Chapter 43

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At the Musutafu city hospital

Inko Midoryia was at her job at a front desk filling paper work out. For once in her career she was looking forward to paper work since it would give her a chance to sit down and rest.

Inko head: I've been on shift since 6 and its only 10 o'clock. *sigh* just another 7 more hours to go.

A co-worker next to her then looked at the green haired woman. Due to her quirk she had an elf like appearance with long ears and blond hair put into a bun. Wearing the same nurse uniform as her.

Elf nurse: Hey Inko you doing alright?

Inko: Hm? Oh yes! Just getting a little rest is all.

Elf nurse: Well you've been looking pretty out of it lately.

Inko: What do you mean?

Elf nurse: Your always tired. Your falling a little behind with your patients which isn't like you. Its just the little things here and there.

Inko: Oh ..... Well....I guess im just tired is all.

Elf nurse: Well then why dont you take a break? Im sure with all the hours you've been racking up you have more than enough vacation time or even sick days.

Inko: I wish I could but Im really behind on money. So with Ben not around anymore. I have to work a little more than usual to support me and my son.

Elf nurse: Why not ask for help from him?

Inko: Oh Izuku? I couldn't do that. He is in U.A. right now. So for now his only priority should be his grades. And besides Izuku helps me with money here and there when I fall short just a little bit. So I cant ask anymore from my own son.

Her co-worker could only feel even more worried about the single mother. However Inko just pushed on like it was nothing. Showing that she could handle the stress.

Inko: Thank you for your concern. Im fine though really! I'll make sure to not fall behind like you said.

Elf nurse: Well....ok. Just... Dont push yourself to much.

Inko: I won't. I won't.

As the elf nurse left and Inko stared at her paper work she couldn't help but wonder about her son.

Inko head: I wonder what Izuku is doing right now for internships?

Meanwhile in Gran Torino apartment

Izuku can be seen getting knocked back into a wall once again and Gran Torino bouncing around like nothing. With Izuku trying to use One for All properly. More specifically how Izuku "should" be using it.

Izuku: GAH-Dammit!

Gran Torino: To slow!

Then the next round Izuku was drop kicked in the chest and launched into the refrigerator bouncing off it hitting the ground.

Izuku: OoF-fuck!

Gran Torino: Getting sloppy.

This time Gran Torino tried going for Izukus back and he prepared for it. Quickly turning around expecting to land a hit on him.

Izuku: This time I'll!-

Only for Gran Torino to change his course with his quirk and punch Izuku right in the head and into the ground.

Izuku: OW- That was a head shot!

Gran Torino: What you think there's a ref to call a foul play in a real fight?

The symbiote then tried to crawl over Izukus skin. Tempting him and teasing him to use it. Izuku was bursting with negative emotions and the symbiote wanted nothing more than to feed and use them. Izuku wanted nothing but to use it as well. At the first sight of black ooze like veins crawling up his arms from his shirt, Gran Torino stopped him.

Gran Torino: Dont even think about using that thing! This habit of relying on your suit is exactly what I'm trying to break. Honestly how can you stand having that alien worm crawling around under your skin like that.

Izuku: Its not like that!

Gran Torino: What ever helps you sleep at night kid.

Izuku just rolled his eyes and made the suit return back to his shirt. Also getting back up into a fighting position again.

Izuku: This time old man! Im gonna beat you!

Gran Torino: Actually lets stop here.

Izuku: Now you want to stop?

Gran Torino: I dont want you to start developing a bad habit when fighting me. Fight one person to much and you get use to them. Then when faced with a new opponent with an entirely different fighting style you lose your rhythm and there for your focus.

Izuku: So what now? More fish pastries?

Izuku joked at the old timer. Instead though the man grabbed Izuku hero suit case with his costume and threw it at him. With Izuku catching it.

Gran Torino: Suit up. Were gonna go out on patrol. Get you some experience.

Izuku just looked at him with a raised eye brow.

Izuku: Seriously? More experience? You do realize I already know how to patrol a city. I do it all the time as Spidey. I even patrol Tokyo and there's a new villian there every day. Hosu is gonna have at most a few drunk idiots making trouble, or maybe a car accident or 2.

Gran Torino: Which is why its perfect for you to train with One for All. Since its gonna be so "easy". Besides ive seen how you patrol. Your sloppy and very inefficient. You dont look and scan for trouble you just wait until you stumble across it.

Izuku just gritted his teeth with frustration hearing the pro veteran nit pick at his ability to be a superhero.

Gran Torino: C'mon Spider boy time to get moving. We dont have all day!

Izuku then left and went to his room to get changed and ready. With Gran Torino still looking at the boy skeptical. Feeling unease with him.

Gran Torino head: That suit is something ive never seen before. It still the same old story though. Sudden power boost and at the cost you lose yourself and lose sight of what's important. Izuku either needs to learn to control the suit or get rid of it. I can only hope him learning to control one for all will help with that. If it doesn't though...I need to find a way to get rid of the suit without hurting Izuku.

Meanwhile in Hosu city

The hero killer stain stood on top of a roof ledge. Looking over his new playground to further his cause.

Stain: I will take back the word "hero" and make it mean something. Even if I have to flood the streets with the blood of fakes.

