Chapter XXVI: Breakthrough

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November 30 2020

The Police along with Roxxon Security were at Horizon University as they began asking everyone questions about the incident. Gionna has been calling and texting Desmond for two hours but he still hasn't responded to her. The Group were asking the police some questions as they were still investigating the matter. Gionna continued to call Desmond until she received a phone call from an unknown number as she answered it.

Gionna: Hello?

Otto: Gionna, This is Otto-

Gionna: Is Desmond answering your calls or messages?

Otto: Not at all. I'm worried about him, Is he okay?

Gionna: I don't know where he is.

Otto: Oh God.

Gionna: Hold on, I'll call you back if the police tell me anything.

Otto: Please do Gionna.

Gionna disconnected the phone call as she looked at the police and Roxxon Security investigating the University as she was holding her forehead.

Gionna: Please be alright Desmond.

Meanwhile Desmond was at the Sewers as he rappled down as he looked around the Sewers.

Desmond saw multiple tunnels as he sighed to himself as he was thinking of a plan.

Desmond: Too many tunnels. At this rate, I won't be able to find and stop Conners. Maybe I should thinking like a Spider.

Desmond began shooting multiple web lines on the tunnels as he continued shooting more on the other tunnels ahead.

Desmond continued firing more web lines around the tunnels as he was looking to see if he missed any more tunnels until he fired three more web lines as he was looking around in the Sewers.

Desmond: All I gotta do is play the waiting game.

Desmond heard his phone ringing as he saw the Caller ID and It was Gionna as he looked around in the Sewers until he answered the call as she screamed at him.

Gionna: Oh my God, Desmond. Are you okay?!?!?

Desmond: I'm fine, Don't worry Liv.

Gionna: Don't worry? You scared the living crap out of me. I was so worried about you.

Desmond: I'm sorry Liv, I didn't mean to worry you, I got lost in the crowd.

Gionna: Where are you? I want to meet you.

Desmond: Gionna-

Desmond began looking around as multiple weblines began vibrating as his spider sense was going off like crazy.

Gionna: Hello? Can you hear me?

Desmond didn't responded to Gionna as more weblines continued to vibrate as His Spider Sense continues to warn him about a danger nearby.

Gionna: Desmond, What happened?

Desmond saw a shadow in the tunnel as he was waiting for the figure to show itself until he saw what it was.

Desmond sighed in relief as he saw a small lizard crawling on the webline as he spoke to Gionna.

Desmond: Sorry Gionna, Network issues. Look I'll talk to you tonight, I need to meet Otto and Rosie first.

Gionna: Okay, Take care Love.

Desmond: *Disconnects Phone Call* You too Love.

Desmond sighed to himself until he noticed more lizards were crawling on the weblines as he was looking at them.

Desmond was watching the lizards as they were all moving towards one tunnel as he decided to follow them. Desmond was inside the tunnel as he was following the lizards but unknown to him.....

His Spider Senses were alerting him of a danger as he turned around and then....

(Pretend there is no camera)

Conners was choking Desmond as he began kicking the monster but Conners used his claws and slashed Desmond on his chest.

The Lizard: Now For The Itsy Bitsy Spider to be eaten by The Lizard.

Conners was gonna bite him until Desmond punched him in the face and then....

Desmond and Conners continued battling each other until they were at the Sewer Chambers as Desmond was holding his chest until The Lizard hit a tail strike but Ketch dodged it and threw a dumpster at Conners.

Conners growled at Desmond as he tried to hit a series of combos at him but he dodged all of them.

Desmond jumped on Conners as he was trying to punch him but Desmond injected the antidote on him.

Conners was screaming at Desmond until his body slowly changed back into his human form as Desmond saw Conners looking at him.

Desmond got up and grabbed Conners as he began interrogating him.

Desmond: No more games, I know The Big Man hired you to kill Rio and Simon but that failed, So he sent you to Horizon University to get Miles.

Conners was silent as Desmond was looking at him until he continued talking.

Desmond: Who is The Big Man?

Conners: I don't know who-

Desmond punched him in the face as he was looking at him in the eye.

Desmond: I know he helped you escape the Raft. How much power does he have?

Conners: Power that you can't imagine.

Desmond was looking at him as Conners continued talking to him.

Conners: He's always a step ahead of you. He'll do whatever it takes to takeover New York.

Desmond: I won't let him.

Conners: Good Luck Boy. Let's see you'll stop him.

Desmond punched Conners and webbed him up as he left the Sewers and went to meet someone.

One Hour Later

Desmond was at Scarlett and Daniel's hideout as The She Devil helped stitch up Desmond's wounds as he began talking to them.

Desmond: This Big Man is hell bent in taking over New York and he won't stop until Rio and Simon are dead.

Daniel: Your right about that. Knowing him, He'll form another plan to attack them again.

Scarlett: Any clue behind the identity of The Big Man?

Desmond: No But Conners did said he has power that we can't imagine.

Daniel: Sounds like a Strong Mob Boss.

Scarlett: Right.

Desmond: But The Problem is when is he gonna strike again.

Daniel along with Scarlett and Desmond were thinking about it as Ketch was texting Otto and Rosie that he was alright as They were relieved about it until Desmond heard campaign cars driving around as he was listening to it until a thought hit his head.

Desmond: Hey Guys, Is any important event happening tomorrow or day after tomorrow?

Scarlett: On December 4, Rio Morales is holding a speech in City Hall and-

Daniel: The Big Man is gonna strike there.

Desmond: I need to keep a lookout.

Daniel: You need to be careful, You almost died back in the Sewers.

Desmond: I'll be fine.

Scarlett: Desmond. . . . . .

Desmond stared at Scarlett and Daniel confused as they both sighed and spoke to him.

Scarlett: I'm worried about you. Death is approaching you.

Daniel: That's why we're going with you at the conference.

Desmond: Don't worry about me, I'll be okay. If I need anything, I'll let you guys know.

Scarlett: But-

Daniel: Its okay Scarlett but Remember Kid, If There's any trouble. Let us know.

Meanwhile in a warehouse The Big Man was smoking a cigar as he was looking at today's news until a thug spoke to him.

Thug: Boss, Conners failed yet again.

Unknown: Why am I not surprised?

Thug: Its that New Spider Man, He's interfering with our plans and-

Unknown: Don't worry, The Big Man always has a backup plan.

The Thug nodded at him as he was gonna walk away until He spoke to him.

Unknown: Also Call-

Suddenly both of them heard footsteps as they turned around and saw who it was.

Unknown: Speak of the devil, Here you are.

Sable: I heard what the new spider man is doing and-

Unknown: And I think you know my next move.

Sable: Yes, I know your next move.

Unknown: Let's see how he can stop us now.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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