the one you love

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While Ross  played with toy  his professor oak said " will Ross you do love play with your little ball " " hey oak we need to buy Ross a gift because  his birthday is today so let Ross play with his toy and and buy more food " said Nass "OK let go " " hey John were going to the store so can you see Ross for ok?" "sure oak as will you buy those chips" " find by me let go Nass " " ok" so they went to the store "hey let buy this for Ross " " a scarf " " yeah it will look cool on him and a glasses" " ok then" so they go back home and get a cake for Ross and said happy birthday for and he was so happy and cred at the same time " open my gift it cool" so Ross use this teeth and open the box and they was a scarf and glasses " do you like it" said oak and Nass  Ross was with a big smile " wow he do like his gift  hey open my gift  you will like it " so Ross open John gift and they was a big ball so Ross bite the ball " see I know he will like the ball " then they was a knock ate the Door " who is it? " there was no answer but a other knock are the door  so oak open the door and a guy push oak ate the door way "hey that professor oak what the big deal " "were here for that Eevee he is the one that were are looking for " " no way he is ares so go and find a other Eevee and do what you want to do with that Eevee " " they no longer is your Pokemon get her" " hey get off me!" " you stay there " John gave that prison a puch and said " Ross run now don't come back until we get you" " hey there little buddy get  over here" Ross thinks fast so he  bit him very hard "ahh you little sh##"  so Ross run  for this life he  did not look back but he hear a scram  he just keep run until he got out of the place  and just sat there and cry with this  new scarf and glasses sat there and fall a sleep.  "Hey boss the little eevee escape  from us we can not get him" " you fail me now you must  die " " please boss don't do his I have a wife and ki..."     his guts  fall out  very slowly down "boss please help me
..." " you fail your boss "
" so boss what  will we do with that Eevee " " will wait until he come back" " he will come back I know he will come back" " hey boss what  are we going do with the professor" " just kill oak and nass   but not john that I think that little  Pokemon " " wait don't do  this" " ready" " PLEASE DO NOT KILL ME PLEASE !!"  " FIRE"  loud gun shoot heard from the  in Forest  " what was that" said ross " just the Froakie can I kill them" said Sam " Sam remember what Oak said if I let you kill You  Overkill" "but it fun to kill don't tell me you do not like to kill?" " ever everybody oak , nass , John he was like he saw death in front of him" " don't let your power  go a way" " Sam just go to sleep "
" ok ok well good night Ross"
" HOW COULD YOU KILL MY FRIENDS  "said John "your welcome" "I GOING TO KILL YOU ONCE I FREE OF THIS CHAINS ON MY ARM"  grab on this shirt really tight " go to sleep my friend" " # scary voice# what do you have on your arm" " a needle don't worry it not going hurt ate all " " don't you dare" "don't I what? " stab the needle very hard in his chest" ahhhh" "shhh it ok go to sleep my friend."

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