He then jumped away into the city. Meanwhile behind him Kurogiri and Shigaraki stood on top of a water tower. With the Green Goblin hovering on his glider next to them.

Shigaraki: wow. How enthusiastic of him. I feel inspired already.

The handy man joked sarcastically.

Kurogiri: Shigaraki I would still highly suggest reconsidering. He would be a invaluable member to our organization.

Shigaraki: Even if I wanted him to join. Which I dont! He wouldn't even accept the offer. After all he tried to kill me from just listening to my ideals.

The Green Goblin then started to laugh and giggle to himself. And not in the cute way. Like the creepy one where you get goosebumps on your spine.

Shigaraki: What's so funny?

Green Goblin: Mmm something tells me Stain is gonna reconsider our offer very soon.

Shigaraki: What dont I know? What are you not telling me?!

Green Goblin: Lets just say Spiderman isn't himself lately. And its EXACTLY what will guide Stain right into our side. MMmm HAHAHAHAHA.

Shigaraki felt unease with the Goblin. He never trusted him. He always knew so much about Spiderman. But how though? And why wouldn't he say? So if the Goblin has something planned with stain. The best action would to make sure Goblin and Stain dont become allies. If not he would have to watch out for 2 snakes in his own home.

Shigaraki: Kurogiri... Send the Nomus.

Kurogiri: Are you sure about this?

Shigaraki: Im fine with this. I know master will be as well. What about you ....Goblin?

Shigaraki watched for his reaction. Hopeing to find out more on his motives. Maybe seeing him react to ruining Stain plans would help.

Green Goblin: OH why not?! I do love a bit of destruction and chaos here and there. I think its about time we turn this boring little city into a WARZONE HAHAhAhHAHA!

Shigaraki head: .....this revealed nothing except that hes more psychotic and crazy then me.

In another part of Hosu city

Ilda and the Pro hero Manual ran through the side walks of the city. All hell was breaking lose as monsters terrorized the streets.

Ilda: Nomu?! In Hosu?! But how?

Manual: Ilda! Keep up! I dont want to lose you in all the chaos. Stay on my hip but dont get in the way hear me!?

Ilda: Unless..... Stain! He has to be related to this attack somehow.

Manual: ILDA! Snap out of it!

Suddenly a giant Nomu landed right in front of the 2. Manual then used his quirk to control water from a fire hydrant. He launched the red metal object at the Nomu propelling it further with with water and launching the Nomu away.

Manual: Ilda are you o-

When he turned around though Ilda was no where to be found. He frantically looked around but it was no use.

Manual: Dammit! This is not the time to start going solo!

As Manual dealt with the chaos all around him by putting fires out and dodging Nomu attacks. He thought back to his early years. Where he was interning under the Hero Ingenium.


Manual was in his same hero outfit. Except now being a little bit shorter and less buff. He was at the moment playing around with some villain's he caught. He used a fire hydrant and controlled the water to propel them in the air. He would turn the water off making the drop and at the last second turn it back on. Creating a never ending hell for the villian.

Manual: Say uncle!

Villian: Once I get out of here im gonna make you wish you were dea-

He then turns the water off making the villian drop from 3 stories high.

Villian: -MERCY! MERCY!

Manual: That doesn't sound like uncle.

At the last second the villian gave in and cried out.

Villian: UNCLE! UNCLE!!!

Manual then shot water back on stopping his fall. Making him just have a rough landing on the ground instead of going splat. The young cocky hero smiled at his "heroics". However he then saw a shadow block the light over him. He turned around and saw the Pro Hero Ingenium behind him. He wore a helmet but he could already feel his glaze burning with a temper.

Manual: Uhhh h-hey Ingenium. I Uhhh I caught the bad guy.... hehe.

Ingenium crossed his arm looking at the villian shaking and hugging the ground from the traumatic and not so fun amusement park ride he was put through.

Ingenium: It looks like you did more than catch him.

Manual: He was robing an old lady from a pottery shop. He deserved it.

Ingenium: This is not the time to start going solo! You are my sidekick and there for you are my responsibility. So creating a situation where the villian could gain the upper hand in a mere moment is not OK!

Manual stood up straight in fear of his superior. At the same time though he mentally rolled his eyes. Ingenium could see it though.

Ingenium: Maybe he deserved it or maybe he didn't. That doesn't matter. Your job is not to punish its to prevent causalities and protect innocents. That stunt you pulled was reckless and could have gone badly....Not to mention its a bit of a dick move.

Manual: *sigh* Yes sir.

Ingenium then put a hand on his shoulder looking down on him while Manual looked up to him.

Ingenium: Here's some advice not only as a hero but as someone older than you. These are the years when a man changes into the man there gonna become for the rest of their lives. Just be careful who you change into....-

-now go get that villian because hes running away.

Manual quickly turned around to see the villian trying to make a break for it.

Manual: Oh krap not again!!!

Flashback ends

In a train

Izuku was in his green and black bunny hero costume sitting next to Gran Torino in the subway car. He glanced at Gran Torino to see him swinging his feet with that same naïve care free look on his face like he was clueless. Izuku looked out the window with a face that was dyeing of boredom.

Izuku: I choose Hosu because it was gonna be a break from my usual nights in tights. I should be just taking a break not stuck on a subway train bored out of my mind.

Gran Torino: Cheer up kid were almost there anyways.

