Chapter 5: Looking at a family photo

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{The top pic is everyone that will be in the story for now}

Rudy POV (my mother)

It was now 7:00 pm. Mike already put the kids to bed and the twins in the crib. I was cleaning a closet when a old photo album drop out of the closet. "Huh. I don't remember this one" I said as I picked it up. "Oh! It's our wedding pictures!" I said smiling. I looked through them and noticed one picture of me and Mike sitting on the ground with a little puppy. "Aw..I Miss bones. " I said as I closed the photo album. I walked up to my bedroom where Mike was laying down on the bed. After a while I heard whispering and I woke up. "WHOS THERE?!" I said as I grabbed a sword. I looked around the house, no one was around. I went back to bed.
Sorry it's short but I'm trying to get another chapter of Love Dies

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