Chapter 6

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It was dark again. The same card, disassembling and reassembling, floated as usual, but it was being seen from two perspectives this time. The two sets of eyes, both dual colored, looked at one another in confusion and love. They knew who they were together, but who were they when they were separated? They didn't know. All they knew was that they wanted to be together again, yet they couldn't move an inch. 

One of the beings, known as the "rebellious voice," was a cool black in color with even darker plates on his shoulders and arms. The plating on his arms reached down to the tops of his hands, covering them like built-in gauntlets. On top of the "gauntlets," large, red oval gems sat. The same plating formed a flared skirt. His body was covered in red markings and gems, and on the center of his chest was a red oval gem, surrounded by a purple emblem. On his forehead was a maroon eye, and his left and right eye were red and blue, respectively. His blond hair flowed down to his feet, and his red bangs were almost as long. He was clearly the darkness.

The other one, the "cautious voice," was blue in color with golden hair that reached down to his shoulders and gold and blue armor. His markings were golden, and his right and left eyes were blue and gold, respectively. His blue gauntlets held a large blue oval gem right on top of his hands. Unlike his reflection, his armor was not built-in. He wore a cape as long as the darkness's hair, and his own armor formed a thick plated skirt around his waist with enough room between plated for his armored legs. Beneath his armor, he wore a comfortable cotton undershirt and leggings. He was the light.

"Two parts of the same whole," the card whispered. "Two parts with no name, aside from the joined name Ambrose. What would you wish to call one another? It would be easier to address you as something other than 'darkness' and 'light.' "

The darkness and light didn't say a word and soundlessly thought of a name for one another. Their shared thoughts mingled in no discernible fashion, but they understood one another. In what seemed like a few seconds, but what was really a few hours in real time, they spoke up.

The darkness said, "Eliphas."

The light likewise said, "Don Thousand."

"You named one another instead of yourselves? How polite." The card seemed to pulse in joy. "Now, for the reason 'Ambrose' has been separated into 'Eliphas' and 'Don Thousand.' You wish to change something, do you not?"

The two halves spoke together, as if they did not know how to speak independent of one another. "I don't want to be someone the people worship."

"Exactly that. I am the Numeron Code. I can change the events of time, if you so choose. I can completely rewrite history, or I can take you all the way back in time. You do wish for the forest to return to normal, do you not?"

"Yes," said Don Thousand.

"No," said Eliphas.

They glanced at one another, challenging the other to argue and make his point. The card would not let them, though.

"That is the overall wish I sense in you. 'I don't want to be worshiped; I want the forest to be normal again.' I can do this for you, if you go back far enough."

Eliphas and Don Thousand turned their gazes from one another to the card and back to one another. Was this something they wanted? If they went back far enough, the people they'd come to know and love would be gone.

But they may come back, Don Thousand argued.

But would they be the same? Eliphas retorted.

Perhaps, perhaps not, but it would be nice to have my wish granted.

And if they end up hating me instead of being curious this time? What then?

Then we do it again, or we find somewhere else to live. Maybe somewhere the people would like me.

Live somewhere else?

Yes. I don't like it, but it's either that or turn back time again.

They both nodded and turned back to the card. "We'll turn back time," they said together.

The card—the Numeron Code—pulsed twice and began to shine brightly in the darkness, nearly blinding the two halves. They were forced to cover their eyes as the light washed over every inch of the space.

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