Izuku: If im gonna be doing actual hero work then I wish something would actually-huh?

All of a sudden his spider sense started to go off the charts. SCREAMING at him to get down.


Then not even 2 seconds after he said that something crashed right into the side of the subway car. Making the whole thing shake from the impact. Izuku looked back to see a Nomu but this time looking a bit different.

Izuku: This is not what I meant by something interesting!!!

Gran Torino: Well you get what you get kid!

They both then got into a fighting stance. Izuku then tried to use the symbiote feeling relief to have an excuse to use it until Gran Torino saw that look in his eyes and shut it down.

Gran Torino: Dont you even think about using that thing! Stick with your quirk!

Izuku: Oh CMON!

Gran Torino then quickly jumped right into the Nomu drop kicking it in the face stunning it and bouncing off it and back to Izuku side.

Izuku: Now is the best time to use!!!

Gran Torino: Not with all these people around!

Izuku eyes open more realizing that people were around and that he was full on ready to blow his secret just to use the suit.

Izuku head: Was I really.....that desperate to use the symbiote?

Gran Torino: Stay on the train kid and leave this to me!

Gran Torino then zipped to the side of the train next to the Nomu. He then launched off of it tackling the Nomu back out the hole it made and out of the train. Izuku quickly ran to the hole in the train feeling the wind blow his messy hair around.

Izuku: Oh you did not just try to bench me of all people!

Izuku then jumped out of the train and onto the roofs ledge. He then felt the symbiote try and crawl over his arms and body. At first he smiled feeling the power of the symbiote take over. He stopped though and shook his head no.

Izuku head: I cant use the suit. I cant be Spiderman. Right now I'm Deku! I cant blow my identity plus..... Maybe a break from the suit is in order.

He then made the suit retreat back under his costume. He then started to use One for All instead.

Izuku: Time to see if that old guy kicking my butt paid off!

(So originally I made the lightning red and blue bc of the color scheme of his spidey suit. I realized later that was pointless and stupid since Spidey wouldn't use One for all only Deku would. So the lightning is back to green.)

As green lightning started to crackle all around Izuku he jumped off a roof ledge with ease and into an alley way. Running faster with its power.

Izuku: What's up with this guy that looks like Nomu? Is there more than one Nomu? That would make the most sense. But how am I gonna fight it then? Last time I fought the Nomu at the USJ I barely lived. It took All Might everything he had to beat it. So what am I supposed to do against one.

Izuku then reached an open block area. Running into the street. He felt his spider sense go off and he looked up. He saw a giant semi-truck flying right at him.


He quickly dodged the truck doing a backwards hand flip. With the truck crashing into the ground leaving a blazing inferno around the area. Izuku looked up and was wide eye.

Izuku: Oh you have got to be kidding me!!!

He then saw 3 Nomu standing around with one of them flying circles in the air.

Izuku head: There's 3 of them now!!! How am I supposed to fight 3 when I almost got killed by 1!!!

Manual: Ilda!!!

Izuku then quickly turned his head and saw the pro hero Manual. He was calling out for Ilda while controlling the water from a fire hydrant and trying to put the flames around them out.

Manual: Dammit! Ilda you picked the worst time to go running around on your own!

Izuku began to think feeling something was very wrong.

Izuku: Ilda went out on his own? Why would he do that? Thats not like him- wait.... Hosu....Hero Killer. Hes.....


Ochako: Ilda brother Ingenium was paralyzed and almost killed by the hero killer Stain... Im worried about Ilda. With everything that happend and now him suddenly choosing Hosu as his agency. It makes me nervous is all.

Flashback ends

Izuku head: Hes out for revenge. Why didn't I see it coming! I should know better than anyone how far revenge could....push........someone.

Izuku then started to recall the memories at the train station.


Izuku: I mean Hosu is a pretty peaceful city. Maybe Ilda just wants a easy Internship...besides its not like its our problem.

Flashback ends

Izuku felt disgusted with himself.

Izuku head: Did I really say that? Why would I say that? After everything I've been through after what happend with Dad....-NO!

Izuku then ran away back into the alley ways. Hopeing to find any sign of Ilda.

Izuku: I'm not gonna make the same mistake twice! Im not gonna let Ilda down like I did my dad! NOT AGAIN!!!

In another dark alley way

Stain the hero killer had his next victim pinned into the wall. This time his target was the pro hero Native. Who wore a Native American like costume.

Native: W-Why cant I move?!

Stain: Because your done for. There is no one here to save you.

Stain looked to the skies and could see fire and smoke. He didn't know for sure but he was pretty confident he knew who was behind it.

Stain head: It seems the "league of villain's" have decided to test my patience. No matter. I'll deal with them later.

Native: W-What are you gonna do now? Kill m-me?!

Stain looked back at his victim. Feeling satisfied seeing the fake heroes true colors come forth.

Stain: Yes! Your death will help bring forth a better world. One where the word "Hero" will mean something like it should!

Stain was about to pull a knife to finish off the Native American.

Stain: Hm?

Until he saw a leg kick aimed right at his face. He quickly dashed backwards dodging Ilda. He then could recognize the armor he wore.

Stain: That armor?

With a swipe of his sword he knocked Ilda helmet up and into the air. Seeing it wasn't the same man he attacked before.

