Chapter 34

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A/N: I've decided to post the remaining four chapters because I'm impatient and why not? XD Enjoy!

The temple still had the mirrored hallways and the same rooms, but that was about all that was the same. The walls were as straight as ever, but even so, his reflection was distorted like a fun house mirror room. But there was nothing fun about this; it was only eerie. Some walls, the ones closest to the outside world, had holes punched into them. They weren't low enough to allow anyone to climb through, but they were low enough to allow Eliphas to see what was going on outside, and honestly, he didn't want to see. So, he kept his gaze straight ahead and tried to follow Don's energy.

He could still hear screaming and moaning outside, though.

The first place he checked was the center room. No Don.

He checked the cocoon rooms next to the center room. No Don.

Well, the only other interesting place in the temple was the pool with the strange waterfall, but oddly enough, Eliphas couldn't feel Don's energy coming from there. If anything, he felt it further away from the pool. It didn't make sense. The other halls and rooms were empty and dull. That couldn't be good.

So, Eliphas started making his way through the maze of halls, sometimes backtracking and sometimes heading into dead ends. But he didn't stop making his way through the halls, he didn't dare stop walking to take a break. Every moment he came to a dead end, every moment he had to backtrack, every moment he lingered was another moment taken where he could have been closer to Don. Now that he was this close, he couldn't contain the urge to just be beside him. It was an unstoppable instinct, a need. And right now, that need was unfulfilled. That needed fixing.

The hall he was walking down was a long one, and it seemed to be running across the outside of the temple. This hall, like so many others, was lined with punched-in windows, shattered glass on the floor, and the sounds of pained moans coming in from the outside. That was where Eliphas found Don Thousand.

He could feel his cold heart break.

Staring listlessly up at the ceiling, Don Thousand was sitting against one windowed wall, expression empty of any emotion. Eliphas couldn't reconcile what he saw in front of him with the Don Thousand he knew before. The last time he saw Don, his face was more expressive. Angry, yes, and apologetic. Maybe even a little sad. But he wasn't so...empty.

"Don?" Eliphas whispered, and that whisper was enough to make his Don flinch.

Slowly, as if he couldn't believe his ears, Don Thousand turned to look at Eliphas. His eyes were wide and shining with unshed tears, his mouth hanging open in disbelief. "Eliphas?" he whispered brokenly.

Now that they were close--so, so close now!--Eliphas could feel the utter relief flooding from Don through their connection, which was now wide open whether they wanted it or not. And oh, how he missed this! This feeling of wholeness, of being complete, it made Eliphas want to close his eyes and bask in how right this was. But he couldn't, not yet. No, he had to make sure Don was okay, so he shook himself back to reality and walked carefully up to his other half, his missing half. He knelt down and took one dark, limp hand in his own bright ones.

"I'm here," he whispered. "And I'm sorry."

As if a switch flicked in him, Don Thousand threw his arms around Eliphas, shuddering and sobbing silently. Eliphas just held him and didn't say anything. He could feel the outpour of grief and relief, and he honestly just felt better feeling emotions that weren't his own. This was good. This was right.

"How about we go back, huh?" Eliphas suggested. "We can go back to the forest, and we can have the world like when we first woke up. How does that sound?"

Don didn't say anything verbally. He didn't even nod. However, he made his feelings quite known with the rush of "pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease" being whispered through the connection, followed by desperate images of an Etheria long since passed. A lump formed in Eliphas's throat. He wanted that, too.

"Okay, but we need to fuse again. I don't know where the Numeron Code is right now."

But when they tried, they couldn't seem to meld back into that single being. Eliphas was stumped, but Don Thousand seemed distressed. He wriggled his way out of Eliphas's arms with an expression so betrayed that it made Eliphas feel horrible.

"You still reject me," Don Thousand said coldly. His wide, tear-filled eyes narrowed in anger. "You still don't want me!"

Eliphas vehemently shook his head. "No, Don, it's not that!" he insisted. "I don't know what it is, but we'll figure it out, okay?" When Don didn't respond, Eliphas gently and cautiously took one of Don's hands in his own. "Okay?"

Don Thousand still looked at Eliphas with those blazing eyes, but the fire was gone all too soon. The listless gaze was back, and with it he slumped forward with his forehead resting on Eliphas's shoulder. He mumbled something, but Eliphas heard him loud and clear.

"Please don't leave."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Eliphas slowly nodded. "I'm not going anywhere."

He thought about where they could go to recover in peace. Clockwork was his first thought, but he discarded it. The people would know him, and he would be pestered to work. He needed all his time for Don.

Maybe Wintra? No, after their last experience there, Eliphas didn't think Don would be all too willing to go.

Neuro was definitely off the table.

Staying in Etheria wasn't an option.

That left Muspel. It was hot, what with its many volcanoes and tectonic activity, and the people were a lively bunch. But maybe they could make it work. Eliphas could find a hidden cave for them to stay in, he could help Don recover somewhat, and all would be good. Right?

"How do you feel about going to Muspel?" Eliphas asked softly.

Don Thousand shifted slightly. "Why Muspel?" His voice was soft, barely above a whisper, but at least he sounded more put-together. Less broken. Already, Eliphas could feel their connection healing Don Thousand's broken spirit, though it would take time to heal fully. No doubt if he were any other citizen in this world, he wouldn't be healing this quickly.

"We haven't been there in a while, and right now they're separate from the other countries. It wouldn't be a bad place to settle."

But Don shook his head. "Not Muspel." He pulled away just far enough to look Eliphas in the eyes. "I want to go to Wintra. See the snow."

Eliphas furrowed his brow. "Are you sure? The last time we were there, things weren't exactly well."

"Last time, we changed things. I want to see the snow."

Eliphas nodded. "Alright. Hold onto me."


With the stress of rescuing parents out of the way, Wintra wasn't a bad place to visit. Once again, they landed outside any city or town. Now that they were free to do what they wanted, Don and Eliphas took the time to marvel at the snow. Their situation seemed so far in the past even though it was only a few hours ago that they were separated. They made themselves an igloo and made themselves at home.


It didn't take long for them to be able to form Ambrose again--only a few days to resynchronize to each other's energy.

If anyone saw a flash of light, they assumed it was just the sun glaring off the snow.


Too close too far goawaygoawaygo--

Don't leave--


I'm here.


It felt wrong, so so wrong, but it felt right and we--I--he--





Cold. was cold. My--our?--hand was buried in snow.



Yes, Wintra.


I want to see the snow.

Yes. I want to see the snow.

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