting go and shooting him straight into the sky.

Spiderman: You better get ready Mufasta city-!

As Izuku flew through the air he started heading towards a building rooftop. Landing right on a antena tower clinging to it sideways. When he spoke his voice and tone filled with confidence as it became deeper.

Spiderman: -becuase now your dealing with the new Black Spiderman!

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