Stain: Your not Ingenium?

Ilda: No...I'm not.

Ilda then filled with rage charged at Stain using his engine to throw a power side kick at him.


Stain just did a back flip though flying on top of Ilda. Quickly landing right on top of him knocking him to the ground. He then stood on top of him. Keeping him grounded.

Stain: Your his younger brother huh?

Stain then quickly flipped his sword around and stabbed it straight into the ground where Ilda shoulder was.

Ilda: GRRAAAH!!!

Stain: Your weak.

Ilda: ...Shut up.

Stain: You and your brother are weak.

Ilda: Shut up you Villian!

Stain: Your weak because your fake heroes.


Ilda then tried to power Stain off of his body. It didn't work and instead Stain pushed him back down twisting the sword in his shoulder while pulling it back out. Making him scream in pain.

Ilda: GAAAH!!!

Stain: Its over now.

Stain then licked the blood off of his katana. Suddenly Ilda felt his whole body freeze and he was unable to move.

Ilda: I cant move.

Stain then aimed the sword at his head.

Stain: Any last words fake.

He couldn't think of any pleas for his life. Or any plan to escape. The only thing he could think about was his brother. Thats all he has ever thought about since he was attacked.

Ilda:.....He's paralyzed from the waist down due to spinal cord damage. He cant even breath on his own. Hes never gonna work as a hero again. Tensei is an incredible hero who saved many people....and led them until now. There's no reason for you to crush him! .....Hes my hero. A hero who helped give me a dream and an example to live by....I wont forgive you! .... I'LL KILL YOU!!!!

Stain then just pointed his sword at the pro hero who was leaned against the wall.

Stain: Save that guy first... Reflect on yourself and save others. Dont use your powers for yourself. Being taken in by the hatered before you and trying to fulfill your own desires. That is the furthest from what a hero should be. And that is why.... You'll die.

Ilda felt twisted up inside hearing what Stain said. Especially when he knew in some way he was right. He wasn't a real hero. All he could think about was how he hurt his brother. How he needed to PAY!!!

Ilda: Shut up....shut up!

Stain: Goodbye. Your an offering to a more just world.

Stain then raised his sword ready to give the final blow.

Ilda: No matter what you say! YOU ARE JUST THE CRIMINAL WHO TOOK MY BROTHER!!!

Just as Stain was about to drop the final blow he caught a glimpse of green light.

Stain: Eh?!

Suddenly from the depths of the dark Izuku came out of nowhere charged up with One for All and a right hook cocked and ready.

Izuku: BINGO!!!!

He then smashed his fist across Stains face sending him flying away. Ilda looked up surprised to see Izuku.

Ilda: M...Midoryia?

Izuku then glanced back.

Izuku: I came as fast as I could. Are you able to fight?

Ilda: I...I cant move. He cut me and I was paralyzed.

Izuku: He cut you? So thats his quirk. That explains the arsenal of knives and-

Ilda: Midoryia watch out!!!

Izuku spidey sense went off like crazy. He ducked under Stain sword that was swung at him. Stain was surprised at his speed and reflexes.

Stain head: His reflexes are incredible. That punch he threw also hurt like hell. Hes trouble and needs to be wrapped up fast.

He then tried to cut at him while he ducked down. Only for Izuku to then dash under his legs. Stain then tried to hit him from behind quickly but he was gone and right above him.

Izuku: UP HERE!

Izuku then smashed right at his head and into the ground. Izuku quickly retreated away to get some distance.

Izuku: Give me back my friend!

Izuku then noticed the other pro hero.

Izuku head: He has another hostage? Well thats just great!

Stain: Heh. You should have stayed out of this kid!

Stain said as he raised a blade to his face. Holding a single drop of blood. He then licked it with his tongue.

Izuku: Yeah well thats just not my-GUH!

Izuku then dropped to his knee and then slowly collapsed onto the floor.

Izuku: I cant move?!

Izuku head: He must have grazed me. So he uses blood to activate the quirk.

Stain: People who are all talk annoy me. You however I see hope in. I will let you live. Your friend however. Will finally have his fate.

Izuku: NO! DONT!

Izuku head: I cant let it happen! I can't have it be my fault again! I need to try and use the symbiote! Maybe it can cancel the quirk. But I need to get out of here and change. Just 10 seconds is all I need!


Izuku: Huh?

He then felt something shoot from his back. He looked back without turning his head and saw the symbiote shoot a black webline from his back onto a roof ledge.

Izuku head: It can do that?!

Suddenly the hero killer Stain looked backwards. Seeing from his perspective a webline connected to Izuku.

Stain: A web? That can only mean!

Ilda: ...Spiderman?

Suddenly the symbiote retracted the web. Pulling Izuku away from the fight and into the shadows. However from everyone elses perspective. Spiderman shot a web at Izuku and pulled him out of the fight.

On a rooftop

Izuku head: YES! FINALLY!!!

Izuku then gladly felt the symbiote crawl out from under his costume covering his whole body. Wearing his black spidey suit with the giant white spider logo.

He looked at the suit admiring it giving a hug to himself.

Spiderman: Oh how I missed you.

Meanwhile in the alley

Stain began to panic. Knowing his window to kill was closing.

Stain: Not good.

