Chapter 30

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Eliphas could tell that the council wanted him to take care of the "Don Thousand" issue as soon as possible. He could tell that every moment spent getting Don to ease back into the connection made the council antsy. They knew the stakes, after all. But he didn't rush in like they wanted him to. If he wanted to enter Etheria safely, he had to make sure that Don wouldn't lash out like a scared animal. This would take time.

Settling down on the floor of his living room, he once again closed his eyes. He breathed until his focus was completely inward. The wards around his home flashed on almost without thought as he sank deeper and deeper in his calmed, thoughtless state. He slowly opened the connection.

Don? he called. Are you there?

There wasn't a response for a while. Don's mind was sluggishly slow; it was concerning. Little by little, though, it grew sharper, more aware. And it grew angrier.


Sadness overtook Eliphas. After yesterday's confrontation, he didn't really expect anything different, but he was still disappointed. Unfortunately, Don Thousand picked this up.

Don't need you, he hissed. Even in thoughts, his words slurred. Don't need you, don't need anyone, gO AWAY!!

Please, listen to me, Eliphas pleaded. Do you remember the first time we saw each other?

Silence on the other end. It was tense silence, but it was also contemplative silence. This silence grew long, and Eliphas started to worry that somehow, those memories were gone. Don's mind wasn't in the best shape, after all. It shouldn't have been surprising, and yet Eliphas found himself depressingly surprised.

And then, a whispered Yes.

Eliphas breathed a sigh of relief. Do you remember what happened?

The next answer was a little more encouraging. We named each other. Who...?

You are Don Thousand. Do you know who I am?

Don Thousand... It was like he was testing his name, like he was hearing it for the first time.

Yes, Eliphas replied. You're Don Thousand.

A pleasant feeling hummed between them. Eliphas felt a smile tug at his lips, and he could feel the same thing on Don Thousand.

Who are you? Don asked.

Eliphas had to keep from laughing. Why don't you guess? You were the first one to call me by my name.

There was silence on the other end. Eliphas waited, but as the silence stretched on, he feared Don was shutting down again. This was confused silence with a bit of anger thrown in, and that anger was getting bigger and bigger with each passing moment spent in confusion. 

So, with a promise to continue this when Don wasn't so agitated, Eliphas gently closed the connection. It was a much better way to leave than yesterday.


For the next few days, he stayed in his little house. He couldn't afford any distractions, not when dealing with Don Thousand was a delicate process. Eliphas kept trying to get Don to remember his name at least, but so far, it wasn't working. The clock was ticking. The council was getting anxious. He wouldn't set foot on Etheria until Don at least knew the name "Eliphas."

He was in the middle of one such session when the wards outside pinged. Like a frightened animal, Don Thousand shied away.

Hush, my dear, Eliphas whispered through their link. It's nothing. I'll go see, if it makes you feel better.

He opened his eyes, stood up slowly, and stretched out his stiff joints. "Who is it?" he called loudly.

"Gemma," came the reply. "You've been stuck inside all day for the past week! How about you join me?"

He felt a surge of jealousy from Don Thousand. He soothed that jealousy away. "I'm a little busy, Gemma. I have something important to do."

Eliphas felt her trying to open the door. The wards kept the door locked, but still she yanked on the door. "Come on, Eliphas! Only one day!"

"I'm sorry, Gemma. I can't." He placed a muffling spell on top of his wards and within the house. Complete silence now reigned.

There. The distraction is gone. You don't need to be so worried.

You'll leave, Don replied. His tone wasn't very angry. He sounded more resigned. Eliphas didn't know if that was a good thing or bad thing. On one hand, it meant it would be safer for him to settle down in Etheria. On the other, well...Eliphas just didn't like the image of his Don Thousand--the one who recklessly cut down trees until told otherwise, the one intent on getting back at Neuro and the people of this world, the one who felt emotions so intensely it hurt--feeling something akin to numbness and sad acceptance. 

I won't, he assured. 

You left last time.

I won't this time.

The next question was asked in a voice so small, Eliphas briefly wondered if his Don was a child somehow. Promise?