He then tried to finish off Ilda once again by stabbing him in the head. However a web was shot onto the blade and pulled out of his hand. Stain looked back to see Spiderman catching the Katana he stole off of him.

Spiderman: Wow cool sword. Do you use this thing for really big watermelons and fruits or just chopping kids heads off.

Stain: My fight is not with you. Leave now or else I will kill you.

Izuku then quick shot webs at Stain. Not surprising he unsheathed his knives and blocked the shots' with ease. It gave Izuku a chance though to web up Native and Ilda. Pulling them over to his side and behind him.

Spiderman: Yknow I would leave you alone but *inhale sharply* I gotta meet my quota of the week for bad guys to beat up.-

Izuku then got in a fighting position.

Spiderman: -Besides what kind of hero would I be if I didn't meddle where the bad guys dont want me.

Stain couldn't help but admire Spiderman's actions. Feeling more confused as to why the Green Goblin would say he is not a hero with values like All Might.

Stain: You are really annoying-

Spiderman: I get that a lot.

Stain: -But you stand up to the name hero. The rumors about you are so far true from what ive seen.

Spiderman: Oh...Uhhh thanks? Does this mean your gonna go home and leave us alone.

Stain: No!...

Spiderman: Figured as much.

Ilda couldn't help but feel pathetic at the moment. Here he was useless and now Spiderman was about to save his life....again! First the USJ and now this.

Ilda: Spiderman....please...Leave.

Izuku looked back at Ilda. Surprised and even a little offended.

Spiderman: Thats the weirdest thank you ive ever heard.

Ilda: This is my fight! Hes mine!

Izuku couldn't help but feel nostalgia in the moment. Ilda reminded him so much of himself when he was dealing with his fathers death. All that rage he felt.

Flashback (chapter 7)

Spiderman: I'm glad you remember me because now I'm going to make you pay for what you've done...I SHOULD KILL YOU!!! You took a good man's life, you took him away from a good loving family and for what?! SO YOU COULD PICK ON A INNOCENT GIRL!!! I should make you suffer and then end it by killing you!

Flashback ends

Izuku was brought back to reality from knives being thrown to his face. Grazing his mask with a small cut. The suit immediately stitched itself back together.

Spiderman: WOAH!

Stain then dashed at Spidey with 2 knifes. Going for a full on attack only for Izuku to catch both his hands and turn into a power struggle.

Ilda: Spiderman stop! My brother left me with the title Ingenium. This is my fight-

Spiderman: -NO its not!

Izuku looked backwards at Ilda still laying on the ground.

Spiderman: I choose to be a hero who would never let bad things happen when I could stop them. That is the kind of hero "I" choose to be.

Stain then tried to kick and slash Spidey with his spiked shoes. Only for Izuku to jump and drop kick Stain away.

Spiderman: It is now your turn to decide what kind of hero Ingenium is! So be the hero YOUR BROTHER would want you to be!!!

Izuku then shot a web at stain only for him to cut and block the lines. Stain then made a move for Native.

Spiderman: Oh are we playing keep away! I love that game!!!

Izuku then webbed Stains back and threw him back and away from the 3 of them. As Izuku and Stain continued to fight Ilda continued with the war inside of himself.

Ilda: Hes....hes right. Both of them were right. Native was almost dead because of me. I....I cant let it end like this. Not like some pathetic coward on the ground.

Ilda then pushed his body to the limit. Pushing himself up and up. Meanwhile Izuku was still in a close hand to hand battle with Stain. Stain did a round house kick and Izuku blocked it. Except the spikes on his shoes cut him drawing blood.

Stain: You fight well.

Spiderman: *grunt* Wow im so flattered that my skills are being praised by a murderous psychopath.

Stain then backed off once again. Izuku then noticed the cut on his arm seeing blood. Seeing the suit stitch and repair itself back together.

Stain: But your still cocky and inexperienced.

Stain then kicked his foot up. Making Izuku blood flick into the air. He then licked the blood mid air.

Stain: Its what will cost you your life in a fight.

Izuku stood still for a little bit. Expecting to be paralyzed again. Except nothing happend.

Stain head: Why isn't it working? Is he O-? No even if he was it would still work at the beginning.

Izukus head: The quirk didn't effect me. That means the symbiote must be counter-acting it somehow. This is great! This thing is the gift that keeps giving.

Izuku then got on one knee suddenly. At the sight of him kneeling Stain smiled thinking his quirk worked.

Spiderman: Oh no its happening. I cant- I cant- feel my- .....oh wait...False alarm... its just a cramp hehe.

Izuku then joyfully got back on his feet like nothing. Chuckling at his performance while stain was only annoyed by it. He then tried to attack again. Izuku webbed up a trash bag swinging it around and then at Stain. Stain just sliced it into pieces. Except he saw Spidey through the trash with a fist aimed right at his face.

Stain: shit-

Spiderman: -Surprise!

Stain: GAH!

Stain was launched backwards. Doing a back roll but not before throwing more knives at Izuku. Izuku jumped onto the wall dodging them clinging to it.

Spiderman: Where do you keep all those knives?!

Stain head: I wont be able to win. Maybe if my quirk worked I could have a chance or create an opening but hes doing something to cancel its effects. I need to finish my kill!

Stain drew another sword he had on his back. Izuku jumped off the wall getting ready to defend his next attack.

Spiderman: You have another sword?! How deep are your pockets?

Stain then dashed at Spiderman and Izuku ran right at him as well. Stain slashed at Izukus chest and Izuku dodged it barley by leaning back. Stain went for a round house kick and Izuku blocked it again catching his foot and locking it in his arms. Stain then rolled his body over so that he was lifted and held up in the air. Putting Izukus neck in a choke hold.

Spiderman: Yknow I can break out of this right?

Stain: I know that. But I dont need to choke you. I just need to hold you for 1 second.

Stain then threw his sword right at Native. Aiming right for his head.

Spiderman: NO!

Izuku then was able to shoot a web at the sword sticking it to a wall. Giving Stain the chance to go for the kill.

Stain head: NOW! While he isn't able to move in time.

Stain then quickly flicked a knife out of his sleeve of wrapped bandages around his arm. Heading for Native once again.

Izukus head: I cant stop it this time!

Stain: You fought bravely..... but its over.

Spiderman: NOOOOO!


The sound of flesh being stabbed into forcefully could be heard. However it wasn't Native flesh. It was-

Spiderman: Ilda!!!

Ilda was able to move in front of the knife. Letting it hit his arm. Izuku seeing his friend stabbed made something snapped.

Spiderman: GRAAAHHH!

Izuku grabbed Stain by the throat from above him. Tearing him off his body and out of the choke hold. He then threw Stain into the wall webbing him to it. He then stood in front of him with his lenses on his mask squinted in anger. With a fist pulled back ready to give the final blow. He huffed and puffed heavily. Breathing in and out with force. Feeling the anger overwhelm him. A large part of him wanted to just end him. And something inside of him begged him to do it as well......but.

Spiderman: No...

Stain only maintained his convicted glaze. But inside of felt impressed by the black tight wearing hero. Izuku then walked back to were Ilda was. Kneeling down to check up on him.

Spiderman: Ilda are you ok?

Ilda just rolled to his side. Groaing in pain.

Ilda: *groan* I could be better.

Izuku then looked at the wounds he had.

Spiderman: *sigh* Good news is that you didnt hit any arteries. We need to stop the bleeding though and get you to a hospital.

Izuku then started to web up his wounds. Spraying a web bandage and wrapping it with more weblines to keep pressure on it. When he finsihed Ilda had webbing wrapped all around his shoulder and his arm.

Spiderman: Better?

Ilda: Yes... Thank you Spiderman.

Spiderman: I need to check on Native. Stay here.

Ilda then looked at Stain.

Ilda: What about him?

Spiderman: Hes not going anywhere.

Izuku then went to check up on Native. As he did though Ilda could only see the blade using psychopath in a sate of vulnerability. Unable to move. Unable to fight back. If there was any chance to kill him. It would be right now. Ilda then got back up on his feet. He looked back and saw Spiderman was still distracted treating Native. Ilda then slowly walked towards Stain. Picking up one of the knives Stain had used during the fight. He then stood right in front of him. Webbed up and trapped to the wall. Stain looked up and saw Ilda. Holding a knife and stareing daggers at him.

Stain: Go ahead. I have no regrets.

Ilda gripped the knife harder. Squeezing it in anger. He then lifted the knife over his head. Ready to give the final blow.

Ilda:..... For my brother.

He then trusted the knife towards his neck. Only for a hand covered in black to grab his arm before he could ever land the kill.

Spiderman: I dont remeber the part where you get all intense and creepy again. We won....its over.

However Stain kept his conviction.

Stain: Go ahead Boy! Do it! Avenge your brother. Prove me-

Spiderman:- Dude. I'm not exactly a fan! But do yourself a favor and zip it!

Izuku then webbed up Stain mouth making him shut up and unable to talk. He then faced Ilda. Still holding the knife and that same look in his eyes. Filled with blind hate and revenge.

Spiderman: What are we doing here Ilda?

Ilda: Im gonna finish it. Finish "Him"... He took my brother from me. Forever! You dont know how that feels!

Izuku replied immedietaly after that. He knew he failed to be there for Ilda once. He wasnt gonna make them same mistake twice. This time.....this time he'll do it right.

(Flash back text)

Izuku stood on top of a grave on a rainy day with his mother. On it read Ben Midoryia. He remeber all the pain and grief he felt.

Spiderman: I do actually... Someone important was taken from me too. I lost somebody special to me for no good reason at all.

He remebered when he faught the villian who killed his father. Still wearing his very first Spidey suit. When he beat him and held his brain in his hand ready to crush it and kill him.

And just like you I had an oppurtunity for revenge. I had the guy who did it cornered and helpless. I could have finished him right there. But I realized it wouldn't have changed what happend. Worse. I would have become as bad as the creep who took him from me. He always said I could choose what kind of man I wanted to be.

He then remeber what he did instead of killing his fathers killer. Izuku let the villian go. Walking away from the fight letting the police and pros capture him.

I choose to walk away. To be better..... To be Spiderman.

Ilda felt moved by Spidermans story. He was just like him and he never realized it. He looked at the knife in his hand.

Spiderman: The name Ingenium doesn't define who you are. Neither does this noseless psychopath. You choose... now. You can be like Stain or your brother. A killer....or a hero.