Eliphas had to swallow the lump that formed in his throat. I promise.


The next day, a jumble of frequencies bumped into the wards, causing them to flash. Eliphas huffed. It was early morning--what could the council possibly want?

He got up with a restrained groan and stumbled to the door. He opened it and was met with the stubborn gaze of Gemma. This time, a groan did escape.

"What is it, Gemma?" he complained. "I know I've been away, but this is important."

"More important than making sure you're alive?" Gemma countered. "Eliphas, I know what you're doing. As your fellow worker and friend, I feel like it's my duty to make sure you're safe."

"I'm as safe as I can be."

"With your own mind?"

Eliphas smiled grimly. "Believe me, I've spent more time by myself than you would believe."

"But not recently." She held out her hand. "Come with me. Take a break from isolation, and then you can lock yourself away for as long as you want."

He could have taken her hand. He thought he probably should. But in the back of his mind, he wondered what Don would think about him spending time with someone other than him. His mind was such a toxic place right now--it probably wasn't a good idea. So, he slowly shook his head. "The situation right now is delicate."

Gemma waited a few beats expectantly. When he didn't answer, she crossed her arms. Eliphas nearly groaned again; he knew that stance. There was no way she was leaving without him answering whatever question came next. "Gonna elaborate?"

Eliphas considered it. He considered not doing it. In the end, he opened his door further. "Come inside."

Smiling widely, she entered the house. They both settled in the living room, sitting across from each other. Eliphas was silent for a moment. Gemma opened her mouth to speak, but he held up his hand to silence her.

"I'm one half of one being. I want you to think about the implications of that."

It was a clear struggle to keep herself from demanding him to just cut to the chase. Eliphas could see that in the way she squirmed in her seat, but she did as he asked. There was nothing but silence for a few minutes. During those minutes, Eliphas checked the connection to make sure Don wasn't awake yet. He was afraid of the backlash he would get if Gemma was still here.

Finally, Gemma looked up. "I don't get it," was her oh-so eloquent answer.

Eliphas smiled slightly. "No, I shouldn't have expected you to understand." With one last check, he started explaining. "Don Thousand and I call each other brothers, but the more accurate term would be 'components' or 'counterparts.' We're two parts of one being, someone named Ambrose. As such, we've been together for as long as we've been alive. This is the first time we've been truly separate."

Gemma's eyes turned sympathetic. "I'm guessing Don Thousand isn't taking this isolation well."

Eliphas shook his head. "He's always been more sensitive than I. He feels so much more intensely than I ever could, even at my angriest. It's no wonder he's worse off than I am."

"Is that why he's being a scary guard dog to Etheria?"

He grimaced. The name "Don Thousand" was circulating now, and people were starting to get an idea of what he was like now. Eliphas really wished he could have introduced them when Don was at his best (his funniest, his most charming, his most endearing), but he couldn't exactly control circumstances. "I know in this timeline, he's nothing more than a cautionary tale, something parents warn their children about and someone brave and foolish adolescents dare each other to cross. But he's much more than a 'scary guard dog.' I wish you could have seen him at his best." He sighed. "But right now I have to deal with his current mental state, and we all know what that is right now. I'm going to retrieve him, and we're going to go back to being Ambrose. That way, we can be together."

Gemma's brow furrowed, and her lips pinched together a bit. "What does that mean for us?"

"It shouldn't bring any change. I will have the majority of control. If anything, I will be far less stoic." This brought a giggle from Gemma, which made Eliphas smile.

"Well, anything I need to do to help?" She was smiling, and her eyes were alight. Eliphas knew this look well, too. It was the look she gave when she volunteered to fix the city's precious clock tower. She was willing to help, and nothing would shake her. Honestly, Eliphas liked the fact that Clockwork's hardy nature didn't change at all.

"Nothing except for quiet."

"I'll make sure the council doesn't bother you, then. They've been getting antsy."

Eliphas sighed. "I noticed."

"I'll do what I can." Gemma stood up almost as soon as Eliphas could feel Don waking up. "I'll see you soon."

He smiled tightly. "The next time I see you, my name will be Ambrose."

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