The engine hero took the web heads words to heart. He looked at Stain one last time. And as hard as it was....he let the knife go. Letting it drop and hit the ground.

Ilda: I guess you know me better than I thought.

Ilda was then back to himself.

Ilda: Lets call the authority's to pick up this villian.

They both were about to walk away when suddenly Stain cut the web trapping him. Freeing himself. Pulling the web off of his mouth.

Stain: That was a nice speech. But it doesnt make you a true hero. Your still just a fake!

Izuku then bowed a little to Ilda while lifting his arms at Stain. Offering him to Ilda.

Spiderman: You want this?

Ilda: I think we both earned this.

Stain then charged for both Spidey and Ilda with only a knife in his hand. Ilda then using his engines began to do a helicopter spin kick. Kicking Stain in the body launching him away. Where Izuku was ready to deliver a right hook right to his face. Launching him back at Ilda. Where Ilda with a smile on his face landed a down kick into the ground. Finally knocking Stain out.

A little bit later

Ilda was helping Native stand up. With Stain quirk finally wearing off he could move.

Native: Thank you. You saved my life. I was baiscally in the way that whole time.

Ilda: If it wasnt for Spiderman we would both be dead.

Native: Hehe. Guess we got real lucky today then huh?

Stain was once again webbed up. This time making sure to grab all of his sharp objects. Which there were alot of

Spiderman: 2 swords. 7 throwing stars. 10 throwing knives. 4 pocket knives. And 6 bowie knives. Where did he keep it all?!

Izuku and Ilda were standing in the sidewalk in front of the alley. While Native sat down with them.

Ilda: Spiderman...

Izuku then turned and looked at his friend.

Ilda: I wanted to thank you for your confidence in me and for shareing about your lost and...... uhh...

Ilda then went in for a quick hug. Still feeling the pain from getting stabbed. None the less it suprised Izuku becuase Ilda is very formal and will at the most pat your back or give a handshake.

Spiderman: I uhh. Um yeah. Its no problem. Its just my job as a super hero yknow. Lets not get all mushy about it.

He said trying to play it cool.

Spiderman: *sigh* For what its worth. I think your brother would be proud of the hero you turned out to be.

Ilda: Thank you.

A few pro heroes then finally showed up.

Pro 1: Hey are you guys alright?

Pro 2: Is that the hero killer Stain?

Pro 3: Those injuries look bad.

Pro 4: Is that freaking Spiderman!

Everyone now had their eyes on Izuku.

Spiderman: Oh um uh. H-Hey. Hehe.

As Izuku was about to make a break for it knowing that pro heroes arent the biggest fans of him. He suddenly felt his Spider sense tingling. He then did a side flip dodgeing a fire ball attack.

Spiderman: Oh what now?!

He looked and saw the number 2 hero Endeavour. Along with Shoto Todoroki beside him.

Endeavour: Ahh Spiderman! We meet again.

Spiderman: Again? I havent met you in my life.

Endeavour: Dont mock me bug! Me and you fought not even a month ago.

Spiderman: Maybe you were fighting the chameleon or something!?-WOAH!

Endeavour then shot more fire balls at Spiderman with him jumping and dodgeing all of them. Eventaully hanging upside down on a light post.

Spiderman: I dont know what your talking about! Trust me if I met the number 2 hero before I would remeber.

Izukus head: Only becuase I would love to have an autograph to add to the collection!!!

Endeavour: Shoto get ready to fi- Shoto?

Endeavour looked to his side to see no one. He then looked over to the crowd to see him checking on his friend Ilda. Along with seeing the hero killer Stain and being suprised to see him.

Endeavour: Whats the hero killer doing here?

Izuku then dropped from the light post.

Spiderman: Thats what Im trying to tell you! Im not the bad guy!! That guy is!!!*points at stain aggressively* I helped catch and beat him!!!!So YOUR WELCOME!!!!!!!!

Izuku screamed at the hero pissed off. However then suddenly out of no where a wire had wrapped up Izuku and suddenly he was pulled into the sky.

Spiderman: WHAT THE-

Green Goblin: Suprise Spider!!! Miss me!? Hahahahahaha.

Spiderman: Oh cmon!!! Now I have to deal with you green and ugly.

Green Goblin: Oh how your words hurt! They make me want to break your bones with sticks and stones.

Izku gulped.

Spiderman: *Gulp*. I dont think thats how the saying goes.

Suddenly though out of no where a knife was thrown at the glider wing. Making it malifunction and lose altitude.

Green Goblin: What the!

He then looked down to see Stain free hanging onto the line holding Spiderman.

Green Goblin: What do you think your doing?!?!?!?

Stain: Dont you remeber what I said to you!

Stain then using the wire attached to the glider swung Izuku at a light pole. He cut him free making him fall onto the ground. Using the wire he threw it at the pole wrapping and tangling it around the pole. Making Gobling fall to the ground as the glider continued to hover tied down.

Goblin: OOf!

Izuku looked up to see Stain on top of him. With Goblin between the crowd of pros and stain.

Goblin: What are you talking about!? I told you I was on your side!

Stain: And I told you that if what you said wasnt true. I would find you and kill you.

Goblin: Are you blind!!! Spiderman is not a hero! Hes a fake!!!

Stain: No....He is a hero. He is what this society needs.

Goblin gritted his teeth in anger. Hearing those words.

Green Goblin: To think I wanted to let you join our League of Villains!

Izukus head: Goblin is part of the league of villains? And he tried to recruit Stain?!

Green Goblin: You are obviosuly the one who doesn't understand the word hero. YOU COMPLETE-

He then suddenly stopped talking though when he he saw the look in the Hero killer eyes. It was full of conviction and blood lust. Everyone who saw his gaze could only stand in complete fear.

Stain: This society overgrown with fake heroes... And the criminals who wave their powers around idly... Should all be PURGED!!! So that a perfect society can be possible. If you think you can stop me then go ahead. Just try and stop me you FAKES!!! There is only one person I will let kill me................


The sound of a knife droping to the ground is what snapped everyone out of it. Seeing Stain standing while passed out and out cold. While everyone was still recovering and getting their grips. Goblin took this chance to escape. Calling his glider to him making it let go of the wire.

Green Goblin: You watch your back spiderman! You have only post poned your demise a little bit longer.

With those final words the Goblin flew away into the night sky.

Spiderman: ....I'll be waiting Goblin.

At the Mutusafa hospital

Inko Midoryia can once again be seen at the hospital working. At the moment she was cleaning up an empty room.

Inko head: The day is almost over. Just 1 more hour and I can clock out, go home, eat some left overs, and go to bed..... *sigh* So I can do it all over again the next day.

As Inko finished up fixing the bed putting the sheets on neatly. She left the room and walked towards the fromt desk office.

Inko: Hm?

When she walked to the desk area she saw multiple nurses, doctors, and staff crowded around looking up at a TV screen.

Inko: Whats going on here?

Then the blond elf nurse from before pointed towards the TV screen.

Elf Nurse: Look at the news. Another villian attack.

Inko looked up and watched the screen curious. On the screen a red headed woman with glasses on and held a microphone while flying in a helicopter. The background behind her was a city with a few fires that were big.

Mary Stacey: I'm Mary Stacey reporting live from J.J. news where we give you the facts and just the facts. Just less than 30 minutes ago another all out villian attack occured in Hosu city.

Inko: Hosu city!?!??!

Everyone looked back to see the chubby green hair woman put her hands on her head grabbing her hair stressed with wide eyes at the realization.

Elf nurse: Whats wrong?

Inko: M-My son is there right now! Hes interning as a pro hero!

Inko then heard a staff memeber in the crowd mention.

Staff member: Oh wow. So hes right there in the action.

Which did not help Inko at all.

Inko: ...Oh my god!

Inko continued watching the news glued to it. Feeing her stress level sky rocket.

Mary Stacey: Its not confirmed who or what is behind the attack. However they are armed with monster which the police have classified as Nomus. They seem to have multiple quirks and are highly dangerous.

The screen then showed as one monster threw a truck at a gas station blowing it to sky high. Then right after wards it breathed in the fire and spat it out in a circle towards other pro heroes on the scene.

Inko head: M-my s-son is near THAT?!?!?!

Inko friend started to notice the worried and stressed look Inko was having. She put a hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down.

Elf Nurse: Hey Izuku is gonna be fine-

Inko: How is he gonna be fine!!!??? How is ANY of this fine! My s-son is out god knows where and h-he is in the same city as those...t-those MONSTERS! I mean-

Inko than started to hyperventilate finding it harder to breath. She then also started to grab hold of her arm in pain.

Inko: *breath* *breath* Ow......ow....Ow

Elf Nurse: Whats wrong? Inko?

Inko: My arm. It suddenly hurts-

She then began to feel the pain spike and travel from her arm to her chest. Like a sudden electricical neural pain connected from her arm to her heart.

Elf nurse: Midoryia?!

Inko: I dont feel-

She then suddenly collapsed forward with her friend barely catching her so she doesnt hit her head.

Elf Nurse: INKO?!?!?

Inko was in and out of it. Feeling so tired and tense along with sharp pain now connecting to all of her body. Her friend was already trying to help her calling for help.

Elf Nurse: DOCTOR STRANGE! She's going into cardiac arrest! I think she might be having a heart attack.

The Doctor then got down on the floor with Inko gtabbing his stetchosope and applying it to her lungs.

Doctor Strange: I need a crash cart and bed NOW! Her lungs are clear and she has an irregular heart beat.

The doctor then yelled out frusterated.


The last thing Inko could see was the white ceiling tiles and her friend trying to reassure her looking down at her as she herself laid on the floor.

Elf Nurse: Dont worry your gonna be ok... I got you.

......what the fuck is it with me and making Inko suffer. Like oh my god im just now realizing this. MHA wolverine fan fic. I made Inko get in a car accident and have to watch her son be kidnapped right in front of her. In my MHA x Full metal fan fic. I made Inko get cancer and slowly die as her son watched. In my Iron Deku fan fic Inko dies in a car crash. Like I'm doing this becuase Izuku needs character development but at the same time. Is there something wrong with me?!?!?!

I had super fun time writting this. Ive been looking forward to this Ilda/Spiderman arc as I felt there was so much similarity between the 2. Ive been waiting quite literally 2 years JUST to write that spiderman speech he gives to Ilda.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed reading this. If you lioed it leave a vote. If you have something to say please leave a comment. And as always I hope you enjoyed...............OKBYE.

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